Why the World is so Screwed up - And what YOU can REALLY do about it (Taking Back your power - REAL SOLUTIONS!!!)

in #awakened8 years ago (edited)


Hi Folks, I'm Dario and I am new to Steemit!

I am a Comic Writer / Artist... and I am on my road to become also an Entrepreneur, Public Speaker and Healer.
So... What do I know about "Why the World is so Screwed up - and why do I have a Solutions for you?" you might ask?

Well let me tell me a little about myself:
I grew up with Asthma, Dermatitis, my Father died when I was 6 Years old, I was raised by a single mom, and was the greatest Nerd you can think of in my teen years. When I was 20 years old I was as unhappy as a Kid could be:
Phyisically unhealty, Unattractive to the Opposite Sex, I did not follow my Passion and did pretty much nothing, and i did not be who I always wanted to be... (After School i was hardcore disappointed in life, i didn't dream of becoming this depressed looser guy... and I DIDN'T know the way out!)
Then 2010 I was in love with a sweet girl... but I tried to be more than I was... and so she turned me down, after initially liking me. I was broken... and a Cool friend showed up at my door, and introduced me to the "Pick Up Community"... (Guys were taught how to "Pick UP" girls.... little did i know that this was the first step of a Spiritual Journey to myself in which I found out, what was wrong with me.... and THE WORLD WE LIVE IN!!!!)


  1. You put yourself First!
    You are the Hero of your own Movie! Not your Parents, Not Society, Not the Boy or the Girl that is your Love intrest! This is a hard lesson, but if you think you have to be someone you are not, and sacrifice your life, time, money on something or someone you don't really love.... DROP IT! And start doing what you love! Our Parents and Society tried best? Well, .... yes and no. You have Dreams... or at least once had dreams! If you settle for less, you will not be happy with what is, or will live a life that was given to you. My Mother wanted me to be a typical GOOD GUY, who has a GOOD JOB, a HOME, a WIFE 2 CHILDREN.... and here I am, a Comic Artist that owns nothing more than his Pens, and a Laptop, and tries to build his Dreamlife. Sure she wanted me to be happy, but If I would have lived the life my Mother and Society wanted me to live i would have been DEAD a long time ago (not Kidding....we will see why!)

  2. Go vegan, try fasting and food combining!
    I was always an ILL SKINNY FAT guy, with ASTHMA and DERMATITIS.... this sucked, always. That'S the WAY the World is? Right? ---- WRONG!!!! When i was 20 Years old, i had enough of the BullSHIT that was my life. While other people seemed to have it all, i was miserable... and I really didn't know what to do about. NOBODY had thought me... all I was told was: "Go to school, study, work hard, eat alot if you want to get big and buffed" I startet to Workout to get girls, ate a lot of cheese and Milk and Chicken... and my Dermatitis and Asthma and Fat grew. I don't have to go into every detail of my (long and painfull) Journey but this is what happend:
    I Stopped consuming Dairy Products, Meat and Refined Sugars and my Dermatitis, after 27 years, went away forever.
    After Ten years of eating 6 meals a day to grow strong and big, I got weaker and tired,...my blood results were bad so I got on Food Combining: (Fruits only alone and on an empty stomach, carbs and protein where now consumed and digested differently, and i got more Power, Strenght and clarity of mind. (check outJeff Berwick http://bit.ly/2sTD0dq or others on that topic). You're body is like a racecar.... its very smart and designed well... you dont need to refuel it all the time- It'S made for RACING! TRY the benefits of Fasting! (Check out Tim Ferris or John Rose - http://bit.ly/2tWKRGA )
    (Well I tell you...sometimes i want to eat just to have a stress relief!)

Try VEGAN....the TRUTH IS, your BODY is a temple! It holds your Emotions, your Spirit and Mind... Would you put something else than the best FUEL into YOUR CAR?
Well, than... treat your body the right way. You want to live that DREAM LIFE of yours. Have the Power and Clearity to do so! Raising Animals to kill them is a real mess... I didn't go Vegan for a loooong time, but I had to learn the
hard way.... also I would not like to be treated that way. (The LAW of ATTRACTION is always with you^^) (Check out VEGAN GAINS, Montreal Healthy Girl, and alot of others... http://bit.ly/2tZXhNF ). And don't get me wrong.... don't go Vegan within days.... transition to everything you want to adapt in your life very smoothly, but consistent!


  1. Speak always YOUR TRUTH and follow your INTUITION!
    We live in the Emotional Dark AGE, and we all have an Internal Compass called Intuition. follow your bliss! ...Yupp this is your Intuition. It sits in your Gut and If you ask it, what's the right thing to do, I will always tell you what is TRUE to you! In the times we live speaking or knowing your own truth has gotten hard... but it is this why the World is in such bad Shape and getting worse. How could you pollute Land and not care? Only if you Belive what others tell you what YOUR TRUTH IS.... you are on your way to a bad life. We all get victimized in this life, but it is important to be honest and know what you truly want for yourself and others. It is finding what is true for you and acting on it... it involves often Healing, Loving and building great stuff.... it is ofthen the unifying force that is the RIGHT and much HARDER WAY (because everybody is so affraid of speaking their truth, and showing how vulnerable they are... Welcome to World Politics^^)

  2. Single parent households / monogamy....this is a big one!
    So we think the NUCLEAR FAMILY is and was always everything there was. A Man falls in love with a Woman and they create togheter a Family. But what happens when Father or Mother dies or the burden of raising Children gets to big. Everybody Suffers.... The Parents the Childrens. Now Imagine, you were raised in a Tribe. Yes your head your Father and Mother and Siblings, but you had also other Fathers and Uncles, Mothers, who shared resposibility, Time and joy with you. After my Father Died it got extra hard for my mother. She had to raise two children and I guess she didn't want to bring another Man into the life of our Family. The other parts of the Family tried to help out as much as they could, but they had their OWN PROBLEMS of raising their Children and caring for themselves. I guess we see Monogamy and The Fahter, Mother, Child Thing as the only model, not realizing that there are maybe other models of living togheter, raising childring and providing for each other. And so everybody tries to be a lone soldier...and when we fail to complete our tasks, we turn to money and buy Services, instead of cultivating and relying on each other. DEVIDE AND CONQUER they say....^^, I say Unite and Love. Go check out the Book "Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan" or what Teal Swan has to say about Intentional Communities ( http://bit.ly/2tDn0tf )

  3. Live your life purpose!
    You have a special Gift.... I could be making Videos about Dophins or Drawing Comics, or Making Great Music or Food, what ever it is.... (Check out this Video by Julien Blanc! Its very Eye Opening: http://bit.ly/2sDZoDp ) You have to find what makes you happy and share that gift. This is what will make you Rich in the long term, bring you much joy and your dream partner into your life. (because you are speaking and living your truth). Check out Gary Vaynerchuck, Keith Ferrazzi.... and tons of good books with this topic (Tim Ferris - The 4 hour Work Week, Gary Vaynerchuck - Crush it, Keith Ferrazzi - Never eat alone... to name a Few)

  4. Community buildind!
    Imagine you could live with your best Friends, and Work with them on Stuff you like? Your Children have always other childeren they can play with? Do you remeber your childhood days? Try to build a great Community of Friends and People who walk with you on the Path of life. Don't do it like some of us do it... sacrife only for your Family/Partner/Children till there is nothing left of you, than when they all leave, the only thing there is the TV, and money... you can't by friends. Open yourself and you will find companions along your journey!

  5. Don't allow toxins in you body!
    You only can allow a Vampire in your house, if you invite it. If you give your power away and believe blindly don't be all hurt when your life turns out Sucking...why do i know this? I WAS and am THAT person! I believed MILK was good for me, healthy and tasty... not knowing that it was contributing to my DERMATITIS and so much Unhappyness in my life (who wants to date a guy who looks completey like a burned horrormonster ???) Hormones, Genetically Modified Food, Alcohol, Refined Suger... Yeah Dario, but you gotta live, everybody does it. Yes, and I wanted to do it also, but A) It's short time Gain, long Term PAin.... sure it'S cool to be on alcohol and fast food, but its less cooler than you think, to worry about your decaying health... i was there... its not cool: "You won't be scared about being dead or gone.... I felt more REGRET of not having lived this precious life... and that feeling was pretty scary!"

  6. Share knowledge that helps other...heal the universe
    This is an open Secret, you have something to give that makes youself and others happy. You don't have to create new content... the most valuable is SHARING YOUR HONEST EXPERIENCE OF LIFE... what you find COOL, and what you FIND UNCOOL! Doing this will propel you on an upward spiral!



  1. Meditate
    Well, i have to be honest... I mostly don't do it, because I think i dont have time for it. And the rest of us has no real Idea of what meditating is... You know that feeling when you hear that favourite song you have and you get goosebumps... or when you are totaly happy doing something you are good at... It can be alot of things... A hot girl looked at me once and told me: "Dario, you have to meditate!" And I did,...because i love beeing with people, things and stuff i find hot or awesome (Comics, and Live Music too...) ....and while i was meditating Reality changed, and I felt Energy... so, Reality was not Really what everybody said it was... and with that realization i knew.... something was up!^^ (Here is Owen Cook on Meditation: http://bit.ly/2twfa6f / or check out Teal Swan on YouTube!)

  2. Dont try to save the world! Save yourself and life a live you love (the Hard Part and a Daily Practice..)
    Yes there is Evil everywhere.... NEWS, War, Refugees, You dont have what you think you need. Dont waste your time on that! Focus on the Positive stuff in your life (i screw this up daily, but i am getting better^^) I dont say you ignore the suffering... but as much as you can. Try to love and learn from the suffering, don't force your views and good intentions on others - MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS Everybody learns his own lessons.... but be always there to help, and don't beat yourself up to hard, ask for help, Friends or the Universe.... John Rose sums it up pretty Well: http://bit.ly/2tWVUQ6


And dont forget the music....do things you REALLY ENJOY!
A Happy Body is a Healthy Body... and that is the Art of Living!
Find out what makes you happy, and how you and others can make you Happy!
(This is something Society programmed us all wrong.... you can bake the cake and eat it to!)
Practice, Babysteps, Find the good in every lesson and enyjoy!