What is Avatar , NeitherPia and Avatarana means ?

in #avatar5 years ago

Why AKA show up on Google Search :

AKA is Community-Driven Platform that aims Together with Community putting People first.
Build your Avatar into NeitherPia and begin your Avatarana.

So what exactly Avatar , NeitherPia and Avatarana means ?

We will go with 2 Way Interpretation

First Existed Interpretation :

A. Avatar :

1 : the incarnation of a Hindu deity (such as Vishnu)

2.a : an incarnation in human form

2.b : an embodiment (as of a concept or philosophy) often in a person

3 : variant phase or version of a continuing basic entity

4 : an electronic image that represents and may be manipulated by a computer user (as in a game)

( Source )

Avatar literally means "descent, alight, to make one's appearance",[3] and refers to the embodiment of the essence of a superhuman being or a deity in another form.[22] The word also implies "to overcome, to remove, to bring down, to cross something".[3] In Hindu traditions, the "crossing or coming down" is symbolism, states Daniel Bassuk, of the divine descent from "eternity into the temporal realm, from unconditioned to the conditioned, from infinitude to finitude".[5] An avatar, states Justin Edwards Abbott, is a saguna (with form, attributes) embodiment of the nirguna Brahman or Atman (soul).[24]

( Source )

B. NeitherPia : N/A

C. Avatarana :

Neither the Vedas nor the Principal Upanishads ever mention the word avatar as a noun.[5] The verb roots and form, such as avatarana, do appear in ancient post-Vedic Hindu texts, but as "action of descending", but not as an incarnated person (avatara).[25] The related verb avatarana is, states Paul Hacker, used with double meaning, one as action of the divine descending, another as "laying down the burden of man" suffering from the forces of evil.[25]

( Source )

The word avatar is derived from another word 'avatarana' ¬ to come down. This word is commonly associated with Vishnu, the preserver of the cosmos. From his abode, Vaikuntha, Vishnu watches over the world. And from time to time he descends either as animal or human to set things right.

( Source btw this link is must read article and you will find what is exactly Avatar means and how Avatar differs from Super Hero )

Second AKA Interpretation :

A. Avatar :

Entity Manifestation

B. NeitherPia :

“ Neutral Land “ Neither Utopia Nor Dystopia

C. Avatarana :

Action of Entity Manifestation

Conclusion :

People manifest themselves as a Cyber Entities into NeitherPia , the neutral land for new beginning.

To get involved in the Society and Collaborate together for a better World

Avatarana will leads them to Utopia , Dystopia and NeitherPia.

At AKA nobody have rights to overjudge other for beings Utopian / Dystopian / NeitherPian or even becomes a UniPian.

Because all of these are Human Nature and at least we are ever being as one of these on ours Life's Journey.

At AKA We Believe and Cherish Diversity.

Additional Note :

In the journey of life most people are formed into the person who is wanted by others or social norms and contrary to their true identity.

AKA giving an opportunity for people to be able to redeem or achieve their dreams in an anonymous / pseudonymous or original form, which if in the real world there will be social pressure does not apply to the world of NeitherPia.

At AKA everyone's free to join any faction without any sense of exclusion, if someone cant’t find their faction in the ecosystems, they are welcome to create own faction, do not be transfixed to the number of communities but it would be better manifested in the benefits that would be created with that faction.

We are unique and different from each other and that will enrich our diversity ecosystems.

#Avatar #Avatara #Avatarana #NeitherPia #Utopia #Dystopia #NeitherPian #Utopian #Dystopian #UniPian #Community #Trust #AKA #AKACommunity #AKACoin