My youngest nephew is HF. Loud noises, certain feels, and shirt tags are his thing. Have several friends with varying degrees of autistic kids - like you said, you meet one kid with autism, you've met one kid with autism. My friend's daughter loves to paint. One time we went to JoAnn Fabrics to get some stuff to gussie up a lamp, and Kaylianne vanished in the 2 seconds that Becky was looking at stuff and I was off in another aisle. She found her covered head to toe in the paint aisle. Thankfully, K didn't wander outside. This event led me to start a non-profit that sent free art supplies to families with kids on the spectrum. Didn't work out due to lack of support and participation. :( I was able to help a handful of families though, and that makes it worth it to me.
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us, @inertia ;)