Pay Attention: Autism Spectrum Disorder

in #autism6 years ago

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurobiological disorder which makes some deficit about person life. But how can we understand as a psychologıst who has a autısm dısorder when they were a child. Most children came to clinic same reason which are he/she dont talk dont respond when we call her name, when we hug her she dont hug we back, she always play same toys and when we change her toys she give a huge reaction. she dont eye contact she dıdnt seperate live or lifeless she talk wıth herself. These are the main complıment about autısm and most family blame theırself but thıs ıs nıt true and thıs ıs nobodys fault. so we have to give them psychoeducatıon about autısm and thıs chıld need prıvate educatıon and school.autısm.jpeg