Lyme and Autism - more common than you think.

in #autism7 years ago

90% of my thoughts this morning are about strategizing on how to collect a urine sample.

Since 2010 Lyme has been on my radar as a possible reason for my son's "autism" (collection of behaviors). There's finally a test that seems to be accurate with a low amount of false negatives AND it's urine, not blood (whoo-hoo!). BONUS - I didn't need a doctor's request.

This particular panel sample needs a person to be "active" for 30 minutes, pee after activity/exercise, wait 60 minutes, pee again collecting THIS sample. Needless to say, my kid is not super compliant when it comes to exercise or peeing into a cup his mom is holding in front of him so it was a bit of a challenge. But we managed. In two weeks I should know if/what Lyme and co-infections we are dealing with which will give me information on how to proceed (vs. just throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks).

Here's the site if you're interested in learning more:

Ordering the kit is $25, you'll pay another $425 when you send in your sample. Keep your invoice number for the kit as you'll use that to show that you've already made the $25 deposit.


I need to get some viral testing on Gavin. I'm sure this is an issue. I was surprised when L's test came back positive, AND with enough bands to be a case reported to the CDC. I had heard some much about false negatives that I was sure it would come back negative even though he had the giant bullseye rash on his leg.
I suspect I also have undx'd lyme issues.