Australia Day Writing Challenge – A Dark History With A Bright Future
My ancestors were Convicts. The first to arrive was part of the First Fleet on board the Scarborough, which landed here on the 26th of January 1788. Others would follow in the years to come on the Second and Third fleets and my family has traced our lineage back to 6 Convicts that we know about. 5 of them were convicted of stealing (plus 1 non-descript “felony” which was probably stealing). In a time when the poor were so destitute and oppressed back in Mother England you could hardly blame them for such common and petty crimes. But I’m not writing today about judgement or vindication, I’m just trying to pay tribute and create some context for what it means to me to be an Australian on our National Day.

Some might call them Convicts or even Invaders, but in my eyes my ancestors were Slaves. They were brought here against their will and they were put to work in chains when they got here. Life for them was very hard. The mortality rates on some of those old boats was as high as 30% so only the hardy and the lucky survived the months long journey. The chaplain of the colony, Reverend Richard Johnson wrote about the Second Fleet :-
“The slave trade is merciful compared to what I have seen in this fleet in that it is in the interests of the masters to preserve the health and lives of their captives, they having a joint benefit with the owners; in this (the Second Fleet) the more they can withhold from the unhappy wretches the more provisions they have to dispose of at a foreign market, and the earlier in the voyage they die, the longer they can draw the deceased’s allowance to themselves; for I fear that few of them are honest enough to make a just return of the dates of their deaths to their employers”
I am forever grateful and respectful of these men and women who endured such hardship because without them doing so I would not be here today. I am a 6th generation Australian.

Over the next 2 centuries my ancestors and the young colony of Australia would cast off the Convict shackles, but a transformation into nationhood and a civilized society would not happen overnight. Some of these New Australians would become Bushrangers, initially escaped convicts, but later just outlaws who took up the practise of “Robbery Under Arms” and they had the survival skills to take refuge in the vast Australian bush. In the 1850s and 1860s there were notorious Bushranger Gangs that thrived during those Gold Rush years as they were helped and harboured by many. They were known as “The Wild Colonial Boys” and were mostly Australian born sons of convicts. The most famous of these was Ned Kelly, who wore a metal suit to protect himself in his final shootout with police in 1880. Ned Kelly went on to become a popular cultural icon and a symbol of rebellious anti-authoritarian attitude in Australia.

In the same Gold Rush era was the Eureka Stockade which was another rebellion against authority in 1854. Gold miners at Ballarat were objecting to the imposition of a Miners License which was a form of “Taxation without Representation” that was a very similar grievance to that which had sparked the US War of Independence in the previous century. The Gold Miners fought the Colonial Forces of Australia and at least 27 people died in the Battle of the Eureka Stockade. There was a mass of public support for the rebels and in the aftermath of the bloodshed the Electoral Act of 1856 was passed which gave male colonists a vote in the lower house of the Victorian parliament. It is an example of Australians standing up to authoritarians and fighting for a “Fair Go”. In this instance, despite the casualties, there was a positive outcome.

As the 20th century arrived, Australia became a formal self-governing nation in 1901. We have always had a culture of resenting authority telling us what to do, but we also are always ready to help out a mate who is in genuine need and now we had our own country. When the World Wars broke out in 1914 and 1939, it wasn’t really our fight but Australians answered the call. We sent our best and brightest young men off to the other side of the world to fight and die in horrendous circumstances against forces of Imperialism and Fascism.

Since then we’ve fought against Communism and now Terrorism. As a people we try to help fight for a Fair Go even though we might sometimes be getting it wrong. We’ve joined some ugly conflicts which I personally wish we hadn’t but my point is that we aren’t shirkers and we don’t run from a fight if our mates need us. It’s not in our nature and it never has been.
So if you ask me what it means to be Australian, I have to start by looking at our bloody history and acknowledge it. This is where we’ve come from and I know that I can’t hide from it. As an Australian my family history is part of who I am. I haven’t suffered or struggled as many of my ancestors did, nor taken part in any of those horrible events I’ve talked about, but they are part of our National Identity and I respect the sacrifices so many have made to get us where we are today.

When I look back to see where I’ve come from, I don’t feel guilt. I know that as a people we’re not perfect but I feel proud that we’ve made it this far. I look forward to the future where we can continue to evolve and improve our civilisation and our way of life. Australia today and the future Australia are going to be better than the past. I know that cultural diversity is one of our strengths now and I welcome anyone to this country who genuinely wants to have a “Fair Go” and help make this a better place. I may not be one of the First Australians, but my lineage has been here for 6 generations now and we’re not going anywhere so let’s just get on with it and try to make the most of what we have together - A chance for a better future in a bountiful land. Not just for us, but for our kids and their kids too.

This Australia Day I’ll be doing what many others will be doing all around the country. I’m taking my family to a mates house. The blokes (boys) will probably stand around the barbecue with a cold beer each, telling stories and talking about sport while we burn the meat. The sheilas (girls) will probably get stuck chasing the ankle biters (kids) around the backyard. They’ll be swigging a few champagnes while putting out the pre-made salads and snacks as they set the table to try to make sure everyone eats something. There might be a blow-up pool if it’s hot. The cricket will be on a TV somewhere and there will be plenty of ruckus (noise). I’ll probably eat and drink too much and fall asleep on the couch.

I know it sounds like a cliché, but that’s one thing about being an Australian - We don’t care and we don’t pretend to be something we’re not. Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be.
Dark history has always bright future.
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Thanks. I will check out your mission. Seems worthwhile.
Its amazing to me how all the bad shit the English did for the last 400 years led to some amazing things. Australia being one of them. My wife and I have not been there yet, but once my youngest is a little older, that is the next place I would like to visit....for like a month because that flight is long as hell lol.
btw, your banner photo fits your profile description very well. That took some work :-)
The world has been a brutal place (and still is) but when you start looking at history you can see how our civilisation has evolved. It gives me great hope for the future.
Glad you liked the banner. It was a couple hours, but I needed to get a decent one now I'm posting regularly.
Great little tour of Australian history mate! Interesting take on convicts as slaves. I’d never thought of it like that but can’t disagree with you. One of my ancestors was transported for stealing a loaf of bread! Sent to the other side of the world, never to see his family again, for stealing a loaf of bread!
They were harsh times! Thankfully we’ve come a long way from there.
Indeed. Very harsh. These days you'd be unlucky to get a slap on the wrist for stealing a loaf of bread and those poor bastards back then were starving and needed to steal to survive. That's why I consider them slaves. The punishment was extremely harsh. It goes to show how far we've come now. Imagine where we'll be in another 200 years....
That was good stuff. I wish Australia would take a humble American like me under it's wing. Away from the war mongering, oppressive government . I would miss my family and my mountains though. As bad as this place is, I'm connected. I have always like to story of Australia though. This was and awesome write up. I'm off to watch some videos and read some stuff about Ned Kelly. Enjoy your Australia day!
Thanks. I know exactly what you mean when you say you're connected. It's how I feel too.
Hope you enjoy looking up the history of Ned Kelly. It's a great story from a fascinating time.
The thing I love about Australia is that if you wanted you could come to Australia and we would call you a Yank until the day you die. If you accept that then you will truly be an Aussie, if you fight it you'll get more of it. We are a nation of bullies but for the most part we don't do it maliciously, for we generally take it as good as we give. The current wave of PC doesn't mix well with this part of our culture. The trick with Aussies is don't take us seriously.
If you want to see a good movie that highlights the differences between Australians and Americans I suggest you find Dirty Deeds (John Goodman, Brian Brown, Sam Neil, Toni Collette are some actors you may know). It is a wonderful take on how Aussie values and culture.
Love the history lesson I. This post. I learned a lot. You should be very proud of your Australian heritage. Very interesting
Thanks. Glad to hear you learnt something and found it interesting. I'm a proud Australian but not always proud of the things we've done (or do) but like all things you have to take the good with the bad.
It's crazy how much control the commonwealth had back in the day. The ability to take people who didn't abide by their rules and deport the to this far off island in the middle of the Indian ocean. Well the Aussies got the last laugh as Australia has turned into a beautiful, sought after nation while the drabness of the UK has persisted.
You Australians have been likened to us Canadians a lot over the years, and I think that is a great thing. Happy Australia Day my friend
Thank you. Indeed we have some common roots and are kindred in more ways than one. I haven't yet been to Canada but it's on the bucket list.
Nor have I been down under, sooner or later though.
Congratulations Australia!
The labours of your heroes past have not been in vain.
Great writing mate
Thanks for posting
Yes, history is the basis on which the future is based and built on it, whether it is dark Achievements in the past are not repeated A group of revolutions in Australia, like the rest of the countries, but in any case we will be proud of our history Thanks for the wonderful publication