in #audiobooks5 years ago

https://bittubers.com/playlist/1006/6 By the magma zone and I'm reading the one on normal people by injury and in 2011 the Brookings institute found that young son had the highest percentage of its citizens living in concentrated poverty out of the top 100 metropolitan areas in the country into the saint two the city unveiled the Youngstown 2010 play in the twenties and plan was an attempt in its march shrinkage through targeted investment in relocating people from low occupancy areas to more liable neighborhoods the National Media touted the 2010 plan is a blueprint for postindustrial cities and the mayor tour the country to promote it another realism behind the twenties and plan yet it proved to be hard to executes the city did not succeed in meaningfully relocating citizens from a low occupancy areas and failed to complete its demolition plan yesterday has been the fast is shrinking city in the U.S. on a percentage basis since 1980 the population was down to 82,000 in 2000 Canadians about 64,000 that America is employed as large as employer now is the local university Youngstown story in is america's story is it shows that when jobs go away the cultural cohesion of all places destroyed the cultural breakdown matters even more than the economic breakdown said john russo professor of labor studies in Youngstown State university ago journalist Chris hedges in 20 time they sound like many postindustrial pockets in America is a dissident rock plays by crime and the attendant psychological and criminal problems that come when communities physically breakdown many young people left Youngstown to look for better opportunities elsewhere when of those shoes stayed around dawn griffin single mother of three struggles to find employment although take Stewart hometown she is also planning on moving away in the next couple of years because there are no opportunity's for her and her children in the area nostalgic she remembers the better years over childhood when your father was working at the steel mills I thought we were rich she still wonders what is going to happen to her hometown there is nothing but concrete left here the patterns one sees in Youngstown with the decimation of jobs increased social disintegration criminality public corruption desperate attempts at economic development human capital for flights are not unique be applied in other cities that have seen similar loss of industry for Gary Indiana is another steel town that lost jobs when the mails closed it was the hometown of Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson back in the 1960s and many locals is right growing up there as ideal after its decline and became known as a murder capitol racing number one in per capita homicide rate in the United States in 1993 in 199220 local police officers were indicted on Federal charges of racketeering and drug distribution in 1996 in a bid for new jobs the city will go to two casino boats and legalized gambling on the shore of Lake Michigan in 2003 the city invested $45,000,000 in a minor league baseball stadium meant to revitalize the economy two disappointing results in 2014 a serial killer confessed to killing at least seven people in dairy and depositing bodies in abandoned houses today almost 40% of residents live in poverty and more than 25% of the city's 40,000 homes are abandoned the city lacks the money to demolish derelict properties and is considering cutting of services to many neighborhoods is population peaked at 173,320 in 1960 and is down to about 77,000 as of 2016 Ruby Roy and 85 year old former steelworker beat out recalled how beautiful Gary used to be and how easy it was to get a job where he started this tour of working with a shovel and pick shoveling and peaking at things that those jobs are gone the GATT Machines to shovel and pick now the world is change back in my day you needed a strong back in the week minds to get a job now you need a week back in a strong minds I would tell the kids to read if go get an education and go to where the jobs and opportunities are you're not here in Derry anymore city money Powell a 23 year old server at the local buffalo wild winners will return to Gary after one year in college in Ankara Sara to be close to our mom and sister I really would like to move someplace more beautiful we don't have to worry about abandoned buildings there are just so many here is scares me to walk by them I don't want to end up in body lost in one of them is complicated for people who live in Gary they don't want to move because this is what they're used to do want to go and do your own thing or be with your family is a places are what you make of them but it's hard to make something beautiful when it's his ships the city of Camden and New Jersey is another example of what happens when industry declines Camden, companies employed thousands of manufacturing workers in shipbuilding and manufacturing in the 1950s Camden is also the home of Campbell Soup which was founded in 1869 after reaching a peak of 43,267 manufacturing jobs in 1950 cantons implement race place declined to only 10,200 manufacturing jobs by 1982 to respond Camden opened a prison in 1985 and massive trash Touche steam incinerator in 1989 three Camden mayors were jail for corruption between 1981 and 2000 as of 2000652 percent of the city's from residents lived in poverty in the city had a median household income of only $18,007 making it america's poorest city the 2011 cantons on unemployment rate was 19.6% can deny the highest crime rate in the United States in 2012 with 2566 live in crimes for every 100,000 people 6.6 times the national average the population decline from 102,551 in 1972 74,420 in 2016 between 1950 in 1980 patterns of social pathology emerged in Camden Israel elements of everyday life wrote Howard Gillett Jr. and history professor at Rutgers Camden and the great majority of its citizens remain after the fall strivers for that elusive urban renewal that invests in as much in human lives as it does in monetary return minute city in rolling stone is good candidate as eight major metropolitan area run by armed teenagers with no access to jobs or healthy food in 2013 noting that 30% of the population fifth was 18 or younger between 2010 and 2013 the state of New Jersey cutback in some cities to cities that supported many of the services in Camden is altering in a surge in violent crime the crime rate that is somewhere between Honduras and Somalia said beliefs chief jay Scott Thompson the country took over policing leader in 2013 and installed a $4.5 million security center as well as 121 security cameras and 35 microphones to detect gunshots in other incidents which has brought some degree of stability and a decline in violence is brief descriptions are by no means full histories of these communities for example they gloss over the racial dynamics in each city experienced as each underwent white flights during their declines yes oh page short shrift to the many heroic efforts to improve matters on the ground on a daily basis initially wrote for the people who were stuck around the central point is this in places where jobs disappear society falls apart some the public sector and civic institutions are poorly equipped to do much about it when a community truly disintegrates meeting it back together becomes a Herculean perhaps impossible task for shoe trust in cohesion the stuff of civilization are difficult to restore if anything it shrinking how public corruption seems too often arrive hand in hand with economic hardship many entrepreneurs have experienced the difference between being part of a growing company eighth and being part of one that is shrinking and failing in a growing organization people are more optimistic imaginative courageous and is generous in a contracting environments beetle can become negative political self serving and corrupt you see the lesser side of human nature in most startups that fail the same is true for communities only amplified one of the great myths in American Life is that everything self corrects if the DB goes down day will come back up into gets too high and will never come back to down to earth sometimes things just go up or down and stay that way particularly at many people leave a place that's understandable no parent wants to stick around the murder capital if they can simply move Youngstown Gary encamped in a role extreme cases of its unlikely that their situations will be replicated in cities around the country but they are useful as glimpses into what a future without jobs can do to a community without something dramatic filling the void change can be a four letter word one of the first times I visited Ohio of for the woman commented to me you know changes a four letter word around here the only change we've seen the last 20 years has been bad I didn't really understand what she meant I couldn't fathom how someone could have such inventive outlook months later I was chatting with a venture capitalist the server Cisco Jared hyatt's about helping in the Midwest to its he said I was raised in Ohio no one from my family is still there all of us left we mentioned another friend from Cleveland whom I went to Exeter with you when to be a land now works at they spoke in silicon valley near the truism in startup world when things start going very badly for a company and the strongest people generally in the first he had the highest standards for their own opportunities in the most confidence that they can thrive in a new environments their skills are in demand and they feel little need to stick around the people were left behind tend to be less confidence and adaptable is one reason why companies go into death spirals the best people leave when they see the writing on the wall and the company's decline excel rates for the same is often true for a community when jobs and prosperity start is urging a town the first people to leave other folks were the best opportunities elsewhere relocating is a significant life change moving away from friends and family require significant courage adaptability and optimism imagine living somewhere where your best people always leave where the purpose of excelling seems to be to head off to greener pastures overtime would be easy to develop a negative outlook you might double down on pride in insularity the economist Tyler Cohen observe that since 1970 the difference between the most and least educated U.S. cities has doubled in terms of average level of education that is more and more educated people are congregating in the same cities and leaving others business dynamism is now vastly a neat unevenly distributed 59% of American countries saw more businesses closed then open between 2010 and 2014 during the same. Only five metro areas New York Los Angeles Miami Huston and Alice accounted for as many new businesses as the rest of the nation's combines California new book New York and Massachusetts accounted for 75% of venture capital in 2016 leading 47 states to compete for the remaining 25% historically virtually all American cities had more businesses open a close in a given year even during recessions after 2000 date that basic measurement of dynamism collapsed a majority of cities had more businesses closed an open and this had to continue to be the case for seven years after the financial crisis that I did businesses is no longer coming in but going out in the majority of metro areas in part because regions have been diverging so sharply the U.S. economy has become a dramatically less dynamic the last 40 years a rate of new business formation has declined precipitously during this period the charts compounding the problem is that Americans now move across state lines and changeup change jobs and lower rates that any point in the last several decades the annual rate of interstate relocation dropped from about 3.5% of the population in 1970 to about 1.6% in 2015 the surgeon regional inequality has coincided with a surge not and people moving when the people staying puts a series of studies by the economists Russian Shanti and Nathaniel a Hendren that showed how important when you grow up where you grow up his to your future prospects low income children who grew up in certain counties metal were County North Carolina Hillsboro County Florida Baltimore City County Maryland cook county Illinois grow up to earn 25 to 35% less than other low income children who grow up in better areas that mysterious for income mobility San Francisco San Diego Salt Lake City Las Vegas Providence Rhode Island have elementary schools with higher test scores are higher share of two parent families major levels of involvement in civic and religious groups and more residential integration of affluence middle class and poor families that a child from a low mobility area move to a better performing area each year produced positive a fix on his or her future earnings there were also more likely to attend college less likely to become single parents and more likely to earn more with each year spent in the better environments you may come as a surprise that Americans are now less likely to start a business move to another region of the country or even switch jobs now than at any time in modern history the most apt description of our economy is the opposite of dynamic is stagnant and declining many different economies you're in my travels have been blown away by the disparities between america's regions and their economic prospects at the high end you have the major hubs in coastal cities that are fibers competitive expensive and dominated by shifting host of name Brands firms you use a continuous construction incoming college graduates in a sense of cultural vitality people of color and immigrants are abundant growth rates are high in new businesses commonplace you all to see higher prices in Manhattan a park and sell for more than $1500 per square foot to a 2000 square foot apartment might cost about three million dollars the median value of a home in the United States these $200,000 and the average list price of homes currently for sale is about $250,000 to a 2000 square foot apartment in Manhattan my costs 12 to 15 times what a home would cost someplace else the premium prices extend to the grocery store where a single serving you get Gobert might want you to dollars in costs $15.00 in tolls does to drive into the city movie tickets are $16.50 parking the family Subaru and the local garage costs $500 a month which is what many people elsewhere might pay in rent you see lots of people wearing sweat pants and sweatshirts with the names of where they went to school Yale University of Pennsylvania middle bury in San Francisco in silicon valley they don't advertise where they went to school with the prices are just as exorbitant very normal looking houses go for two million dollars plus in Palo alto and after tender the corporate headquarters of google face book there be an be an apple are insider Taurus attractions where the average tech worker you wake up and drive from a leafy server tse word to a grounded spaceship and stay there to beat the subsidize gourmet dinner or maybe you bite to your downtown office or take them dark window the company a bus from San Francisco and tap out emails with headphones on you think about money and housing a lot but don't talk about its most people are transplants the atmosphere is quite different in that sense in cities like Cincinnati or Baltimore which are typically anchored by a handful of national institutions Procter&Gamble macy's and Kroger in Cincinnati or john Hopkins team Rowe price and under armor in Baltimore these regions are generally in a state of equilibrium with the anchor institutions invested and community growth while organizations rise and fall run them costs are average when new construction appears everyone knows what it is because they had there been tons of new stories about its OK surely one of the major companies in the region starts to stumble and the local star to freak out people moved to the city's to work at one of the Bigs company is but a high proportion of residents and workers were born in the region if you grow up in Cincinnati or Baltimore and go to college you'll likely think long and hard about leaving the vibe in the city's is pleasantly pretty a blend of normalcy functionality and affordability and there are the former industrial towns that have his hard times Detroit St. Louis buffalo Cleveland Hartford suit years and many other cities fall into this category the often feel frozen in time as they were built up during the middle of the 20th century fifth and then turn two managing Ferris challenges there are large buildings and parts of town that have been abandoned as their populations have diminished progressively detroit's the most famous example today has 680,000 people in a city that once housed 1.7 million the postindustrial cities have a world of potential but the mood in many is quite tougher there's a lot of negativity and a lack of confidence many people apologize for their own city and mock it's often because their comparing it to other places or Eason past a friend of mine moved to Missouri from California and a sad that people asked him over and over again why would you ever do that's a Cleveland transpac plant from DC made the same observation and said people here need to stop apologizing or making jokes the positive manifestations of is to develop a chip on their shoulder like Detroit hustles hard are bitten to like places that adopt an attitude one thing that has surprised me is that many of these places baltimore's St. Louis New Orleans detroit's cleveland's have a casino smack dab in the middle of their downtown I visited some of them on a weeknight and they're not encourage and places most of the the people there are not seem likely should be gambling one day when I was on the road in the Midwest I ate lunch in a Chinese restaurant that had seen better days it's it's in the bathroom one of the urinals was broken and covered with duct tape I thought to myself they should really fix that than I reflected on the owners thought process you probably have a razor thin margins that they spent a couple $100 on fixing the urinal it may not make any difference to their flow of customers it's an image and for a second that they became really optimistic and spent a couple $1000 sprucing up the place a local area was clearly losing population and there was no guarantee a revamped would generate new business I realize that if you're managing in a contracting environments is possible that meeting the urinal duct tape might be a perfectly reasonable way to go optimism and could be stupid when you're used to losing people and resources you make different choices finally there are the small towns on the periphery places that feel like they have truly been left behind the ambient economic activity is low user on this to them where you sense that human beings are closer to a state of nature they have their heads down and are just doing whatever it takes to get by David bruck's describe such towns vividly in a New York Times OP Ed Davies places are no longer frontier towns but many of them still exist on the same nice edge between traditionalist order an extreme dissolution many people in these places tend to see their communities as an honored their varnish struggle for research sources as a tough world a non illusions world a world where conflict is built into the fabric of reality the sense that can cause the most trouble are not the social scenes injustice incivility except for a yard the personal skid sayings laziness self indulgent drinking sleeping around then as now chaos is always watching up against the door the forces of social disruption are visible on every street the slackers taking advantage of the disability programs that people popping out babies the drug users the spouse abusers the folks in New York and San Francisco and Washington, DC are people who have had layers and layers of extra socialization an institutional training we are the finance years in technologists fifth in policy professionals who traffic in abstraction we argue about ideas are rates are high and our eyes are set on the next hurdle to climb we have the luxury of focusing on injustice and incivility in small towns and postindustrial communities around the country the experience humanity in its purer form a mayberry of their very family lives have been transformed by automation and a lack of opportunity their future will soon be ours 12 men and women and children automation and a changing economy have already transforms millions of families and relationships across the country and not for the better five million manufacturing jobs were lost in the United States between 2000102014 almost recorders of manufacturing workers are mail to these changes does to proportionally hit men without college degrees the decline in opportunities for men has made working class men less likely to marry a study by in my NT poverty researcher David actual on tour show that lean manufacturing work becomes less available the proportion of men who gets married in an affective community declines in average male wages have declined since 1990 in real terms a pew research study showed that many men are forgoing or delaying marriage because they do not feel financially secure the same study said that for women having a steady job was the single biggest factor they were looking for in a spouse getting married is an act of up to Ms. and stability and prosperity a kid and also can be expensive if you don't have a stable job all of the above becomes more difficult marriage has declined for all classes in the past 40 years with the declining with the decline being most extreme among the non college educated the proportion of working class adults who get married has plummeted from 70% in 1972 only 45% today the decline really accelerated in 2000 around the same time as manufacturing jobs started to disappear chart there are a host of reasons for the decline of marriage some sites increased labor force participation and more auctions for wearing were now lesser lives on men others discuss it in light of shifting cultural norms however the reduction and opportunities for working class man is doubtless contributing to fewer people getting married the problems among men have been well documented in Atlantic article in 2016 called the missing man noted that one in six men in America of prime age 25 to 54 are either unemployed or out of the workforce 10,000,000 men in total what are these men missing from the workforce doing all day they'd tend to play a lot of video games young men without college degrees have replaced 75% of the time they used to spend working with time on the computer mostly playing video games according to a recent study based on the census bureau says time used surveys women are now the clear majority of college graduates in 2017 women comprise 57% of college graduates and the trend is expected to continue in the coming years by the time you read this nearly three women will graduate from college for every two men women also go on to get a majority of masters and other graduate degrees this is an international phenomenon women are the majority of college graduates in most developed countries fewer men in the workforce means fewer men were considered marriageable a working class woman Ast about marriage by journalist alanna Samuel said and added run into someone I consider doing that with where women who don't have college educations their male counterparts can't find jobs that don't seem like stable partners lower rates of marriage means that the proportion of children raised by a single parent is rising dramatically though fertility is declining people don't stop having children does because they don't get married the share of children born to unmarried mothers more than doubled between 1980 and 2015 from 18 to 40% of single mothers outnumber fathers more than 4 to 1 of the 11,000,000 families with children under age 18 and no spouse present 8.5 million are single mothers most of the time single parents means single mother if you send uneducated man to the sidelines and turn them into not providers you wind up forming many difficult family situations in parents' or that are hard pressed to raise their kids we see a decline in fertility a decline in marriage but a rise in the fraction of births that our disadvantage is as a consequence the kids are living in pretty tough circumstances said poverty researcher gave an altar commenting on a study on how the decline of manufacturing affected men and women chart was raised in single parent households seem to suffer more than girls the study showed that growing up with stable steadily married parents makes one more likely to succeed in school with that an absent father had a bigger impact on boys was without fathers are more likely to get in trouble from elementary school on word that appear to be more responsible responsive to parental in paltz or the absence thereof then our girls is the author of one study put its is more boys grow up without their father in the home is women especially in working class communities are viewed as the more stable achievers boys and girls alike come to see Males is having a lower on cheap its orientation and this attitude for higher education college becomes something that many girls but only some boys and do the opposite of the earlier cultural norm J.D. Vance made the same observation about school big something boys were supposed to ignore as a child they show she did accomplishments in school with femininity Mannesmann strength courage a willingness to fights and major success with girls boys who got good grades were secedes studies now show that working class boys like me too much worse in school because they view school work as a feminine endeavor by a two young boys at home and I'm not surprised that boys will get less attention as children struggle adhd is 2 to 3 times more common among young boys than girls with 12015 U.S. Centers for disease control study finding that as many as 40% of boys receives a diagnosis whereas some of my friends daughters seem like little adults my boys do not boys and girls mature differently with a letter doing so faster in earlier there is significant evidence that their relative mature team beats girls to be better in school in 2012 to 70% of U.S. high school valedictorians were girls and girls attend college at higher rates in most developed countries at the high end of the spectrum college educated women don't like to Mary Nunn college educated man quite understandably as the gender ratio of college graduates becomes nearly three women for every two men this means that almost one in three college educated women will not find a male partner to Mary if they want one even assuming ideal matching thus among educated women an increasing number of women will either raise children without a partner of won't have them I see this in my social circles I know many successful professional women in New York seat city whether don't have families or are raising children as single moms many of them are brilliance beautiful amazing women in a way is fine but in a way is far less than ideal one mom went and a Harvard business school confided in me that she constantly feels guilty that her daughter will be an only child which she can't imagine trying to raise more than one child on her own fifth I understand having an raising children has been the hardest experience of our lives for both my wife and me I was cocky going into it I thought to myself people and had children since the dawn of time how hard could it be now I tried to caution new parents that whatever they go through its perfectly normal and to expect to have their lives change and their spirits stretched having children has tested my wife and me as individuals and as a marriage both of us agree that we have no idea how any single mom or dad can make it happen unless they have incredibly supportive family members around data bears this out outcomes for children raised in single parent households are significantly more adverse and every dimension education income rate of marriage rate of divorce health and so on even control and for income of the parents and also explains partially by 50% of Americans live within 18 miles of their mothers after you have a child you scrambled for family Frederick Douglas wrote that is easier to build strong children than to repair a broken man would be left out is that it's also very hard to build strong children at the starting a company was hard but being a parent is as hard or harder I realize that there are many similarity similarities and between being a parent and being an entrepreneur here is a partial list everyone's got an opinion that no one knows what they're doing the first two years of brutal no one cares as much as you do on its past is it fills you with meaning and purpose people lie about it all the time choose your partner wisely art is more important than money but money helps is very very hard to outsource you find out who your friends are and you make some new ones occasionally the responsibility blows your mind if he knew what it entails you might not get started but you glad you did there will be 1000 small tasks to never imagined how you spend your time is more important than what you saying everything costs more than you thought it would most of the work is dirty thankless and gritty you learn a lot about yourself you get tested in ways that you can't imagine when you find someone who can really help your incredibly grateful that you tried to make time for yourself or it won't happen whenever your weaknesses are they will come out you think it's fragile but it will surprise you sometimes two things you weren't sure you were capable of read as something great there's nothing like it's a start out all important that the goal is to make yourself a relevant people sometimes give you too much credits there's a lot of noise out there but at the end of the day it's your call the gives your life a different dimension you grow as youth parts of yourself is harder than anyone expects is the best they never I will stop there one and I'm reading the war on normal people by Andrew Yang and unlike zone thanks for listening D a F a LT a T