in #audiobooks5 years ago

https://bittubers.com/playlist/1006/0 For by unlike zone and I'm reading the war on normal people by Andrew Yang praise for the war on that normal people for America desperately needs a wakeup call this book will open your eyes to the ongoing a fax of automation fortunately aside from knowing full well the many challenges we face Andrew Yang has a firm grasp of the solutions most especially our need for universal basic income read this book and hear the urgent call for abundance over scarcity and humanity over abject madness the clock is ticking scouts and teens director us basic income guarantee network this is not science fiction is already happening millions of jobs have been automated away in the manufacturing sector yang's book manages to create a sense that people are in this together and offers both data and anecdotes in support of a thesis were to taking seriously relevant for every western country will act honest intelligent well informed and profoundly reasonable gangs writing is clean and balanced his case is persuasive data driven and am scary words into roots injury and is one of those where visionaries who put streams into action the war on normal people is both a clear I'd look at the depths of art societal and economic problems and innovative roadmap 40 better future Arianna Huffington founder and ceo of fried global fifth this book is a must read every entrepreneur should read this book to understand the challenges of the next decade Damon john's star of ABC's short take best-selling author of the power of broke a founder of fugu whether or not you agree with his suggestions the world would be better off if everyone read this book and saw with the tech community already sees work Peter Davis medium.com powerful yen has made an important contribution to the debate about where America is headed in what we need to do about its Alec Russ New York Times best-selling author of the industry's of the future as routing rights with passion and conviction offering astute analysis as well as a hopeful solution for the looming challenge that may well defined the coming decades how can we ensure broad base prosperity in a future where labor displacing technology becomes vastly more powerful margin for the New York Times best-selling author of a rise of the robots by opening publishers weekly there's plenty of arrest stew take away from the war on normal people a cautionary tale for all developed countries under and belie us truly a the war on normal people the truth about america's disappearing jobs and why universal basic income is our future Andrew Yang it's to everyone who helped build venture for America over the years you made me believe in people fifth th we're at the most dangerous moments in the development of humanity the rise of artificial intelligence is likely to extend job destruction deep into the middle classes with only the most caring greeted for supervisory roles remaining Stephen hawking human beings are also animals to manage one million animals gives me a headache terry go founder of the fox, and fifth introduction the great displacements and ready from inside the tech bubble to let you know that we are coming for your jobs I recently met a pair of old friends for drinks in Manhattan one is an executive who works in a software company in New York the replace call center workers with artificial intelligence software by Esther whether she believed her work will result in job losses to responded matter of factly they are getting better and better at things that will make large numbers of workers a stooge extraneous and we will succeed and there needs to be a dramatic Greece killing of the workforce but it's not going to be practical for a lot of people is impossible to avoid a lost generation of workers recovered and Cindy assessment was total the conversation then quickly shifted to more pleasant topics for the leader met with a friend who's a Boston based venture capitalist he told me he felt a little uneasy about investing in software in robotics companies that if successful would eliminate large numbers of jobs with a good opportunities he noted estimating that 70% of the startups the scene will contribute to job losses in other parts of the economy in San Francisco I had breakfast with an operations manager just for a large tech company he told me I just help set up a factory that had 70% fewer workers than one even a few years ago would have had and most of them are high and technicians on laptops and no idea what normal people are going to do in a few years normal people 70% of Americans consider themselves part of the middle class judges are you do two right now some of the smartest people in the country are trying to figure out how to replace you with an overseas worker a cheaper version of you or increasingly a widget software program or robots is no malice in its the market rewards business leaders for making things more efficient that this is it doesn't love normal people inline skating things done in the most cost effective way possible a wave of automation and job loss is no longer the stubby invade vision of the future is well underway the numbers have been telling a story for awhile now that we have been ignoring more and more people a prime working age have been dropping out of the workforce is a growing mass of that permanently displaced automation is accelerating to a point where it will swear it soon will soon threaten our social fabric and way of life is Britain researchers project in unprecedented wave of job destruction coming with the development of artificial intelligence robotics software and automation your mama White House published a report in December 2016 the predicted 83% of jobs where people make less than $20.00 per hour will be subject to automation or replacements between 2.2 and 3.1 million car must entrap truck driving jobs in the United States will be eliminated by the advent of self driving vehicles read unless it is again we're confident that between two and three million Americans who drive vehicles for a living will lose their jobs in the next 10 to 15 years driving a truck is the most common occupation in 29 states self driving vehicles are one of the most obvious job destroying technologies but there are similar innovations ahead that will displace cashiers fast food workers customer service representatives administrative assistance and even well paid white collar jobs like wealth managers lawyers and insurance agents all within the span of a few short years a dummy out of work millions will struggle to find a new java particularly those of the lower end of the scale letter automation has already eliminated about four million manufacturing jobs in the United States since 2000 is it of finding new jobs a lot of those people left the work force and didn't come back U.S. labor force participation rate is now at only 62.9% a rate below that of all nearly all other industrialized economies and about the same as that of El Salvador and the Ukraine some of this is driven by an aging population which presents its own set of problems but much of it is driven by automation and a lower demand for labor each one of the each 1% in decline in the labor participation rate he waits to approximately 2.5 million Americans dropping outs in the charts the number th of working age Americans who aren't in the workforce has surged to a record 95,000,000 10 years into the nation's recovery from the financial crisis and 95,000,000 working age Americans not in the workforce by taken to calling this phenomenon the great displacements the lack of mobility and growth is treated a breeding ground for political hostility and social ills high rates of unemployment and underemployment are leads to an array of social problems including substance abuse domestic violence child abuse and depression today 40% of American children are born outside of Mayor Mary households due in large part to the crumbling marriage rates among working class adults and overdoses in suicides have overtaken auto acid accidents as leading causes of death with 1/2 American households are a rely on the gov't for direct income in some form in some parts of the United States 20% of working age adults are now on disability with increasing numbers sighting of mood disorders would Americans who cannot find jobs find instead his despair that you care about communities in a way of life in care about people having jobs this is the most pressing economic and social issue of our time our economy is evolving in ways that will make it more and more typical for people with lower levels of education to find jobs and support themselves soon these difficulties will afflict the white collar world is avoiding cost getting hotter 1° at a time and we are the frog in my role is founder of venture for America is spent the past six years working with hundreds of startups across the country in cities like detroit's New Orleans Cincinnati providence Cleveland Baltimore and Philadelphia Saint Louis Birmingham Columbus Pittsburgh San Antonio charlotte's Miami Nashville in Atlanta and Denver some of these places were bustling industrial centers in the late 19th and 20th centuries only to find themselves faced with population moss and economic transition as the 20th century wound down major for America trains young aspiring osborn's yours to work in startups in cities like those like these to generate drought growth we've had many successes with the kinds of jobs created 10 to be very specific every business I worked with will hire the very best people it can find particularly startups when entrepreneurs start companies and expand the generally aren't hiring a down on his other down on his Ol down on his other luck worker in need of a break the are hiring the strongest contributors with the right mix of qualities to help an early stage company succeed most jobs in startup companies most jobs in the start of essentially require a college degree that excludes 68% of the population right there in some of these companies are lifting further inefficiencies out of the system for reducing jobs in other places even while hiring their own new workers is a CD and Ben Horowitz book the hard things about hard beings in Wichita pipe depicts the ceo of a company meeting with his two lieutenants the ceo says to one of them you're going to do everything in your power to make this deal work that eaters to the other and says even if he does everything right is probably not going to work your job is to fix its is where we're at with the American economy it's unprecedented in vance's are accelerating in real time in wreaking havoc on lives in communities around the country particularly on those least able to adapt and adjust we must do all we can to reduce the worst effects of the great displacement is to be the driving priority of corporations governments and nonprofits for the foreseeable future we should invest in education job training and placement apprenticeships fourth relocation entrepreneur ships and tax incentives anything to help make hiring and retaining workers appealing and then we should acknowledge that for millions of people it's not going to work in the United States we want to believe that the market will resolve most situations in this case the market will not sell the problem quite the opposite for the market is driven to reduce costs they will look to find the cheapest way to perform tasks the market doesn't want to provide for unemployed truck drivers or cashiers over is going to get rid of its drivers as soon as it can this job is into higher lots of people is job is to move customers around as efficiently as possible the market will continue to throw millions of people out of the labor force as automation and technology improved in orders for society to contribute to function and thrive when tens of millions of Americans don't have jobs we will need to rethink the relationship between work and being able to pay for basic means and then we will have to determine ways to convey the psychic and social benefits of work in other ways there is really only one entity the Federal government's they can realistically reformat society in ways that will prevent large swaths of the country from becoming a jobless and stones of derelict buildings and broken people now covers will be at the front lines of fighting the declining the most of their activities will be like bandages on top of an infected wounds state governments are generally hamstrung with balanced budgets requirements and limited resources even if they don't talk about it in public many technologists themselves fear a backlash by friends in silicon valley want to be positive but many are buying bunkers and escape hatches just in case one reason the solutions are daunting to even my most optimistic friends is that while their part a of the American economy is flourishing little effort is being made to distribute the gains from automation and reverse the decline in upper two meetings do so would require an active stable invigorated unified Federal gov't willing to make large bets this unfortunately is not what we have the oven and edit stage rife with infighting dysfunction and outdated ideas and bureaucracies from bygone era runs along with the populace they cannot agree on basic facts like vote totals or climate change our politicians offer halfhearted solutions that will at best nibble at the edges of the problem the budget for research and development in the labor department of labor is only four million dollars we have the 1960s era government that has few solutions to the problems of 2018 this must change of a way of life is to continue we're revitalized dynamic government to rise to the challenge posed by the largest economic transformation in the history of mankind the above may sound like science fiction to view it you're reading this with a supercomputer in your pocket or reading it on the supercomputer itself and Donald trump was elected presidents doctors can fix your eyes with lasers but or local mall disclosed we're living in unprecedented times the future without jobs will come to resemble either the cultivated benevolence of star trek or the desperate scramble for resources of mad Max for a list there is a dramatic course correction I fear we are heading towards the letter is Bismarck said if revolution there is to be lettuce rather undertake did not undergo its society will change either before or after the revolution I choose before and a serial off the door which started out as a lawyer before launching venture for America by Joe founded an Internet Company worked at a Health Care Software setup in many national education company that was acquired in 2009 I've worked in startups and economic development for 17 years I know how companies operate fifth in our jobs are created and reduced and also an ardent capitalist in completely certain that our system needs to change in order to continue our way of life our society has already been shipped by large scale changes in the economy due to technological advances that turns out that Americans have been dealing with the lack of meaningful opportunity's by getting married less than becoming less and less and functional the fundamental message is that we are already on the edge of dystopia with hundreds of thousands of families and communities being pushed in 20 Bolivian education and retraining won't address the gaps the goal posts are now moving and many affected workers a well past their prime me to established in updated form of capitalism I call it human center capitalism or semen capitalism for short to amend our current version of institutional capitalism that will lead us for an ever increasing automation accompanied by social ruin you must make the market serve humanity rather than have humanity continue to serve the markets in a simultaneous lee become more dynamic and more empathetic as a society we must change and grow faster than most peak possible with the next downturn hits hundreds of thousands of people will wake up and to do their jobs only to be told that there are no longer needed their factory or retail store or office or mall or business or truck stop or agency will close they will look for another job and this time they will not find one they will try to keep up a brave face with the days and weeks will pass and they will become more and more defeated the willow was always blame themselves for their lots they will say things like I wish I'd apply myself more in school or I should have picked another job will burn through their meager savings their family lives and communities will suffer some will turn to substance abuse or watch too much to the their health will slip the ilan ailments they've been working through will seem twice as painful their marriages will fail they will lose their sense of self worth their physical environments will decay around them and their loved ones will become reminders of their failure or every displaced worker there will be two or three others who have their say shifts in a hours reduced their benefits cuts in their already precarious financial lives pushed to the brink he will try to consider themselves lucky even as their hopes for the future dam meanwhile in Manhattan in silicon valley and Washington, DC my friends and I will be busier than ever fighting to stay current and climb within our own better competitive environments we will read articles with concern about the future and think about how to redirect our children to more fertile professions and livelihoods we will retreat something and contribute here and there we will casually reflect on the Fates of others and shake our heads determined to be among the winners in whatever the new economy brings the logic of the meritocracy is leading us to ruin because they are collectively primed to ignore the voices of the millions getting pushed into economic distress by the grinding wheel of automation and innovation the figure they're complaining or suffering because their losers we need to break free of this logic of the marketplace before it's too late you must reshape and accelerate society to bring us all to higher ground we must find new ways to organize ourselves independent of the values of the marketplace assigns to meet and everyone of us we're more than the numbers on our paychecks and we are going to have to prove it very quickly as part one what's happening to jobs for fifth one of my journey image th I grew up a skinny Asian kid in upstate New York who was often ignored or picked on like one of the kids from stranger things but near year and with fewer friends in stuck with me I've never forgotten what it felt like to be young to be gnawed at my doubts and fears so deep that they inflict physical pain a sense of nausea deep in your stomach to feel like an alien to be ignored or ridiculed I didn't think it was possible to forget all that he turns out that most of us do in movies they so children's going through the formative experiences at home the protagonists go back where they came from major to make it better in real life none of us goes back my parents 1,000,000 education deeply my father who immigrated from Taiwan worked in the research labs of GM GE and IBM he got his speech tea in physics from Berkeley and generated 69 patterns over his career he met my mom also from Taiwan wall in grade school she has a master's in statistics and worked as a Computer Service sees an administrator at our local university before becoming an artist my brother became a professor which is kind of the family business being the first generation born in this country that gave me both a fierce love for the United States in a deep sense of what it means to struggle to fit in a I was one of the only Asian Zen my local public school that didn't go unnoticed and classmates offer frequent reminders as two my identity was a chic they you wanna fight said with both moving but no sound coming out to irritate a Kung fu movie with bed dubbing Chi Chung Shing charm they you know what Chinese use for blindfolds dental floss you see that demonstrates a blank face this the way the goop laughs his aid you hungry you want a cookie they'd I see where you're looking no interracial dating being what's it like having such a small deck everyone knows Chinese guys have small tics do you need tweezers two rest of its its most of this was in middle school I had a few natural responses I became quite self conscious I started wondering if I did indeed have a small tick last I became very very angry perhaps as a result of always taken pride in relating to the underdog or little guy for gal as I grew up and tried to stick up for whoever seemed excluded were marginalized I became the Mets fan I go to a party in find a person who seemed the most a loan or uncomfortable and strike up a conversation I worked out a little too much in college I grew up and found that my zeal extended into my professional life I love small companies and helping them grow after five months is a corporate lawyer I cofounded an Internet Company when I was 25 back in 2000 after it went bust and worked into a medical records software company and then helped a friend Zeke Bender Howe with his Jeanette prep company when he was starting out as a solo two giraffes in a Starbucks he eventually asked me to take over as ceo between the two of us and our team we grew the company to become number one in the country by 2010 I was riding high our company Manhattan prep had been acquired by the Washington Post company's Caplan division for millions of dollars I was 35 years old the head of a national education company that I loved living in New York City among family and friends engaged to marry my fiancé the following year I was on top of the world and yet something bother me that I couldn't let go and train hundreds of young people as ceo of Manhattan prep I'd talk this analysis classes at Goldman Sachs Mckinsey Jp Morgan Morgan Stanley and many other companies these college graduates often seen disenchanted with their careers they were looking to go to business school to take a break and find the next step many of them hailed from other parts of the country miss it in Ohio Georgia and had come to Wall Street for better opportunities when I talk to them after class is seen to be searching for some higher purpose that had eluded them the reminded me of myself a decade earlier when I'd started my career as an unhappy incorporates water I thought why we have a lot we have a ton of smart people doing the same too few things in the same few places I imagined what the best use of their talent would be one week and I was back on campus at brown and Matt an entrepreneur in providence Charlie Kroll who had started a local company with 100 employees instead of having two Wall Street's I arrived at the vision an army of smart enterprising graduates building businesses in Detroit New Orleans providence Baltimore Cleveland St. Louis and other communities that could use a boost you companies have accounted for all domestic crop growth the past 20 years more people building things in areas of need would inject mentality create opportunities and help regional economies become a more dynamic cities like Detroit and New Orleans said to me to be the ultimate underdogs a new building a new company was a very tall order for any recent graduates by and learned a lot from working with more experience CEOs of teens I believe this apprenticeship model was the best way to develop says that's the way it I've learned throughout my twenties when are losing they'd get stronger they'd also like the reflected different set of values after having worked in a startup in a merge in an emergency for a few years I became fixated on the idea of trade hundreds of enterprising college grads and sending them to startup companies in other U.S. cities to promote job growth and innovation in regions across the country we would provide an accelerator and seed fund to help them start businesses after two years our goal would be to help create 100,000 new jobs new U.S. jobs by 2025 I call the organization venture for America people love the idea many said they would have done something like venture for America is that existed when they had graduated from college and took my first trip to Detroit in 2010 to see if there were businesses there that could use talent to help them grow the city was just beginning to descent into bankruptcy I remember the cold empty streets feeling abandoned I joked with a friend I felt like running red lights as soon as I got there in so empty the city has come a long way since those low points I met with several local entrepreneurs who said they jump at the chance to hire energetic recent grads who wanted to get their hands dirty the same was true in providence New Orleans and Cincinnati meeting with the entrepreneurs in the city's convinced me that I was on the right track in 2011 and donate donated 120,000 in quit my job to start venture for America with the mission of revitalizing American cities and communities to route through entrepreneur ship the first year our budget was about $200,000 in 2018 our budget is more than 25 times higher and we've recruited and trained hundreds of young open coming aspiring entrepreneur SP from around the country out of thousands of applicants supporters include CEOs celebrities entrepreneurs major companies foundations and even the state of Ohio our efforts have helped greet over 202,500 jobs in 18 cities and our alarm has started dozens of companies out of our less class 43% were women in 25% were black or latino I wrote a will receive book and a documentary generation startup follow six of our entrepreneur is as they started businesses in detroit's missing dozens of idealistic 22 year olds evolve into founders in CEOs of scrappy young companies that such thousands of lives at sea and helped hundreds of little startups grow into mature companies with hundreds of employees missing neighborhoods on the edge of desolation become filled with people in new businesses I've worked with some of the most idealistic and noble people in the country making great things happen in unlikely places for fifth my work with venture for America opened new doors and people sought out my advice on innovation and often worship is me explain venture for America to president oh, and 2012 th age of a fifth I was riding high by personal life progressed as well in these years my wife and I got married and we now have two sons to occupied many of our waking HRS being a parent is much hotter than I ever thought it would be upgraded some sense of fulfillment the 182016 something started bothering me a feeling I couldn't seem to shake as I crisscrossed the country I often found places that seem to be in the midst of long-term decay by 18 diners where I was one of the very few customers didn't see all day drove past boarded up businesses in for sale signs walked into derelict buildings and factories saw the looks of resignation on people's faces the overall feeling was one of defeat in downtrodden this U.N. troop and worship message of take risks and that's OK to fail seemed ridiculous and misplaced in many of these contexts that felt like the metaphorical water level in many places had risen in overtaken whole communities are often fly back to Manhattan or silicon valley after a trip and think I can't believe I'm still in the same country I'd sit down for dinner with my friends and feel like a character in a play about people who ate well while the world birds struggling to understand and share what I'd seen it was less the buildings and surroundings and more the people they seem despondent in depressed but there are rice's had been lowered teus simply scraping by this for me and gone from being an underdog to one of the guys with the answers providing the most marginalized or excluded person in the room to finding the richest person and making him or her feel special the mechanics of growing a nonprofit made me into the head of an establishment which in turn made me more responsive to resource which institutions and people is spent a lot of time with people who had already won which was not what I'd envisions I began to see the limitations of what was then happening in the entrepreneur ship nonprofit and government sectors that would be invited to high level conferences or designed sessions only to have colleagues even people who were considered the most successful in the field and fight to me that they didn't believe they were mean glee addressing the problems they set out to solve that they would be 10 or 100 or 1000 times resources to have a chance to do so people were clapping us on the back congratulating us on our accomplishments and we were thinking to ourselves what are you congratulating us for the problems are just getting worse the sense of unease planes mean the became consumed by two fundamental and uncomfortable questions what the heck is happening to the United States and why am I becoming such state school I begin to feel that my life more closely resembles a dream life in a bubble than the experience of the average American and that too much of arts human and Financial Capital is flowing in just a handful of places doing things that are speeding and the machine up rather than facing what is going on I was also moving from the guy who wanted to fix the machine into an ad on to the machine I love venture for America those the coloration culmination of my life's work but it needed to be much much bigger to stem the tide I started digging into research about trends in the labor market and talking to friends to better understand the long-term shifts happening in the American economy I wanted to know what the challenges were Donald trump selection in the 82016 heightened my sense of urgency he felt like a cry for help what I found shot me and purified my experiences on the road America is starting 100,000 fewer businesses per year than it was only that it was only 12 years ago and is in the midst of shedding millions of jobs due primarily to Dick a logical and fences are economic engine is stalling out in many places and automation is illuminating livelihoods for hundreds of thousands of our most veteran vulnerable Americans in regions across the country new jobs are less numerous are often more created in towns located far from the most hard hits and require far different skills than the ones that are being lost technology is about to reach a point where it won't just be coaxed in the interior that are threatened by many white collar and educated workers as well I remember the moment they finally sank in completely I was reading a CNN article that detail how automation had a limited and millions of manufacturing jobs between 2020 15 four times more than globalization and walk through many of the cities that had previously been home to those jobs Cleveland and Cincinnati Indianapolis Detroit Pittsburgh Saint Louis Baltimore and their surrounding areas I knew what my friends were working on and what was coming down the road as I felt the pieces fall into place my heart sank in my mind race nothing will stop us we had decimated the economies and cultures of these regions and were set to do so to do the same too many others in response American lives and families are falling apart rapid financial stress is the New Normal we're in the third or fourth inning of the greatest economic shift in the history of mankind and no one seems to be talking about it or doing anything in response is spent this past six years trying to address these problems by helping growth companies create jobs in different regions in trading entrepreneur SP is been my job for the past six years to create jobs I'm about to bruins were all about to lose on an epic scale and now certain that the way the great displacement is already here is already and is having a fax bigger and faster than most anyone believes the most pernicious thing about this week is that you can't really tell who in his hits as it grinds up people and communities I switched gears my goal now is to give everyone a sense of what's coming and then prepare us to fight with a version of the future that he wants there will be a massive challenge is up to us the market will not help us indeed is about to turn on us the solutions are beyond us is getting late in the day and time is wearing shorts I need you to see what I see the will stop there and I'm reading the war on normal people by Andrew Yang and unlike zoned thanks for listening a T a B I, are you EC 1 SY1 one one to one


Wow! Interesting and very telling. AI is definitely a part of making humans less than. Here is fairly short video and it's done well that summarizes just how far (at least what they let on as they are generally far more advanced than they let the general populace know). It's under 15 minutes and is titled,
Artificial Intelligence, Identity theft and how fear will help drive Trans humanism.