in #audiobooks6 years ago

linktr.ee/magicmikemazz today's role models more often than not to the very opposite year vacuous an empty in pushing a rotten message your role models who cheat on their partners abuse substances abandon their families and stand for nothing but the pursuit of 1 ton hedonism western civilization now has a generation of young people who are literally regressing thanks to their lack of undeveloped super ego all the seekers place within society are being slowly intact or have been removed parents are no longer a partnership and discipline in the home is often nonexistent mv lost youth stirred to the modern day pied pipers will begin down the path of destruction that is not just western youth who will be destroyed two to this madness is western civilization that will crumble as a result that took millenia to build and shape will be broken apart in near decades traditions and cultures that were passed down from generation to generation and above all that existed for thousands of years will be forgotten and lost the rich western heritage history and western way of life with all will all be washed away within a century of menace the enemies of the west understand that questor strength and western culture lies in the ties that bind Westerman two is passed his historic achievements he also understand that the future of the west lies in western youth and by separating the two they know it spells disaster for the west Westerman discovered in colonize the world they went on to reach for the stars yet the enemies of the west are intent on sending Westerman crawling back to the primitive call of the ad instance on Ewald animalistic pleasure is now the order of the day as the enemies of the west seek to undermine been destroyed everything there was a party the western super ego to the next generation fifth nine the role of feminism and the death of the loving mother th so far has been disproved discussed by the structures of western society have been dismantled and how this has affected the development of the super ego and thus allow the primitive selfish in pleasure seeking aid to begin to triumph and the effect this has had on western society as stated earlier society functions and works is a well oiled machine because of shared moral values that are present within a group in essence a share super ego that hasn't been imported to the young this point the discussion has been buried mail oriented and focused more strongly on the role of the mail as the display Marion and patchy oracle authority figure in both the family unit and the community as a whole to its of the is order and discipline is in the main dispensed by strong masculine figures a strong father figure and strong male role model are essential for the functioning of a strong society the strong male figures of Society and crucially the next generation on the right path helping to facilitate the passing down of tradition and values the individuals when advanced western civilization the inventors the captains of industry the explorers in the military heroes have more often than not been mail that is not to write women out of history or to diminish the role of women in society who claim that women have been written out of history or to denigrate their contribution is to play into the hands of the enemies of the west to return briefly to the example of the honeybees each bee has a role to play whether that is the role of queen drone or worker and regardless of the job than being Carries out which is mightily important in its own way the same is true in western civilization the advancement of which came about through people pulling together and playing their individual role with outs thought too selfish gain is no been box another because of the role they carry out no man can sneer at a woman and no woman scored a man because their role in society may differ take for example the role the family unit and its importance to the development of both society into the next generation this is been discussed extensively earlier chapters is been stated that the mail is the head of the house a disciplinarian and authority figure does that will relegate the woman to being less than her male counterparts is the wife in effect less than the husband of course knots major favor the mail and the female coming together as a lasting and stable family units and bringing up children in such a way because Males and females form a complimentary pair of the male and female are different physically and mentally both pretty different skills and attributes to the relationship when a male and female come together they create a union that is more rounded and balanced than it either individual and ultimately a couple can be seen as more than the sum of its parts that the mail can be described as the head of the house the female can easily be described as the heart of the house the loving and motherly female was as much a central component of western society as the nuclear family and the nuclear family as the mail in your role is the compassionate supportive nurturing and loving influence on the child is as important as the discipline to the order and the authority imparted by the mail the super egos of course composed of the two facets we have previously discussed the conscience and the ideal self wills the strong male role model in party discipline and order which helped shape the ideal self more often than not the conscious which is founded on empathy loving care was born from the influence of the loving mother is conscious was helped is early stages of development by the bond the mother had with the child is natural and loving connection between mother and child is vital to the early development of the infants loving mother is any well balanced child first and most indelible a printed and lasting memory the mother feeds cares for nurtures and looks after the infant child in every way to king of a child in imprinting a lasting bond that as the child grows and develops to mature tea helps the next generation remain tie into the family and the mother that raised its his mother the bond with a child binds individuals to their families in their past with feelings of love and memories of childhood happiness that should never fade or greater achievement is therefore a loving mother than to successfully raised her children and see the next generation of are family and blood develop into find upstanding members of the community or could be more satisfying to anyone in to see the child they gave birth two feed nurtured and taught grow up into a strong and well rounded member of society as strong an outstanding adults young adult is the physical embodiment in the living proof of a mother's heart work love and scale as a parent's these are natural callings nature's most bacon basic drives are for individual to survive and to pass on their blood to the next generation these acts of motherly love and child rearing have been going on since the earliest days of western developments ensuring that the child was kept warm through the ice cold winters huddled in the early dwellings of Northern Europe assuring the child came first we came to food even if that meant the mother going without ensuring that the child was protected and nursed your sickness all of these things where the great sacrifices every successful mother made in the buffet meal was never the weaker of the sexes nor treated as such who was a vital complimentary partner to the mail was the mail was out hunting gathering fishing in creating tools the female master the art of multicast king feeding the fire sending to the children in checking the progress of the food being prepared that female was the homemaker and running a successful home was no small feat nor was it less important than the tasks undertaken by her partner as western civilization advanced the motherly figure became the housewife and her role as homemaker was cemented further as westerns of its ID moves off the ice sheets and developed into an advanced society that female became never more than beating heart of the household literally running the home is she a raise the children to pour scorn on the other in the housewife or to attempt to diminish the role the mother and house with played in the development of western civilization that not only pay a disservice to generations of women who would also serve to create division between the sexes were previously there was none however this is exactly what has happened during the 20th century the role of the woman as a homemaker loving mother and committed partner has been scorned mocked in derided by those who wish to see the destruction of western civilization the same people when facilitated the breakdown of the family units the same people away ever moved the safeguards in western society and the same people with forested unsuitable role models upon western children have conspired to attack the natural role of the female in society with the poisonous ideology known as feminism veneman feminism is a multi pronged attack on western civilization that aims to create division and distrust between Males and females where previously there was understanding cooperation and harmony feminism is a wholly unnatural calling that attacks the natural urge for a female to come together with the mail and form a complimentary pair and raise children in a loving to parents' home them in ism is not just an attack on the mail as many mistaken for button attack and the female and her natural role when taken to its logical conclusion feminism leaves a woman trying to emulate and outdo the mails a router in a few tile attempt to prove she is better at masculine pursuits than her male counterparts feminism attacks the variance in essence of femininity is an attack on everything that women have achieved in the contribution of every loving mother loyal wife and committed a homemaker in the littles the contribution of the supportive partner the toting mother and attacks women who seek to satisfy their natural and loving urges for the feminist battle against the patriarchy or the mail is seen as a noble cause for women who wish to rise up against airmail oh presser's however this battle of the sexes is not a genuine fight who won makes manufactured by those who wish to create division and discord within western society fifth of the the war ways by the feminist is done so under the seductive guise of a quality that is stated earlier and quality does not exist in the natural world and men and women were never meant to be equal the different components of a loving partnership the women and the man were meant to work together to achieve more as a pair that neither could have achieved alone men and women are not meant to be at war with one another that are meant to form a complimentary pair the mail and the female are different than are men to come together in order to each provide the different components that make up a single entity which facilitates the successful raising our children in a feminist battle to defeat the mail and surpassing dominate him the feminist knows that a female cannot be victorious by being feminine motherly and pursuing her natural gender roles feminist tell women to cast off their natural urges and desires and instead emulates mail attributes is only a natural process forces the woman to be like a man in order to compete unnaturally with her partner at the things he does best feminism drives women to throw off and discard the traits that make them unique and cherished and so very important to society the feminist and fantasy of defeating the mail on his own ground is a lever and difficult if nine on impossible task is the male and female have carried out their different gender roles nudges for generations before tens of thousands of years the male and female have each grown the vault in different ways over the millennia in order to be best adapted to the roles they played roles which due to their complementary nature are vastly different than male developed a stronger more muscular and athletic build to become the best hunter the scale that in turn increased the mails spatial awareness is discussed earlier the female developed patients in multi testing as she dealt with many tasks at once including the rearing of the Yom feminism is created a dichotomy for the female is forced to compete against are male counterpart and essentially go against are natural callings and your own body of all skill sets to do this she was jettisoned are free and feminine attributes and womanly way is an attempt to become like a man in order to compete off actively but with women increasingly striving to be like men this presents the west with another mortal blow the death of the loving mother the very heart of the western family the loving mother the female has now been ripped off outs a casualty in the feminists for for a false the quality that is neither achievable nor desirable for a stable and healthy society for women and tried to emulate man they lose once it is that makes them so special and destroy the attributes that make them sell that make them so vital to the western world for as the female tries to emulate the mail the most striking change that she goes to do is to discard her loving and motherly wages the female inns to excel in the workplace and miniature male counterparts the female in Ames who or she now competes with rather than embraces a NIC LC in all this is the females naturally natural motherly and loving instincts the mail is strong in different ways to a female he is harsher and less emotional in order to compete with the mail the woman has to also become harsher and less emotional essentially suppressing in the starting the traits that made her a good mother of this transformation has a profound effect on the way a woman raises her children of th rather than inning to be a housewife and mother and aspiring for a large family the female aspires to work as a mail would be compete with men in the workplace the woman no longer does it yourself on the how well she manages the home and how well her children are brought up but on whether she can perform in the commercial world is drive is directly at odds with the drive to have children was more if and when a woman does have children are drive is now to get back into the workplace leaving the children at play groups war with child minor child mind years a child's early years of Vitaly important as it is in these early years that the child bonds with his mother through almost constant contact with your the mother feeds and nurtures in cares for the child is in charge of almost every aspects of the child's upbringing that these tests are not carry out fifth mounted a mother in at natural way but by others were designed to carry out the motherly tests on her behalf this can start a child's development separating mother from child weakens the bonds they hold the nuclear family together with the separation and also has an effect on the mental development of the child the consciences part of super ego is made up of empathy and gives the individual a feeling of guilt is the contemplate breaking the moral colds and values of society the conscious is an important part aspect of the development of a child and is imparted largely in the early years from interactions between mother and child a loving mother imparts those feelings and bills the conscience a sense of right and wrong which is obviously bolstered and reinforced by the order and discipline imparted by the father to remove the mother from the child in the early stages of development also increases the level of stress on the child and can even cause a child to suffer from depression something they can affect the development of the child both physically and mentally is is known as attachment theory is something that can be easily read upon and has been extensively studied the interestingly attachment theory states that other caregivers begin nannies grandparents or child binders are not a substitute for the other the child knows if it is or is not with his mother and this affects the child's feeling of contentment and happiness and thus affects the child's mental states a loving mother is essential to a child's development and are close proximity to the child for there's some other child bond AIDS in both the mental and physical development of the child yet feminism wishes to speed the separation of mother from child in order to hasten the females return to the workplace so she can do battle with the mail and if you tell attempt to better the mail on his own round their mind that in the early development of western civilization right up to before the industrial revolution the mother would remain in the home with a child and be responsible for the child's tuition and personal development up to a fairly advanced age the bond between mother and child would be far stronger because of this and as such the mental development of the child would be far more advanced and as a result the child super ego would be more likely to develop to a greater degree the loving mother set a standard that was then passed down from generation to generation her daughter saw the example she sent into became their role model just as the strong and dominant father figure provided a role model to his son's the loving and mother the female provided a role model to her daughters the young female saw the strength love in the crucial up role that the mother played within the family and sought to emulate that's the natural and learned urges of these young female were to emulate their own mother and you have children and to raise those children in a manner similar to their own upbringing but just as tradition is taught and remember he can also be forgotten as the feminist pushes for the woman to do battle with the mail and thus abandon her family for the workplace young female see this and seek to emulate the actions of their mother just as young people were without a father figure that discipline in order and risk becoming Tara ways young females and young Males are both affected by the lack of a loving mother motherly figure as the stunts a child's early and mental developments that females hard and attitude into the asp to the mail that now Cesar view him as the enemy and not the lover projector and partner also rubs off on the next generation rather than seeing the mail as the other part of the compliment repair the female sees the mail is someone she should compete with this is highly unnatural imagine back in the early days of western society if the male and female head competed with one another and knocked works together Westerman would never have survived remember Males and females working together in forming family units is the foundation of western society to break up the nuclear family by either removing the father or the mother is to tear apart the very foundations of the west fifth for young females to be brought up by hard and unnatural and on loving mothers the prioritize their career over the good of their children is to attack the very foundation of western society and to undermine not only the development of the next generation but also the development of all future generations thereafter that is exactly what those behind feminism wish for feminism can be classified as an unnatural ideology one based in self aggrandizement that prompts the female to throw off for natural role as a mother for and loving partner in order to achieve on an individual level and in a way that is not conducive to the growth and maintenance of western society loving mother was not just a homemaker and we're certainly not a slave to our male companion as the feminist would like us to believe the loving mother was the beating heart of the home and was crucial to the metal development of the next generation of the family by providing stability love and constant care and attention she nurtured and mentally balanced children that would be more likely to accept in learn the morals and values that make of a developed super ego by ensuring the child was in the right mental state to be able to learn row in developed into being a productive and balanced member of society the mother played a crucial role in the development of western civilization was the role the mother as the caregiver more important than the role the father who was the rule the father is a display Marianne more important than the role of the mother the answer much to the annoyance of the feminist is that both were and still are equally important to develop a cohesive society the people who make up that society need to be mentally balanced in highly developed the more highly developed and mentally balanced individuals are the more developed their super ego can be and with a higher super ego comes a higher level of moral reasoning these high moral values in Cher traditions a woodbine homogenous groups of people together into communities they can thus be held that the western female is the mother of western civilization as she nurtures the young and helps them develop through constant care and attention the western female played a pivotal role in the development of the next generation and help the next generation develop a higher form of consciousness is served to find western society together the west are female was never less important than her male counterpart nor was it intended for her to compete with him the male and female were designed to complement one another and to come together to form a pair that held a value there was more than the sum of its parts if follows the feminism is an attack not just on the mail but also the female and the whole of western society as it seeks to undermined the beating heart of western civilization the loving mother fifth th 10 in the role of feminism the destruction of the family units fifth that it is a family is the cornerstone of western society is central to the western way of life the family bond originate in out of evolutionary pressure Westerman was forced into lasting partnerships in order to both defend and raise his children individuals who decide to give up on their partners inevitably saw their offspring parish in their genetic lines are aced however those couples to stir together and worked as a family unit to ensure the survival of their offspring saw other children survived and mature and their genetic line carrying on the coming together of man and woman was then enshrined in religious in state law as individuals group together is tribes and tribes became nations states and religious law sought to citified marriage and set the couple and the nuclear family above all else a bond for life in one that should not be broken likely the importance of this family units has been discussed extensively in the context of the significance of a two parent family and the effect of both the mother and father being present when raising children we discussed the importance of a strong father and a loving mother in the upbringing of children and how a two parent family is crucial to the successful mental development of the child and most importantly in reporting the super ego to the next generation we have also discussed how in the west the one strong family unit is now under attack on divorces on the rise now our children are increasingly being brought up in single parent homes the effect of the loss of a strong father figure and disciplinarian in the home is quite clear to see has also been discussed that the weakening of the super ego as allow the aid to run three which is led to a rise in the number of divorces as both men and women choose to shark the moral duties of rigging up their children as a couple instead choosing to pursue a selfish path of individualism and pleasure along with the drive for individualism and pleasure the the enemies of the west had also mounted other attacks on the family units one of them being feminism bananas and operates under the guise of a quality that men and women should be equal when in fact men and women are not equal but different men and women make up complimentary payer and went together for the unit that is more than the sum of its parts a happy home is supported by both a mother and a father but the includes of the father and the input of the mother of both markedly different yet equally important fifth fence feminism says about economy where men and women are natural enemies the tax than orchard natural order of society a six to create a war between the sexes them feminist seek to create a false battle where women need to overcome intimate the mails around them feminism is not a progressive movement is 6 to 3 women the divisive ideology that wishes to separate men and women prevent natural roles as partners instead sixths to set them against one another big a mistake feminism is an ideology of 884 natural strong masculine mails that also hate for the natural loving and committed female it's the fifth is an ideology that seeks not equality before the female to dominate the mail on his own grounds is an ideology their wishes to transform the female from being a natural loving and compassionate individual into little more than a poor substitute for a man feminism seeks to break down natural boundaries and turn gender roles on their head however these natural boundaries and gender roles are some of the founding blocks that serve to build a western civilization the drive for feminism within the west is a profound affects not only does it lead to the death of the loving mother but it also increasingly leads to the destruction of the family unit of kid man and woman come together as a complement repair as lovers friends and partners and they're being set against each other as if they were natural enemies the whole overarching thought process behind feminism sets man up as the natural enemy in oppressor of the female and who in their right mind was choose to settle in for a lifelong bond with their enemy and oppressors and fifth the whole basis of modern feminism is built around one central belief that society is one big patriarchy a social system where many have the upper hand in control the running of society to the detriment of females were subservient to the authority of the mail and are in effect little more than slaves to their male counterparts in the feminist thought process it logically follows is the woman is oppressed by the mail that she is nothing more than his slave in may and marriage is just a own way of state and religious law ratifying that slavery for life than women should reject marriage following this rather radical line of thought is the even more extreme idea that we live in a world where rate culture is prevents in feminist theory rate culture is a concept in which rape is pervasive a normalized in the west do to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality in essence rape cultures the bizarre theory that all men are potential rapists and rape is something men see as healthily the theory of rape culture also states that menus rape is a tool to exert control and power over females within society is bizarre set of beliefs would be laughable if you weren't so dangerous in words influencing the minds of so many young women in western society once young women buy into this warped theory is little or no wonder that the family unit becomes the first and most obvious casualty the notion that women are essentially slaves two men held in servitude by the threats of rape no less is hardly a notion that is going to endear women to men now extrapolate that idea women are told that they are slaves they live under the constant threat of rape which is used as a tool to control them by their slave masters the slave masters are of course men were all part of an overarching patriarchy that seeks to exert control over all women how could any woman who believes this nonsense ever engage in a healthy trusting and loving relationship with them an this very notion is one that could not be more divisive to the family units the coming together of man and woman is vital to the survival of any racial or cultural group that if the men and women who made up a particular group were set against one another and made to resent each other the chances of that group surviving would diminish rapidly those who are propagating these feminist ideals are propagating an attack on western society which is wholly destructive and advice if you're literally attacking the cornerstone of western civilization the city of two constituent parts of the family unit against one another before these ports are advanced any further is taking a close look at the underlying thought crosses in facts behind term slight patriarchy and rape culture firstly it goes without saying that men to hold a disproportionate power in the structures that have emerged in developed in western society however it does not follow this as power is either oppressive nor does it follow that men are more important or that many exist on a higher level than females mails to take leadership roles within society more readily than females however that is because the mail is naturally the display Marianne Wolk parts order a trait importance to any successful we're is of course does not make the female obsolete or less important than her male counterpart is feminine as feminists would like to claim the role of the female is that of a loving mother and partner who nurtures gears for an overseas them early metal developments in growth of her children the future of any society or nation lies within its youth and what role model could be more important to a well functioning society that ensuring the development of the next generation that females role is not solely in child rearing that and female also plays an important role in supporting her male counterparts for the support and love is something that allows men to achieve more than the code on their own and turn allows greater achievements within society as such is commonly said that behind every great man is a strong woman was made in who enjoyed the support and love of a good woman and a more likely to win a merge his authority figures seasons take leadership roles in society men also serve as protectors and Guardians to the females to support them support is not a one way streets and many women have always supported each other in different ways as they both complement one another the feminist however does not acknowledge this the feminist wishes to create a conflict between men and women with the mail being painted as the oppressive slave master who wishes to keep the female town and the female being presented as the oppressed victim who needs to break three in regain her independence but under quite simple examination the idea that the mail seeks to turn the female into a slave and falls apart crucially no slave master whenever put their life before that of his slaves in or to protect what was near property to him slaves are merely a commodity something that is measured in monetary worth and can be used as a medium of exchange no master losses slaves the Wixom to their limits and sees them simply as a tool in the same way he would see a piece of machinery yet millions of Westerman have given their lives wading through the mud of foreign fields and laws of their comrades in enemies as they fought to protect the lives and liberty of their wives and children a man who is willing to give his life for another person must view that person in nothing but the highest regard and the highest regard is that western civilization has always had for the western female in times of war or hardship it would not be unreasonable to think that a slave master might put his slaves on the fourth line to use them as cannon fodder and expand their lives to assure his own safety the western mail has never done this when Moore has broken up the woman has always stayed at home safe from the dangers and hardships of battle as the man has gone to fight in order to protect her liberty when did the slave master ever risk is life in order to protect the liberty of the slayings in times of disaster aid was always women and children first they would have really go down with the ship and give their own lives so that if women and children would be afforded safety is doubtful any slave master red shoes to fill the lifeboats with their slaves and go down with the ship to ensure the safety of their property above themselves the feminist however will he eagerly tell you that staying in the home was never a luxury for the female and at the home and certainly wasn't a safe space the feminist will tell you that the homemaker was not three nor did she have for liberty the feminist Wilson tried to tell you that the hold was a prison the feminist will attempt to claim the homemaker was essentially side to the home is a prisoner to a cage wills the man was free to go and work in carve out a lucrative career in the freedom of the outside world is true that women did stay at home he did look after the children and they did support their men as homemakers who else men were at home than men went out on fishing boats and braving the wild seas they went down mine shafts Irish wrist being crushed to death were being asphyxiated by poison gas men also in message for military duty to protect their settlements from raiders in rival tribes literally risking their lives on a daily basis the women may well have stayed in the home and acted as a mother and homemaker that she did not remain in the house is a slave who missed out on the wonders that her male counterpart enjoyed the women may rarely have risen to the level of tribal leader but neither did she faced death on a daily basis from simply doing her job nor did she marched to war to be hacked to pieces on a cold foreign field there is another crucial attribute of slaves you're almost universally looked down upon no one looks up to a slave no one worships a slave and no one looks to a slave as a source of inspiration stage of the lowest rate of any society and are held in low regard something that the feminist will claim is true of women in western society however nothing could be further from the truth women were never looked down on but in fact women were deified in western civilization for the earliest classical writings for th homer's iliad is an Everett tale of the trojan war and the exploits of the heroes who fought on both sides one guy get caught focusing on the battles the male heroes or the immense scale of the war that encompassed the great states that would be to lose sight of the reason for the war the love of a woman Helen of Troy was the woman with a face that launched 1000 ships tens of thousands of men were fighting a war that engulfed ancient Greece use all for the love of one perfect woman one would find it hard to imagine a war being fought for the freedom of one of lowly slave is deification of females in the female form is a theme that is present in western literature art poetry and song from the earliest western tax the notions of beauty and the central role females played in society is always present his Harley the work or the actions of a civilization the scores females were treats them as slaves as women were not be the fifth man but often than an inspiration to them and the very reason that men fought with session bravery and conviction and strive for such excellence women were always looked up two and western society as mothers wives and for their beauty and femininity western civilization noted if were noted the differences between men and women and celebrated those differences they did not paint one against the other he did not compete the two and it did not cause the two to go into competition that most importantly never forced one to try to become the other its fifth th that the term patriarch the county it even more troubling term rate culture feminist will gladly tell you that every mail is a potential rapist this in itself is a flawed and ridiculous argument the statement is actually factually true is indeed every man could potentially commit rape just as every woman could potentially murder her own children this is of course an absurd way to look at either men or women just because a small proportion of women smother their babies spread suffering from postnatal depression no man would go into a room and view every woman in that room is a potential child killer and a woman who use every man is a potential rapist would be equally unreasonable however the under reasonable notion that every man should be viewed as a potential rapist is exactly the way in which feminists want women to view men feminism doesn't care for being reasonable feminism intends to stoke a true for men the notion that every man is a potential rapist is a powerful tool in the feminist arsenal RE comes to promoting hatred and fear of many causing further division between the sexes what could be a more powerful tool in order to greet eight in division between the sexes than to have every woman of you every man is a potential threat to our safety latches and then raped culture for their through further though input the term under the microscope rape is surely one of the most heinous crimes in an act that no one should ever be subjected two has such a rate is an act that is look down on by everyone in society this is illustrated by the fact that when rapist are apprehended and imprisoned other criminals within the penal system attack them and varied raise a society where broken the law and the to be separated from society you rapist says some human vermin that the loans is an awful lot about the way sexual predators and rapists are viewed his Harley indicated, society in which great culture is prevail its the fact that rapists are outcasts even among criminals is a barometer of how poorly sex offenders are regarded hearing that in mind the idea that there's a pervaded culture of rate amongst Males were Males exert their power over females through sexual assault is insane but despite the theory of rape culture being utterly insane is still a powerful tool for the feminist as those who believe it learn to fear and hate the man they should love an embrace years for sex is a natural drive is covered by the aid and is part of the pleasure principle when a woman says no to a male the mail super ego kicks in his moral values and reasoning tell him that it is wrong to go forward with a sex act despite the cravings of the aid which seeks to satisfy its lustful desires the mail super ego cells and it is wrong to force the female into having sex and hence fifth he withdraws the conscience for the feelings of the female is part of the developed psyche and is something that is imparted to the mentoring childhood by his mother however there is also the fact that rapists are seeing is the lowest of low as those with a strong vision of an ideal self whenever seek to carry out such a heinous crime the ideal self is of course imparted to the man during childhood by his father another male role models western civilization and the developed western super ego would never have tolerated make or break culture rate is abhorrent egos against a very natural urges of a man to protect love and Cherish women Westerman risked his life crawling through mine shafts and braving the open seas to provide for his wife and loved one's western man march to war to protect his tribe in his family Westerman was not a slave master will use rate as a weapon as a loving and caring partner were lied and his wife or love and support and in return he loved and supported her the love and support that man and woman showed one another with in western society was brought through hardship in mutual cooperation is mutual cooperation was necessary to ensure the several survival of both the couple and their children men and women were never meant to be in competition with one another men and women were intended to be married to one another and to cooperate as a pair by cooperating as a pair men and women would achieve more than they would have had the remains a loan feminism is an entire family movement a movement that attacks the very heart of western culture feminism also seeks to destroy the feminine beauty of the female and transform the woman into a more masculine creature so she can compete with error would be partner in a pointless struggle for dominance is for the sexes is a wholly unnatural social construct manufactured by the enemies of the west feminism is another tool used by those who wish to destroy the west and those who buy intuit RB dukes and used feminism says young women against men and bills distrust between the sexes feminism makes them and the enemy of them woman's an effort to prevent flooding bonds forming between the two them as it seeks to break this the complimentary pair that lies at the heart of Southern Life feminism is a tool that is used by those who wish to undermine western civilization as the feminist mindset undermines the formation of the family units feminism also serves to increase the rate of divorce within society as married women buy into the nonsense that they need to break free from the chains of their slavery women were never slaves to their man the supporting and loving counterparts who would return for their support in love received love safety and protection for both themselves and their children there is no greater testament to this love an aberration in the fact that men would happily give their lives and go to the death in an orderly fashion with a smile on their face in order to ensure the safety of their wives and children feminism seeks to undermined the cornerstone of western society the nuclear family them in ism is an attack on the loving bonds and trust that act as a glue is find the family unit together as such feminism represents a threat to western civilization has self Aladdin and the role of feminism and the reduction of the western birth rates for th feminism is an attack on the west and divisive ideology that seeks to turn women against men and break in natural loving bonds and exist between Males and females a complimentary pairing of man and woman has served the west well and literally built western civilization through mutual support and the growth of the nuclear family feminism has not only attack the mail but it also attacks the female in order to allow the female two unnaturally compete with the mail in order to achieve a sense of false equality the female must alter her behavior and adopt increasingly masculine traits that a female must lose your femininity are loving caring and nurturing side and must become hard and to her natural Mother Liane homely instincts that represents the loss of one of the two components that is vital to the upbringing of the healthy and developed child the loving mother them is am also to mop demonizes the mail feminism propagates lies about patriarchy and rape culture in order to make women distrusted even hate men these beliefs set up a false dichotomy of the mail being the slave master and abuser and of the female being the slave and the victim is ideology of paint turns the woman away from her natural partner lover and friend and creates an air of distrust between women and men trust however is the obvious foundation of any loving relationship so with distrust in hits in a growing manufactured in false battle between the sexes big casualty is lasting relationships marriage and the nuclear family women no longer want to be loving mothers instead choosing to follow a path with a fever competing with Males in the workplace rather than having children is not enough that women increasingly want to compete with Males and become like Males thus having less children but is now a sad fact that women see children as a barrier to achieving their goals and see motherhood is wholly undesirable and something that holds them back for the feminist being a mother is not an honorable pursuits is simply makes the woman a slave to are male counterpart and ties for to him children are no longer desirable they are a drain on Time Resources and my money children have gone from being a natural and fulfilling addition to a woman's life to being simply baggage that slows a woman down in a race to achieve material bowls this is a key facets of the destruction of the Western Seoul and spirituality that the enemies of the west seek the warm happiness in spiritual fulfillment the loving couple gain from raising a family is replaced by individuals seeking greater material wealth missy real goals are put before everything and the spiritual and soulful desires they brought loving couples together to procreate are now seen as a barrier to the new false idol to which western people dedicate their life materialism the rise of the notion that a child is no longer desirable and in fact holds a woman back has obviously affected the western birthrates in a dramatic way but it is not enough that women decide to simply not have children by avoiding loving relationships and marriage women now decide to kill their unborn children in order to forgo motherhood and continue down a path of personal gain any materialistic pursuits the west has witnessed the meteor a meteoric rise of abortion we had talked earlier about the aid in itself a strive for pleasure and satisfaction and a super ego in his drive for moral duty values and selfless commitment to one's family and the larger community to having a child in caring for and nurturing the next generation of once people is the most selfless and noble act for a young woman two undertake and will stop there and of reading a book full of Western Maine by mark collects and I might Mazzone thanks for listening