EPIC DEBATE!! 🤯🔥🇦🇺 CHRISTIAN tries to SCHOOL Muslim But Regrets it INSTANTLY!!

in #au4 months ago

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

How are you doing today? I hope you are all well! I am also good الحمد لله. …. And welcome everyone to my blog. Now I am happy to share the news for you and all.

In this video, we dive into a heated yet insightful debate about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, discussing both the Christian and Islamic perspectives. Our speaker addresses common claims regarding the crucifixion and resurrection, analyzing the biblical inconsistencies found in the Gospels and comparing them with Islamic teachings from the Quran.

Key points covered:

Was Jesus substituted on the cross?

Exploring the medical evidence behind the crucifixion.

Biblical contradictions in the resurrection narrative.

Eyewitness testimony vs the Word of God.

Islamic beliefs on Jesus (Isa) and his role in Islam.

Join us for this thought-provoking dialogue, where we aim to clarify misconceptions and highlight the core differences between Christianity and Islam on this important topic.

Whether you're curious about Islamic teachings or seeking to better understand your own faith, this discussion will provide valuable insights.

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Quoted from Wikipedia that in Arabic, Islam (Arabic: إسلام, lit. 'surrender [to God]') is a verbal noun of Form IV which comes from the verb سلم (salama), from the triliteral root س-ل- م (S-L-M), which forms a large class of words mostly related to the concepts of surrender, salvation, and peace. In a religious context, it refers to total submission to God's will. A Muslim (مُسْلِم), the word for a follower of Islam, is the active participle of the same verb form, and means "one who surrenders (to God)" or "one who submits (to God)". In the Hadith of Jibril, Islam is presented as one part of a triad which also includes imān (faith), and ihsān (perfection). Islam itself has historically been called Mohammedanism in the English-speaking world. The term has fallen into disuse and is sometimes considered offensive, as it implies that a human being, not God, is central to the Muslim religion.

The Islamic religion teaches that the basic concept of divinity in Islam is explained in one surah called Surah Al-Ikhlas which only consists of four verses. The first verse of this surah states that the Almighty God is named Allah. The second verse explains the abilities He has as God, namely as a place to ask for everything. Then, in the third verse, it is stated that His nature is childless and unbegotten. The fourth verse also mentions His nature, namely that there is nothing like Him. In Islamic teachings. Allah is the only God who has the right to be worshiped, has the best names, and has the highest qualities and characters. The teaching of Islamic monotheism is called tawhid, which is defined as the unity of Allah in things that are God's specialty and that He requires. Allah's unification in matters specific to God is divided into two discussions: monotheism rububiyah and monotheism asma' wash-shifat, while Allah's unification in matters that He requires is discussed in monotheism uluhiyah.


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