In my Community people come out in there numbers to buy things.
After the days hustling you will see motorist stopping by to buy some
Things they needs at home.
Some of this people are Bankers and some government and private
Workers returning from there place of work, and they decides to stop
By and pick something.

This market are characterised by many shops, buyers, influx of motorist
Varieties of products, goods and services and human traffic. The positioning
Of the market is bad because the market is by the road side, a lot of accident
Has happened in this place in the time past due to wrong Location.
_This market is always busy every evening and many buyers believe that they get
Things cheaper in the evening. You will see different kinds of people both the
young old and Children alike.
One good thing about this market is is that they sale a lot of things and you will get
Most of your household items there.
The market has every quality of an ideal market, but not safe and secured.
Pictures from my amazon tablet camera