Astrology August 30th 2018. Surreal Disorientation

in #astrology7 years ago


Yesterday I shared some questions with you and apparently they struck a nerve.

Here they are again if you missed them:


Who am I?

What is real for me?

What is my heart’s desire?

How do I desire to self express?

What are the rules I choose to live by?

And I suggested that you literally use post it notes to work on this.

Today the Aries Moon aspects Aries ruler Mars who is still out of bounds and at his station degree, 28˚ Capricorn, before going void at 5.03 pm MDT until 7.30pm.

As Mars is only just beginning to pick up speed after his retrograde that began on June 26th and is still out of bounds this aspect carries the flavor of that retrograde.

I am sensing such a deep state of surreal disorientation around who we are becoming in this new state. This involves grief for what was, a great deal of loss, a search for new meaning, new rules to live by and more.

Today the focus is yet again on the ‘who am I?’ energy.

Let me add a few more questions.

Who or what have I given my authority too?

How can I find deep acceptance for who I am at my most elemental level?

Where am I trying to be someone I am not?

Where am I forever striving?

I am not speaking to material wealth here, I am speaking about deep spiritual acceptance and a knowing that the answers are ALL within you.

You may seek a guide to help you to find this deep sense of acceptance but I believe we are moving away from this striving for ‘growth’ and ‘more, more, more’.

Ultimately, however, any guides you choose should not suggest there is anything ‘wrong’ with you, because there is not. A guide should help you to reach that sense of deep acceptance and to identify what’s magical within you already.

Asking these and other questions will also help so I invite you to ask them and sit and wait for the answers to come.

I am doing this myself. I too am shifting. Not in what I do but in who I am.

It’s a deepening of self love and awareness and it’s not comfortable.

But it’s inevitable.

Become you, not a ‘better’ you.

Much Love

Louise ❤


Thank you for the amazing reading!! Blessings. <3