Astrology August 28th 2018. Pushing Uphill.

in #astrology7 years ago


You know that feeling of almost being there?

But there’s still some resistance to push through or it seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time?

Slow going and an uphill push?

Today the Moon has moved into Aries and immediately meets up with Rx Chiron and the aspects Rx Saturn in Capricorn and it feels a bit like a brick wall with Aries’ ruler, Mars, only just direct and still out of bounds at the end of Capricorn.

Thinks are beginning to move forward and we’re beginning to harvest the energies of a crazy eclipse season that has lasted a few weeks.

I don’t know about you but I feel somewhat disconnected from the world and a little in limbo as if I am not really getting anywhere right now.

It’s frustrating.

However, there is the potential to push through a lot of stuff today and just get your head down and get started, When the Moon has moved past the square to Saturn later today things will feel a little less frustrating and after the New Moon on Sept 9th things will begin to flow even better.

Hold tight.

Just keep on moving with baby steps and have some patience.

By the end of September things be moving really begin to integrate the energies.

Right now feels a little bit like a holding pattern because in some ways it is.

Spend time reflecting on the new you. Saturn is stationing to turn direct on Sept 6th after turning retrograde on April 17th 2018. Pluto will also turn direct on Sept 30th after being Rx since April 22nd. And when planets turn direct they take a while to build up speed again.

So you can see that we are slowly slowly moving forward by stages giving you the opportunity to gradually adjust to the shifts of the summer. We have gradually been asked to begin to create our lives from the inside out and need time to get accustomed to this.

So, if you feel ‘not quite here’ and as if you barely know yourself you are right on track.

Just have patience.

Much Love

Louise ❤