How to read a birth chart in astrology? Mini-lessons in astrology

in #astrology4 years ago


Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

A couple of weeks ago I started a free series for all people interested in astrology but who yet don’t know much about birth charts, signs, houses, etc.

In this video series, I explain the basic concepts on how to read a birth chart and help You build the initial foundations (knowledge and wisdom) needed to analyze the map that is so freely given to us by life.

I believe this series will help You take the first steps in getting to know Yourself on a deeper level. To see the things still hidden, still uncovered.

Ever wondered why You believe in mostly material things? Or are more inclined towards more “fiery” partners in relationships? This free series will gradually reveal the reasons for these “coincidences” and offer solutions, ideas, tried and tested practices to solve some of these issues.

Enjoy and more videos to still come in the series!

For those interested in deeper topics in astrology, life, spirituality, growth, psychology, take a look at other videos on the channel here.

Or here.

Ian Altosaar

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