Mars square Uranus!

in #astrology8 years ago (edited)

On Monday, July 17th, Mars in Cancer completes a square, (90 degrees), to Uranus in Aries at 06:35PM, pacific time. This is when the cycle culminates and peaks.

This is a cycle often associated with unexpected surprises, unnatural disasters, acts of violence or aggression, and military escalations. When Mercury was recently in Cancer square Uranus in Aries on the 4th of July, No. Korea leader Kim Jong-un launched another ICBM, intercontinental ballistic missile, test. Mars square Uranus is of a more serous nature.

On a personal level, it is important to avoid hasty actions and over reacting to things. Keep the peace with others. There is an urge for more independence and to break free from limitations. Emotionally, internal issues can come to the surface to be expressed and released. Seek positive outlets for this energy such as being physically active, sports, and making some constructive changes in your life.

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Astrologically yours,


T.S. Phillips
Astro Advisory Services, LLC