AskSteemit: Did you survive the "crash"?

Not to jinx it, but we've been having a pretty good start of the week in the crypto markets. Bullish signs have been showing all over the board, many currencies you would've hoped would just have died down already but what can you do when many investors don't care what they are buying and just throw money at anything that's a blockchain and has been up for a year or two at least.
I know times have been pretty tough and I've personally refrained from making calls in posts about when I think we will hit the bottom. I was hoping/am hoping that Steem would not go all the way down to $1 and if this was the bottom then I'm quite happy with it compared to the last one and I believe the future will be quite bright for the price.
Sure we may still have some problems on the site by bad actors, vote buying, etc, but I believe all the issues we see today as big things will merely be a small dot when looking back from the future.
I am still just as amazed as I was the first time by the Steem blockchain and the apps being created on it lately feels great knowing that we are just getting started. Can't wait for the next couple of years to see what they will bring.
To get back to my question, I know many might have sold at the top, maybe at the middle - some to have completely gone back to fiat or maybe looking for a great entry back in. I personally felt like my Steempower was best remaining where it is right now - powered up and I only traded with a small amount back and forth considering USDT was having huge controversies/FUD around it back then.
To those that HODL'd tight, how did it feel to ride such a rollercoaster? Did you survive it emotionally? ^^
Mehn I would say I did but definitely not on my own . Having people like @kevinwong, @investing, @hitmeasap, @taskmaster4450, @dragosruoa, @exyle, @stephenkendal to mention but a few has been really motivating.
They helped in their own various capacities with their posts and analysis to keep us abreast and tell us what's was going on every step of the way and made us go along with every single thing happening on the blockchain and the crypto space in general. Its been a roller coaster ride but I would say I made it.
Not forgetting those who also kept us entertained every night , making us forget about the FUD for a few hours with their gaming skills, talking about @acidyo and guys have just been awesome.
I'm a survivor, the rollercoaster was hard and i was left with deep emotional damage that will follow me for the rest of my life but i survived... I hope all of us learned a thing or two in the last bull run so that when the next one comes, we take the proper steps to secure our gains earlier and be less affected by the bear when he inevitably comes again! I know i'm a wiser person now than what i was in October-November when the wild ride up started!
I think that right now we are on the bear trend :)
I don't agree, the bear market has run its course.
I think all of us got PTSD after that "Crash"
Hmmm, I emotionally survived because of my general numbness, but I got a harsh one. I put half of my savings in crypto when I saw it rising, last year, but the fees cut my savings, leaving me 1/3 (because I made many wrong choices).
Then, it all went up and I was pretty glad that I had invested. Then it all went down and now I have less than what I started with... except that I did gain a lot in a few investments, so when everything crashed, I ended up having around 3/4 of my initial investment instead of 1/3, so I think that I'm pretty well off, considering.
Now I'm doing the same with Steemit, except I don't have any more money to throw into it. I'm just seeing what happens, trying to earn as much SP as I can, getting new savings here, and I'd say that I'm pretty ok, if a pretty anxious too because I really believed that the bullish market would continue for a few months in december.
(I'm dumbfounded that I read your whole post and wrote all of this in like 3 minutes, lol)
Nice reading about you crypto journey thru this bear market. For you to have 3/4 of investment left yet is really shows you are a smart trader. Most Crypto investor who bought a ATM were unable to save that much.
Thank you, and yeah, I owe it all to my dear friend who led me through some investments that exploded into 10x or more returns. Then with the bear market it all normalized, but I was able to keep a little bit of that. I'm still hodling, though, so I might lose a lot with another massive bear market. Let's hope that the prices rise instead. :D
With the crash I lost about 60% of my investment, in January I had doubled it but I was greedy and did not withdraw profits.
Yesterday although I saw from start to finish the STEEM and SBD pump a I decided to hold them because I trust in the platform and the project, although I was tempted to sell at $ 3 and buy a little lower I preferred not to risk.
The fact that these cryptocurrencies rise in value when the btc is going through a bad time fills me with joy, it means that many people are beginning to know us and to be interested in this revolutionary decentralized social network.
I also think that for now the best thing is to HOLD our STEEM POWER, in the future, when everything has been a success, the price of now will seem very low.
I'm really hoping people will use their money in more smart ways this next uptrend. Invest in projects with real world usage and potential, not just whitepapers and vaporware.
you are awesome @acidyo after reading your post.i realized we should invest money in the right place .Thank you☺ for the best post.
i am new here .Need you help and support
Overall I’m long Steem so unless there is the personal finical reason why I need to down power I’ll keep in as much as possible for well into 2019. While I would love for us to make new floor at the $10 mark in the coming months or at least late into Fall. I’m personally happy with us going into the warmer spring and summer months if we stick around $1.50 to $3.5 range.
Best time to earn as much of a coin as you can is when others don’t see their time and investments into it as being at least break even. Once that happens there will be a mad rush into the door and it just gets harder for everyone not established already here or elsewhere that can bring in influence to promote their blog.
Far too many seem to go inactive when the price drops and they forget if they would be holding anyway they would be better off being around during the hard times and the good times. While from an emotional state it can be hard to be motivated when you see your future become devalued day after day. I think many if they are going be long term, need stop paying so much attention to price movement. Many would be better off just looking at things every couple of months.
With what disposable income I have I don’t have many cryptocurrency investments. I would much rather spend that on things that can bring some work/life balance into my life. Not to mention if I can somehow incorporate that into a blog or two to try and recover some of that entertainment spending even better!
I have quite a few friends who have been panicking and questioning my sanity for wanting any involvement in cryptocurrency in the first place. I just look at them and wonder “how’s that investment into Facebook going”… ya….
Well I survived, I invested at the beggining of the year so I lost about the half of my investment in USD and around a 40% respect to Bitcoin, I applied the HODL meme to TRX and paid for it.
Today I'm green in USD and BTC because of contests, airdrops and scalping, it was a very hard path but I have learned a lot from it.
Hi acidyo,
Thanks for asking.
I survived it the bear market with BTC because I did not buy at ATH but around $8k so, I have been Hodling .
Thinking of buying more BTC once it retrace down this friday. How about you?
Simply put: it doesn’t make sense and I hope that by now everyone who does TA has grabbed a rope and played the MASH theme song.
Contrarily to everything we know, even weeks of positive news and ever more news of blockchain adoption - and even possible ICOs by official orgs like the City of Berkeley - have not had the slightest impact and only further contributed to the slide. Where in any other market...
The question to ask now, is whether for now the potential bottom will truly be the mining cost of BTC and ETH.
Ever more it seems to me that we need decoupling of BTC and exchanges need to offer more, and diverse, pairing. Only when exchanges will start to offer pairing with fiat will we IMHO truly be able to start seeing trends and also find possible more realistic values for tokens. TA people may actually make sense then too. gasp
I stopped looking at my portfolio because it just looked like a scene from 300 (The Spartans movie, Ahoo!)
I just concentrated on getting and holding a little EOS, some Steem and a whole bunch of airdrops and bounties that I can hold on to. I am still practicing my invest only on amounts that you can afford to lose.
While many decided to refrain from posting in Steemit because the rewards was low. I took a different stance and posted more. I usually posted two articles a day so that I can space it between 12 hours so I can still get a upvote which I am lucky a few whales follow me and even if they don't vote for my content just being part of those that follow my account boosts it in the percentage of upvote I get from Busy so win-win for me.
I have stopped self voting as part of Asher's League of Curation and Engagement and I am in the top 5 engagers but more because I can see my vote can be used to lift morale on people that I leave votes on. I was able to give about 700+ votes on almost 300 people for last week and leave a comment as well so I am pretty happy about that.
In all I still believe in Steem even if a lot of naysayers are saying Steem is dead. We recently had dbooks and steem.films role out and then the hivemind update just happened so for me I'm just gonna keep a healthy outlook on stuff and keep holding.
Who know I might just become a whale someday with a lucky coin that i held on to (Damn you Dogecoin and all the people I slapped with it in Reddit!)
Since I'm relatively new, it was somewhat disheartening to have purchased steem when it was almost 4 dollars only to have several consecutive weeks where it was as low as 80 cents. I'm not deeply invested in crypto anymore though. I cashed out of Bitcoin a long time ago and only got involved here with loose change in abandoned wallets originally. So anyhow, I dumped in an extra 75 (on top of the original 25ish I think) dollars or so, and the market ate it. Then I got a curie and an upvote for you and a dolphin, those posts were worth half by the time they paid out. Lol. Wild ride to say the least. My wallet is worth just around what I put in and earned now, after weeks of botting around and crossing my fingers. I don't know how yall do this with so many coins and not pull your hair out. Hahaha.