The giant addition to the Tiger Cave Temple is nearly complete

in #asean8 days ago

The Tiger Cave Temple in Krabi, Thailand is one of the most famous temples in the entire country. This is because it is one of the more scenic temples and also because at the top of the mountain Buddha's footprint is located in a rock that requires climbing nearly 1400 steps to the top to see it. It's quite the workout, that's for sure.

The area on the bottom has a gigantic structure that they have been slowly working on since for as long as I have been here and even longer than that. I don't know why it was taking so long but that's just the way it is.

Over the years I have seen this go through many stages of development because I am here at least 2 times a week for the sake of the over 100 dogs that live here.


From week-to-week I never really noticed any sort of great progress in its completion but since they have started, and mostly finished, a lot of the decorative stuff that one would expect comes at the end, we can presume that they must be nearly finished with the entire thing.


I am not Buddhist, so I don't understand the importance of any of these things but I don't have to. I appreciate beautiful and impressive structures regardless of why they are there.


Now I can't say that I am really a fan of these Tigers. I think they kind of cheapen the look of the other things but since this is the Tiger Cave Temple, I suppose they need to have some Tigers there. I am sure a lot of people will stop to take photos on this spot. I just hope they maintain them so the color doesn't fade too much, which it almost certainly will since they will be in direct sunlight all the time.


All that remains to be done now is to complete the pathway to the entrance and by the way, that Thai script at the archway says "Wat Tham Suua" which means "Tiger Cave Temple" in Thai.

I'm not just happy that this will soon be complete because it has been taking I think, over a decade to complete it, but also because my over 100 furry friends here will no longer have to contend with the construction noise that comes along with the building of anything of this magnitude. In this trip I stopped by to make sure that everyone was well fed.


This dog is not sad... but just like most dogs that just scarfed down a full plate of food, they always want more. This same principal applies to any treats that we bring along with us as well.


One thing you need to know about temples is that it is considered disrespectful if you turn up in a place like this without having your body covered. If you turn up in beachwear it will be heavily frowned upon and I have witnessed clueless foreigners turning up in bikini tops that will actually be turned away by the monks.

It is near 40 degrees C in Krabi on the day of this photo shoot, and both me and my partner were dying being out in the sun like this. Now imagine what it is like for a dog? At least when we leave we can take our longs sleeves off. I am sure that after they had their food and snacks that all of our fur-covered friends went to find a nice place to lie down in the shade for the rest of the day.

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Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.
