Why would any Man want to put up with a wife . There are other options out there . After all it 2018 . Are we not over this old fashion out of date ritual .
This is my, and I say my dining room table . The last time I have eaten at it was Thanksgiving dinner . I am not allowed , not allowed because I allow it , to sit there and eat . Every season or holiday that comes the setting changes . The quilt or tablecloth is handmade along with the centerpiece by my loving wife
The background has changed . This picture was taken 2 days ago for the post I was supposed to write 2 days ago . It is now decororetes to match the table setting . There is absolutely no way I can keep up with the changes . To be honest there are times I didn't notice . Sometimes my adorable wife would ask "How do you like the new setting " I reply with my trusted foolproof answer , ' Oh baby that looks great wow ". The table or anything else wasn't changed yet . Or she will change it and asked ," should I change it . My trusted foolproof answer , " ahhh no baby I like this one you should leave it" I'm starting to think It's her who is the fool , trusted answer .
Now I ask who would continual do that to a person over and over year after year . I'll tell yea . A peach of a wife would .
This is my hunnie's sewing room . Courtesy of you know who, that's right me . She make quilts here . Not only quilts but pillows and many other things . If I paid more attention I would know what r-join online
, but I'm a man , a man's man .
I have drugged this woman all over this planet , and most of the time in horrible conditions . It's funny now but at the time awful . I'll give you one story .
I was in Germany and she wanted to come and be with me . OK sounds good right . So I picked this darling of a woman up with two kid , one 8 months old at JFK , NYC . We flew to Germany into a temporary apartment with temporary furniture and all the temporary fixings until our stuff arrived in about a month . No sooner then we get into the apartment I get a call to go to work . Give my sweetheart a kiss and tell her I'll be back in a couple hours . 183 , thats one hundred eighty three days later I came walking through the door to my Babydoll .
I still feel bad about that one . No matter where we went or the condition my wife has always turned a house into a home . That's what wife's do , they make Homes and Families . So why do men put up with wifes . They don't . If there is any putting up with it How do women tolerate men . lol
You write so beautifully about her, so sweet.
That quilt on the wall, with the needle, thread and scissors is amazing, send some love from this fellow crafter to her :)
That is very nice of you to say , thank you
She does some fine work and a lot of it . most of it is given away to the needy . She has one of the biggest hearts ever seen .
I stay in the dog house most of the time :)
I bet even your dog house has a nice quilt ;)
yes , I am one good taken care of PuP LOL
How is the vacation going
Your wife is really nice and has great sense of decoration, paying attention to details. Nice post
Thank you yes she can decorate a house into a home
This is an amazing article @wolfhart! I am happy to have read this and learned a great deal more about you my friend! Keep up the amazing work on here, you are a blessing to this community and platform my friend!!!
Thank you my friend : it's all about teamwork .
I am sorry I know this is old but I just had to tell you I am sending to my husbands Facebook. Not for the reasons you would think. It is because I need to prove to him all that changing up of the Dining table is a good thing. A really really good thing. And also that he is not the only poor man who is told he really shouldn't be actually eating there :)
LOL no I don't mind at all. I just read it again. good story all true.
(you hear an engine rev and horn honk)
(the window on the humvee rolls down to reveal a warm smiling face)
"Hello! I'm @shadow3scalpel and with the help of my protege, @chairborne, we are actively assisting veterans, retirees and active servicemen and women here on Steemit. We feel it is our 'duty' to support each other. Any questions or comments you may have, simply respond to this comment, thank you!"
(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.
This is it. It's nice, you making a post about it, but I do hope you appreciate her too, let her know her efforts are appreciated, that would be awesome. Women love compliment, I sure do.
It is really nice the way she decorates the house and mostly around the holidays . I could never let her know with my words how much I appreciate her . She is my Rock
Being in a rather young relationship, with somebody who once had "fulltime wife and mommy" on her profile as occupation, I'm not sure I needed to read what I just read. ;)
my point is that wifes make homes and families . they put up with men in doing so
your wife is great and has art in arranging room, all look beautiful and neat @ wolfhart, i really want to know him, best regards me.
And I am very grateful to you who share knowledge to me, my writing is finished and I introduce you to my other friend.
thank you . when we share and help others it makes us all better , you , me and Steemit
When I clicked on the post link, I thought that this would be some cliché satirical kind of article. Maybe because of the title. But when I read it I realized how wrong I was. This is such a sweet post. And also I loved your dinner table setting and her work room looks beautiful. She must be a talented and wonderful woman. The last line added the spark to your post.
She is the glue that holds everything together . I would by no means be the person I am without her. When I say she turns a house into a home I am not giving her justice .
Now let's talk about me :)
Thanks for reading
Before my wife went back to work, she would do exactly as yours does, rearranging this and changing that. I'm not sure if I really want her working, but at the same time, it has slowed down the amount of times I have to know what's different and then express an opinion about it.
183 days later, eh. Hmmm. There's a story there, in and of itself. Of course you called, but I guess that wouldn't have mattered that much since she was alone with the children. In a strange country. Did she speak German?
I'm just going to say that there are times where we both put up with each other, and leave it there. :)