193#💀☠SMOKING Kill you 😱☠
1.Sketching the initial form.

2.Confirms the form the heart and remove the auxiliary line.

3.Painted with a base color and affirms a line on the rope.

4.Confirmed color and color combination is a mixture of red, orange and black.

5.Darken the color of the heart by adding black color composition.

6.Add the white line on the grooves form the heart and adds a shadow.

7.Add a cigarette on the main channel of breathing.

8.Coloring a burning cigarette with the addition of red color on the coals smoking and the effects of smoke that spread to the rest of the channels of the heart.

if you are inspired to quit smoking and your efforts are successful, share tips to his friend stemians.
Also don't forget to support your favorite team for a moment again between BELGIUM VS. France.
Thank you
Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk
Mantap mantap bg, peringatan yg baik bagi kita smw ini...
Untuk semua perokok.
Terutama untuk peringatan diri saya sendiri bg.
Wa'alaikum salam bang.. gimana kabarnya.. hehehe
Kabar jantung nya masih stabil bg @ojaatjeh .
Ruaar biasa bang
Kalo dah berhenti merokok bang.
Baru luar biasa.makasi bg
Caranya susah bang, mesti jahit mulut pakek benang layang. Hhhhe
Very good idea. Thanks salam KSI
Terima kasih bang @ilyasismail .
Salam KSI