The Art of QuietBear - Raffle Begins Tomorrow! (Full Story Here!)

in #artzone7 years ago


QB Art for Drawing.jpg

The Art of QuietBear

This is an original art piece done by a friend of mine. He goes by the name "QuietBear" (his Shaman name) and he and his wife have been friends of ours for some ten years now. After the election of 2008 failed to give us an America under President Paul, we turned our attention to organic farming. Bear and his wife had done the same thing; we met over a craigslist ad for heirloom tomato starts.

Now, you must understand the price some people paid for helping Ron Paul, and for speaking truth in general. These folks understand what it means to self-govern and they had made the local police look like chumps in court over a traffic ticket. THAT is a “politically incorrect" thing to do and they paid for this perceived insolence dearly.

They were part of an irrigation district and on their assigned day in rotation, the pressurized water came out of the mainline like a fire hydrant and blew all their hoses, nearly washed their garden down the road. They went to a neighbor with irrigation wheel lines and cut a deal: He could have their watering days if they could have his run off. This was approved by the Water Master, who was a good neighbor. Bear and Marcela could manage flood irrigation of run off water much more readily than the pressurized flow. The neighbor was happy, they were happy, the garden was happy and doing beautifully. They had crops coming in and buyers lining up for their lovely, organic produce. Everyone was happy except the old bat in charge of making the watering schedule, although all was done with the approval of the actual Water Master. You have heard that power corrupts? Some people turn evil with even a TINY bit of power. When this woman realized that she really could not do anything about them bypassing her, she made a malicious call to the local police. You know, the ones made to look like chumps? She claimed she heard the couple fighting and said she was pretty sure Bear was beating his wife. The 9-1-1 call was released to the public and you can hear two cops laughing eagerly and saying they are going "Bear hunting." Yes, they said that.

The police, dressed in SWAT gear, showed up at the farm in the morning. Under the guise of doing a "welfare check" on Marcela, they snuck up to the house from across the fields. They failed to identify themselves or their purpose to an OBVIOUSLY UNHARMED Marcela when she opened the door, and proceeded to terrorize the couple and pretty thoroughly alter the course of their lives.

I made a couple of youtube videos back then trying to help them raise awareness and funds for attorneys. They got a little money together, talked to a couple of attorneys. One of the attorneys who was interested in the case was John Whitehead, President and Founder of The Rutherford Institute ( but he was too overbooked (this kind of abuse of power goes on nationally) and was unable to take the case. Another attorney who had been involved in the infamous Ruby Ridge case ( responded to their call for help and advised that both Constitutional and Civil rights had been violated. Sadly, he also explained that the only reason the truth came out about the egregious behavior of the “authorities” in the Ruby Ridge case was because there was one shooter with a conscience who revealed the true ballistics of the case and that without a whistleblower they would not likely see justice in court. At first a couple of local lawyers were very excited and took the case, ready to jump in and see justice served. Each time, within a week of taking the case, they mysteriously dropped the case without an explanation or justification, even though paperwork had been signed. Bear and Marcela lost the income from a season of farm work; the time, energy and money all was stolen from them. They literally lost the fruits of their labor, they were both injured badly enough to require fairly extensive medical treatment, and they were shaken to their core. In hopes of a quieter, safer life, and now with their funds seriously eroded, they moved to Mexico. It was very hard to watch your friends go from confident, happy people to this, in an instant...

We sadly helped them get packed and moved off to Mexico. We all hoped life would be a little easier for them there after all that had gone on. For a little while, it was. Mexico is Mexico, gorgeous weather, lovely people, what is not to love, right?

If you are following Gavin Seim, stop believing him. He sold out and he is painting this picture of a Mexican paradise that does not exist. Mexico has a government too, meaning it is run by evil, corrupt people. That is who puts their name on ballots, people who crave power and control. You keep going and voting for them, all over the world now this spread of "Dumbocracy" marches on. There was no cultural issue for Bear and Marcela, she is a dual citizen child of American citizens with family still in Mexico. Her family has contributed a number of historical figures to Mexican history and she still has strong attachments to her roots, including speaking fluent Spanish. That did not prevent them from being robbed in Mexico, so they moved to a better neighborhood. About a week or so ago, a dismembered body was found dumped half a block from their home in the nice "safe" neighborhood. The crime, especially drug-related violent crime, is escalating again and they are ready to come back to the USA. The cartels are gaining power everywhere, and the candidate who appears poised to become the next Mexican President has stated he will not do battle against the Cartels but will broker deals with them, instead (good luck with that!) Coincidentally, fellow candidates are being murdered. For the foreseeable future, they feel things can only become more dangerous. After four years in Mexico, and conditions quickly deteriorating, they have come to the conclusion that the safer place is among the citizens of the USA who are waking up. They want to come home and once again, start a new life.

Here is the tale briefly told in Marcela's own words:

Before my husband, Bear, and I met in New Mexico, each of us, independently, had come to an understanding and commitment to the sanctity of self determination and sovereignty of self. For this reason, we especially espoused the concept of true anarchy, rejecting hierarchy and espousing responsible self governance and volunteerism. Once we met, this was especially an empowering commitment between us. In fact, for some time, Bear had his own radio show, The Bear Truth, on BlogTalk Radio. We subsequently moved to Idaho, to pursue a similar shared passion: organic farming.

In late 2012, while minding our own business organic farming in Idaho, an unfriendly neighbor's egregious call to the Sheriff's Department brought down a highly Unconstitutional SWAT raid on our home, which left both me and my husband injured, and our hard-earned income for the year lost. With the back injury he sustained in the raid, Bear was unable to harvest the crop – for which we had committed buyers – and for which we had invested much time, effort and money. Instead of being well into the black for the year, we therefore ended up deep in the red, and precipitously had to move back to California to temporarily live with my husband's Mom, while trying to get back on our feet.

What we discovered was that our remaining Social Security income imposed many limits for us and our two wonderful and loyal cattle dogs, and so we moved to Mexico, where our money would go further. It was not until this year, however, due to the accelerated increase in crime, there – including highly dangerous and unpredictable violent crime – that we realized we needed to return to the States, if only for safety's sake. When, a week ago, we found out that one-half block from our home (a very short distance, I think most will agree) a dismembered body was dumped, we realized it was a significant tap on the shoulder from Universe, that we needed to return to relative safety. As of today, 6-27-18, in fact, we watched a police van go by our home that is the kind called out when murders occur, like the day the body was discovered.

As a result, we are in the process of determining what areas in the U.S. logistically to move to where we can afford to move and live, knowing that we are now used to down-to-earth frugal living. Both my husband and I are in the process of figuring out and working on how to generate additional income to pay for our move, and at our age and circumstances (we were one of the ones who lost our home and most of our investments in the aftermath of the bankers' 2008 financial debacle, so we don't have assets that would assist us). Also while living in Mexico, we had been robbed in January, and lost the other remaining asset – my jewelry, much of it family jewelry, carrying many memories and emotions, but other pieces I could have sold to fund our trip back, but for that robbery. The soonest we can gather the money, the sooner we can get back to safety, so this is now our priority, and our hope that now that we are facing this dangerous situation, Universe will kindly lend us some assistance. We are truly ready to leave all of this stress and the bad memories behind, and once again, start our lives over, and get back to living a positive and productive life. Thank you for taking the time to read our story (so far!)"


NOT up for raffle, this one is MINE! Just showing you the talent this man has!

Today I am implementing ideas given to me by @calluna and @powellx5. 2 SBD has been transferred over to each of them. THANK YOU to everyone who has been so kind and supportive!

This is my "raise awareness and get the whole story" edition. The raffle will officially begin tomorrow, with another picture of the artwork and just the rules for the raffle. If you enter the raffle you will be given one free additional entry if you resteem this post AND the raffle post for tomorrow (GINA will let me know!)

If you are looking for the easy button, they do have steemit accounts and would happily and gratefully accept donations to @udbarflower or @quietbear! They are scrambling a bit right now to try to prepare to move, but WILL drop by the post to reply to comments or questions when they are able. Let me field that first question before anyone has to ask: I am posting through my account because out of all of us, I have the most followers and have been the most active on the platform.
Oh, and that brings up the next question, I suppose!
SBD and liquid steem from this post will be transferred to @udbarflower on payout. I will keep SP to "break even" point (I just gave out 4 SBD and may spend more still) and if the SP earned exceeds my expenses, I will send the equivalent to her in SBD to avoid the long power down wait.

THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME to read this and thank you in advance for any and all help!
The official raffle begins TOMORROW -




Happy to help, and terribly sorry to hear about all the unfair shit these beautiful souls have been put through!!

Thanks for doing this FishyCulture!!

You are most kind, and at a time when it is especially needed...

THANK YOU amazing lady!

Oooh no, thank YOU for the opportunity to help!

Hey, wow, thanks for the prize! Listen, I'd like to run a fund raising contest for @udbarflower and @quietest and give away some SBI shares. Would it be okay if I used the picture of the art that's going up for raffle to promote this post and the raffle post in my contest post?

Thank you for your generous heart, from @udbarflower and @quietbear!


I see a lot of need. I'm usually powerless to help out, but maybe not this time. Good luck to you guys!

Blessings on your head ...

Absolutely! Thank you so much!😘

I want to add my voice here: These are two hard working, good hearted people who have always helped others when they were able to do so, and I want to thank all the people who make the choice to help them now when they need a little kindness.

Thank you, as always, our friend...


I'm in! Good luck to all participants, and many blessings for this family.

Thank you so much! Blessings for you and yours, also!

Dear friend, you do not appear to be following @artzone. Follow @artzone and get added to our voting list for valuable up-votes!

Thanks, following now!

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