Artstorm Contest #15 Day 1 - Theme Today - Sunflowers
Non-Digital Entry
Every day, the sunflowers wake up and move towards the Sun, following the sun on its route from east to west, like clockwise hands.
At night they do it again in the opposite direction to wait for their departure in the morning of the following day.
But one day they stop doing it; when they reach maturity and stop their dance.
They do not turn the rest of their lives and stay looking indefinitely towards the east until they die.
Sunflowers make decisions, move, recognize their family, then ... are plants smart?
This change of routine in the life of sunflowers as they become adults has always been a mystery to scientists.
It will be then that the name Sunflower is because they turn with the sun ...

I like the idea of the turning faces! The way you have drawn the petals and leaves make for a cool image :)
Good thing you liked, if I thought the theme of this flower with the sun was very interesting and I wanted to capture that idea in this work.
wou!! amazing
So much swag in a flower, this drawing is awesome.
Thank you, how fine you liked it, regards ...