Artstorm Contest #21 Day 4 - Theme Today - Picnic Food

Hey Everyone!
Thank you to everyone who entered Artstorm yesterday. Later today, I'll choose the winners and award the prizes.
Artstorm is a contest for challenging yourself and having fun!
Artstorm Contest #21 will run every day from 23rd to 29th April inclusive (7 days altogether).
Each day I post a theme. Entrants should create a quick picture using the medium of their choice.
The theme today is 'Picnic Food'.
There are two categories for your entries:
Digital Art
Non-digital Art
You don't need to be an artist to enter and you don't need to enter every day.
You can enter once in each category. You don't need to enter both the categories.
Every day there is a prize of 0.250 SBD in each category paid the next day for the entry I like best and I think has followed the rules.
I need at least 3 entries for a theme to choose a daily winner in the category. If less than three people enter for a theme in one of the categories, the prize of 0.250 SBD won't be awarded that day.
This is what you need to do:
• Make a post for your entry with the title 'Entry for Artstorm Contest #21 - Picnic Food'.
• State clearly which category you are entering, on your entry post.
• Make the first tag #artstorm.
• Leave a link to your post in the comments below. This is to help me find it.
• Upvote and resteem this post. This is a condition of entry. I ask all entrants to do this as it helps me afford to pay the prizes. If this is not done your entries will not be considered for the prize.
It is your responsibility to upvote and resteem my post.
I don’t accept children's work as entries for the prizes in the Artstorm Contests but you are welcome to post them for us to see. Photography is also no longer accepted.
The entry closing time each day is 9:00 am UTC the following day (Follow this link for a time zone converter.)
I hope you will have time to enter and have fun!!

Other contests you might like to enter:
@organduo Pinky and Spiky drawing contest
@magiccleatus Zen Colouring Contest
@marty-art Cryptopaintings: an experimental and interactive game
You can check the compilation by @becometheartist here.
Click here for the theme preview post for this week.
Do you like entering challenges that don't take long to complete? Check out @mariannewest's 'Five Minute Freewrite' daily post. Just follow the link to her blog.
I'm including this YouTube video here because I like it a lot, hehe.
I also love this YouTube video. Enjoy!
Click here if you want to know how I choose winners in the daily contests.

Hi friend of steemit, this is my participation
Wow, lovely basket of delicious looking food very well drawn especially love the little ruffles around the top of the basket. The colors are beautiful @maribelquere97!
Thank you for your entry!

Thank you for your entry!
Yummy 😋 looking bread 🥖 @e-rich!
Hello artstorm community here's my digital art entry for today's theme. Introducing Niggly and Hooty the duo inspired by pinkyandspiky 😋😄
Thank you for your entry!
Nice to meet your new friends!
Ahhh cute, can we see their faces some time? And is Niggly a fruit bat 🦇 @steempampanga? Good luck friend ❣️
Hi @lildebbiecakes thank you , yes Niggly is a fruit bat. Today on the artstorm heatwave theme their faces are shown. I got inspired by organduo and I want to have my own characters too.
Here is my digital art entry. Thanks.
Sweet story and drawing as always @dinglehopper! Bless you and good luck friend❣️
Thank you for your entry!
Here is my entry:

That comic is so cute, and your drawings are just so good 😊. That is one big spider 🕷. Isn’t Pinky and Spiky a Little afraid of how hungry he is, and he wants meat? I haven’t seen any fies in my house yet but wait... here I found two 🐜 🐜 a....... 🦗 and a......🐞, I’ll send them over two you in a jiffy @organduo❣️
Thank you for your entry!
Hi 🙋 my entry in category non-digital art:
Wow, this is a picnic for romance! A bottle of wine ,🍷glasses for two already filled, some books 📚 on poetry, the food looks delicious 😋! Beautifully drawn friend good luck @josyweed❣️
Thank you for your entry!

Thank you for your entry!
Your welcome @deemarshall❣️
Hello friend of steemit this is my entry to the artstorm contest # 21 day 4, I hope you like it.
Wonderful picnic scene, very well drawn @henry1954, love the family members and their big smiles good luck friend!
Thank you for your entry!
Here is my entry:

Thank you for your entry!
Ahhh... no one brought victor some flies for the picnic, poor little guy! I see he’s a little disgruntled @laputis. Springs finally arrived here will be getting plenty off them flies, maybe I’ll send him one. Ok I found two 🐜 🐜 and a 🦗 in my house that will have to do him... I’ll send them quick now❣️
Ok. FedEx them asap. Victor's address is: browneartopia, Pinky and Spiky, Northeast corner web 4.
Hello friend of steemit, this is my participation in the artstorm contest, I hope you like it.
Wonderful drawing @manuelruiz21, love the children’s faces, they look like their having a great time good luck!
Thank you for your entry!