Entry for Artstorm Contest #13 - ball games

in #artstorm7 years ago

There's this nice contest in Steemit called Artstorm. It challenges you to make a 15 minute artwork according to the theme of the day. I thought it'd be interesting if I joined it, especially because I'm so used to paintings that take at least 3 hours. So here it is, my entry for the Digital Art category:

ball games.jpeg

As you can see, I had a very rough idea in my mind of what I wanted it to be (just a woman about to kick a ball and some colors expressing the dynamics of the scene) and I just aimed at conveying the mood more than polishing it. Recently my aim with my studies has been more focused on clean lines while drawing and realism, so you can see that the gesture isn't all that great. I'd also take way longer to block shadows and have an idea of where the light source is, but since I had a short time, I just kinda went frantic haha

However, as I keep doing these, I expect to eventually have a clearer mind while working these through and a more effective workflow so the images are conveyed in much better quality during 15 minutes.


It is not expected that you will create a masterpiece in 15 minutes. The aims of Artstorm are to challenge yourself and have fun. I hope you enjoyed the challenge. Your figure has movement and some depth :)

These are more of my personal aims, really, I like to set some ambitious goals for myself haha

Thank you so much! I did enjoy it.