Art Gallery in Laguna Beach Looking For Two New Artists!!

in #artists7 years ago

Be A Gallery Artist!

Hey, I thought I'd reach out to the Steemit community to see if any of you want to be in an art gallery in Laguna Beach, CA USA. It's called Cove Gallery and it's been around for over 40 years. It's an artist owned and run gallery so we all pitch in on the costs for running the place, and we each work at the gallery about 2 days a month (which is actually a nice way to meet potential customers and new contacts).

cove gallery window.jpg

You Keep Your Sales Profits

What is really cool is that because it's artist owned, when you sell a piece only 10% of the sale price goes back to running the gallery, advertising, etc. The rest is yours! Most retail galleries take about 50% to cover costs. I like the fact that we all share rent, etc. but that if you happen to sell more work, you keep more of that income!

cove front.jpg

My Results

I've been an artist there since last April (I was contacted by another artist from the gallery back then to see if I'd like to show my work to the other artists for consideration), and I've really enjoyed being a part of the gallery. I've had my own art business for years, but being in a Laguna Beach gallery (a city famous for its art and picturesque beaches) has been a real boost professionally. My reach has grown and I've had some good sales (international too), and just got a new commission for a wave painting from across the country. Very cool stuff. (P.S. Funny little side note, I grabbed this photo to use and then noticed that if you look in the background you can see my brother @lukestokes in the photo - we had a fun time at the gallery's monthly Art Walk in December!)

art walk december 2017.jpg

Artist of the Month

I'm the highlighted Artist of the Month right now, and that has also really increased my visibility. Every artist in the gallery gets rotated into this spot - so this will be you, if you become an artist here! The artist of the month is featured on the home page of the website and gets to hang their work in one of the spots in the front window! It was so cool driving down Pacific Coast Highway and seeing my art there hanging in the window. I even had someone drive 90 minutes to come see the painting I have hanging there (and I "happened" to be the one working that day - we had an amazing, inspiring conversation, and are now international friends outside of the gallery) All that to say, I've really enjoyed the opportunities this has opened up for me!

cove website artist of the month kara.jpg

How to Join

If you're thinking this might be a good fit, let me know you are interested. I'd be super happy to help you. These are the steps:

1. Review the "Permanent Artist Requirements" on the website (under the "Call to Artist's" tab)

2. Submit an Application online

3. Jury Process (i.e. show the other artist's your artwork and tell us about yourself as an artists, etc. It's pretty low key - we're all artists too!)

You're In!

If you're accepted you become a permanent artist at Cove Gallery! It would be awesome to have some fellow Steemians join me!!! (I want us to be one of the first galleries in Laguna Beach to accept crypto currency!)

Let me know if you're interested. And share this with anyone you think might want to be involved.


Kara Elizabeth
