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RE: Like Writing Dorky Articles?!? Come Get Rewarded For It!!!

in #articles6 years ago

Good clear post. Will be great to get more creators in on these topics.

Do you have any sort of 'Reception Centre' to greet and guide newcomers?


Thanks brother! Not really. I just figured I’d try and see if writing this up and posting it on my other social media outlets would result in ANYTHING at all. If I got one or two bites from it I’d honestly be happy and consider it a success. I also hope others will either possibly share this on their social media platforms or pop up something similar to the folks that they interact with regularly. I think if more people took the initiative to try to Introduce even just one of their friends, that could go a long way. It just seems like everyone is waiting for someone else to to it which is kinda frustrating. Ya know?

If this is successful in bringing in a new fave or two, I’ll reevaluate and make some changes.

I’m also going to have my those postcards dove this week in time for New York Comic Con! Woo hoo!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sounds good. Looking forward to seeing the postcards.

Yay. Twitter removed this tweet. Lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

😮 - what!!?? - a tweet about this post? That's absurd. You weren't exactly inciting the overthrow of the State...

Yeah. Totally sucks. It was only up for less than an hour before it got yanked. Ridiculous and just another endorsement for leaving those forms of social media behind.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Time for a change...