Ranting About Break-up

in #article4 years ago
"I have noticed it before & I'm noticing it now too, 
After beautiful relationship people do break up."

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A Gift which was very unusual & different

After a breakup, we start looking for a reason why and how and when it comes to someone like me who thinks a lot we start finding a loophole and reason where you or your partner went wrong and what was lacking and all kind of things.
But again as I said in my case I always end up pointing it out on me and finding a fault with me, this time around I wanna change that and still the same result.


The one who broke up do suffer as well I guess coz in my case I have always been dumped never the dumpee, funny word it is anyways and the one getting dumped wow! it's a whole different level of pain & suffering for us all.

I have noticed that people turn bitter and start finding fault and putting blames on their partner after a breakup they never look at themself at the mirror or even think maybe they were the problem. And there are some people who try to find the reason why and where they went wrong.

They keep replaying everything again & again until they tire themself out and just give up with heavy heart & I fall in that second category.

I know it sounds pathetic but I do feel pathetic, hopeless and lost.

You talk to multiple people and you try to find that one face or one similarity of the one you lost in those people and that crowd and you never find it.


People say we need closer to move on maybe they are right maybe not, coz as per my knowledge and my experience I have moved on multiple times without closer, I believe closer should come from within its making peace with yourself & moving on, which is hard to do and very easy to say.

And the pain it's emotional, not physical but every part of you pains & it hurts as if someone has beaten you black & blue, left you half dead.

One thing I can tell you again as per the experience that physical pain is something you can bear but emotional pain is much much worse, I broke my spine in 2018, I was unable to walk, and I have actually crawled on the floor to even go to washroom but I would take that pain to this pain any day and any time and I don't mind it even if it's happening every month.

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Broken Heart Never Heals, But the scar remains forever

Well, this is nothing but just me ranting about Breakup & being dumped all over again.

Non of the pictures used are mine have shared the link for the same.