Night are the Hardest

in #article4 years ago
"Nights are the hardest"

Since, some days I have started getting scared of nights & somedays back it used to be one of my favourite time of the day.
The thoughts that run wildly through my head, they are a combination of good & bad.

The beautiful memories of those beautiful nights are the only thing that is worth but along with it comes the bad stuff, million thoughts which make me go MAD and at times it feels like its gonna blow my MIND...

Sleepless Nights,
Scared of The Darkness,
Wild & Insane thoughts running through inside my Mind...
It's like I'm on an Edge now
These voices in my head they whisper good & bad things
They ask me to do things that even I'm scared off

Sometimes I feel like giving in to these impulses but something holds me back and that something is that tiny "Ray of Hope inside my Heart"

(Image courtesy Google)

I keep questioning my self "Am I losing my mind??"
I never got the answers but since recently I have been hearing this tiny voice from inside which keeps repeating "You are not, you have this darkness inside of you which will always be by your side no matter how much light you try to pour in"

& these all happen only at ' The Night'

When the daylight comes I'm fine & all is okay!!
But, as soon as the sun starts to set,
all the crazy thought & insanity starts rising up

(Pic courtesy Google)