Artist Salina Jane for Guyana at the caribArt Exhibition, LONDON 2018

in #artexhibit6 years ago

IMG_20180501_071357_110.jpgThe caribArt Project warmly welcomes artist Salina Jane who will be representing Guyana at the caribArt Exhibition - My Sugar Island in June 2018 at the High Commission of Trinidad & Tobago.

When asked about her motivation for joining the caribArt platform this is what Salina Jane had to say,
“I am on a journey, one in which I hope to discover what moving across continents would have been like for my great grandparents, and others on a similar path. What hopes prompted these great moves, what were their hardships and successes? Both my parents are Guyanese, as were their parents, my Great Grandparents were Indentured labourers who came from India. It’s a story not well known in the UK, it’s not something I learnt about in school. I wanted to know more and try and imagine what their life was like. My work seeks to tell their story and, in some way, to express what life must have been like for them and to give them a voice, so they are not forgotten. I have chosen mediums and images that I hope express the conflict of emotions this brings up in me and I imagine must have been there for my great grandparents. I salute and thank them, I would not be here to have the privilege to tell this story in art if not for them. For Babu and Muradhan Khan.”IMG_20180501_070606_246.jpg


"Salina Jane Gani was born and brought up in London to East Indian, Guyanese parents. She has always had a passion for art and storytelling in pictures and has drawn from a very young age. As a child she loved illustrated children’s books and fairy tales particularly the illustrations of Charles Keeping and Michael Forman and dreamed of illustrating books when she would “grow up”. IMG_20180501_065743_952.jpg

Salina studied art at WSCAD, in Farnham, (now UCA) and graduated with a BA (Hons) in Fine Art, specialising in Printmaking. She often works in relief print or etchings to create pieces full of mystery, imagination, with a strong narrative. One of Salina’s other favourite mediums remains drawing, particularly with ink, and she tends to often use black and white, creating fine details which draw the viewer in.

Much of Salina’s work is concerned with telling stories, of life in London, her family, passions, hobbies and loves. She is currently exploring the experience of her family journey, from India, to Guyana to London and is on a cultural discovery being expressed through her art. IMG_20180501_070520_561.jpg

Salina is an Illustrator, artist and teacher working and creating in London."

REGISTER HERE for the caribArt Exhibition LONDON 2018