Designation : Handycrafts #2 - HELICOPTER
Okey Steemians Friends
Senang dapat berbagi lagi lagi kepada anda semua dan pada kesempatan ini saya akan menampilkan hasil kerajinan tangan yang sederhana dari sebuah botol minuman dapat menjadi sebuah mainan HELIKOPTER
Dengan Gabungan Bola dan jarum lalu selang minuman hanya menggunakan 4 buah benda saja dapat mengasilkan karya yang indah walaupun sederhana tetapi ini sangat berharga.
Dan dibawah ini langsung saja anda melihatnya gambar gambar saat proses penunjukan pembuatannya
Glad to be able to share again to you all and on this occasion I will show you the simple handicraft from a bottle of drink can be a toy HELICOPTER
With the Combination of Balls and Needles, then a drink hose using only 4 pieces of objects can produce beautiful works, although simple but this is very valuable.
And below this you just see the picture picture during the process of making the manufacture
The First Stage
1. Ball Small
2. Drink Bottle
3. Straight Pin
4. Hose of Drink
How the process is not too complicated right?
Hope you are interested and semuga you like it
Thank you for seeing it
Good luck.
Bagaimana proses nya tidak terlalu rumit kan
semoga anda tertarik dan semuga anda menyukainya
terimaksih telah meilihatnya
selamat mencoba.
Keep Steem On !!
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Follow : @Zulmy
Nic Post and Every time i see your post, i always feel happy and happy. and I Follow u and U Follow Me
its good to seem that something are turn into a likeable products
scammer wakril !cheetah ban
Okay, I have banned @zulmy.