A Return | Chapter II - Screams | English Version

in #art7 years ago

Good evening community of Steemit, tonight I bring you chapter II of the short story that I am writing, I hope it is to your liking, I like to be able to write for you, because without you, my lyrics would not have a meaning.

Chapter II - Screams

Wake up in a state of alert asking me: "Who was that mysterious boy?"

  • "Are you going to follow the disgusting footsteps of your stupid mother ?! You disgust me You were the reason for the end of his life; you should never have been born. " He looked at me with hatred and contempt. It was customary that kind of conversations. A father with remorse, endless insults and atrocious attitude.

Getting up with anger I scream. - "I hate you! You're a disgrace! You do not value your daughter, let alone your deceased wife! You were a coward with my mom! Moreover, you will always be one. " - In which I feel a terrible pain in my face, the wretch had beaten me. I raise my face looking him in the eyes, challenging him. - "Never speak to me like that, scum." -

I leave my right eye purple and a piece of my soul shattered. I could only ignore that I was in a critical physical and emotional state.

I felt so fragile and fragmented every second that passed. A life so short harassed and full of anger. It did not guarantee a life full of hopes and dreams. Only great intervals of suffering.
I got dressed and headed towards the university. It would be crazy to go with a black eye. But I happened to have to take a calculus test. With the terrible professor Antonio Salazar, he hates me for the simple fact that I interrupt him by correcting him. Is it my fault that he has a terrible spelling?

When I arrived, I realized that everyone was watching me. I felt that with each look he pierced me like a sword, breaking me more and more. I increase my step towards the room, I appreciated that it was empty. Of course, it was logical to miss an hour for class. I take the last row seats while I get settled. I could not continue pretending anymore. I felt that at any moment I would fall into a nervous breakdown. I could only cry

See how my tears fell like a great flood, my tears like a great storm. I realized how miserable my short and crazy life had been.
In which enters a classmate, Vicent. I was not very good with interpersonal relationships so I decided to just lower my head and stay leaning for a while ... Until he told me: "Do not cry anymore".

Still hidden in the table and I answer. -"Do not mess"

  • "Hey, I'm just trying to be friendly, we all have problems. No matter how big they may be, there will be a solution. He commented in a relaxed manner. In which I abruptly lift my face to observe him. Everything remains in an uncomfortable silence. He watched me with impotence and his face reflected that he wanted to hit the one who had caused this. But he only said the following: "Relax."
    That word echoed throughout my soul, echoing in my heart. A small smile formed on my lips, but in a heartbeat I broke down in tears. I got up from my seat as fast as possible to escape from there, do not let me comment.

When I reached the street, luckily I visualized a bus. I just climbed up and approached to sit in the back. I took out the bottle of pills, while I admired them. I restrained myself, I could not do it here. I would call attention, in which I get off at the next stop and walk 6 streets to get to my home.

I had to stop a couple of times for fatigue. Half a day and an extremely stifling climate.

When I arrived I went directly to my room, I took out the bottle of pills and in a hurry I threw everything else on the floor. I turned on my music player and to the sound of Antonio Vilvadi's violin - La Stravaganza. I let my body fall on my bedroom while I take two pills. So I can escape this reality that eats my heart.

I close my eyelids more slowly than the minute hand of a clock until I fell into a deep sleep.

Second night - slippery stones.

When I become aware, I'm falling. I go into panic and despair. Fear takes over my body. Agitated I realize that I'm not falling. I'm going up, after a few seconds that I felt eternal I could see the sunlight, end in a gigantic muddy river. Most likely, I had sighted the last time on my way to the immense tree. My body is carried by its immense and abrupt current in which I reach a dead point where the water is calm and does not move. I see large leaks covered in an olive green mold. Years passed so that the mold grew with such volume. That covered the surroundings of this. I try to climb, but no matter how hard I try, I do not achieve that goal. I had given up

But in the distance I hear a voice I had heard before. - "I help you?" - I comment in which suddenly a rope falls, I try to climb but it is very complicated for me. Fuck! If only I had placed a commitment in Physical Education classes. I smiled hypocritically mocking my misfortune, between several attempts I managed to raise a little hand, suddenly I notice that someone extends my hand, without hesitation twice I squeezed his hand and climbed up with a huge force, already on foot to contemplate the person who helped me, is undoubtedly the boy of that moment, I watched with a face of contempt and only commented: - That is the Rio de las Lágrimas, named for the suffering of people, when it is already destroyed soul, the river will drag you with impetus until you reach a calm and calm zone, where you will be imprisoned until you succumb to it and become part of it. -
It scares me for a moment, but I was completely calm, I retreat from that final end; I do not want this dream to end, not yet ...
I ask him abstractedly - Why did you help me? -
What the gossip - * Stupid, I only did it because I wanted, you have nothing special. * -
With an anger invading me I respond altered: - I do not know you and I already hate you.
When he heard those words, he simply turned around and left the place.
Altered vocifere - I do not need your help - I immediately turned around and headed in the opposite direction to him.
Between babblings and tantrums, I can already see in the distance, a tower, something old, as my curiosity has always been a great defect of mine, standing twenty meters before that tower, I thought: What would there be in a tower in the middle of a forest ?, There would only be one way to find out, to go there.
In a jiffy I was there, it was about five stories high, very deteriorating, with small landslides, despite all that, still standing, as if it would never fall, carefully and in a state of alert, I opened the large wooden door, touched it I realized that it was oak, it was very heavy and creaked when opened, when the sunlight, between dust and cobwebs there was only a staircase that went up the five floors, between steps and steps I heard a crying, not very scandalous, it was subtle and fragile, already reaching the last step and observing a large walnut door, a beautiful chocolate brown with a lovely grain; opening with extreme care, I detail that the crying came from a small and sweet girl, I approached slowly and I commented with a smirk on my face - Small, why are you crying? -
She only observed me as if she already knew me and with a fragile and broken voice she answered me: - * Why do I cry ?, Why is the pain never over? Why do I always shed tears? I just do not know, I have not stopped crying for a long time.- *
That girl made me break my soul, as she can cry without knowing the reason, it would only be a whim; Well I still do not know ...
Watching her in detail that her skin tone is very white, almost transparent, her hair an opaque white, and her magenta eyes, they were very dreary, as if she could see her soul dare them.
Try several times to make her smile, but nothing worked, only her tears listened and tears shed like a huge flood, her pain without explanation, her crying without emotion, made me heavy, as if it were a magnetic field, making me kneel and finally a small and short tear comes out through my right eye, the little girl just came over, I clean my tear and just commented: - "Do not spill more suffering, your agony is much bigger than your happiness, you let yourself dominate, you Heart will not stand it much longer, you will succumb to the darkness, and your nightmares will come true. " -
How can that girl have such an excellent lexicon, and talk to me in that way, it was incredible, left me in a state of shock, unable to speak just lower my eyes and I answered in a subtle way. - ** "I can have a miserable life, and yes, maybe my heart does not support it, but you can not talk about me, you do not know my pain, what will you know about happiness? You only show loneliness and pain, you may not know that means happiness, so I'll show you, that not everything is pain and agony, between fractional parts there are moments where happiness overwhelms you and you smile, be my friend, I promise to get out of this loneliness. " - For a fraction of seconds her crying calm and although tears still came from her eyes, I could see a clear and sincere smile of her, between smiles she says to me - "I wanted to leave this tower before, but I never had the courage to I could do it myself, no matter how hard I tried, when I came to the door, a thousand tears came from my eyes, I just decided to stay here, until I stopped crying more. "-

  • "You will not be alone anymore, I will be by your side and I will show you the meaning of the word happiness, and you will be my friend ... By the way My name is Nora, Nora Stella." -
    -Thanks Nora, my name is Aura ... -
    Suddenly my body did not respond anymore, the light went out, the sound died out, the breath escaped me, I just fell.
    Thoughts flooded my mind: Who am I? Why do I exist? Why do I live? Why do I cry? Why am I always falling into a void?


Thank you very much for reading, comment, comment, follow me to continue reading this story, do not forget to support with your vote, I would help a lot, without anything else to say, thank you and happy night.
The images are not mine, I give congratulations to the artist.

Jesus M-


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