Kill Bill - Beatrix Kiddo Art
Kill Bill - Beatrix Kiddo

I recently had the pleasure of seeing this masterpiece of the cinematographic world directed by Tarantino.
Kill Bill is an action and suspense film which consists of 2 parts which were released in the years 2003 and 2004 based on the literary novel "The Bride"
What can I say about this movie, I've loved it since the first time I saw it; the variety that pervades in all sense the whole tape is spectacular and she seems to mean absolutely great character.
That's why I decided to pay homage to the most brilliant protagonist of all time: Beatrix Kiddo.
I hope you liked this little illustration made base of the program: Paint Tool SAI
Creation process

Which software did you use to draw this illustration?
Hi :D
I used Paint Tool SAI to draw it