Trunks Super Saiyan Blue - "Comparison of techniques"
Hello friends, in my new publication I leave you my new drawing that I made, it's about the manga and anime character of Dragon Ball called Trunks.
For this drawing of Trunks I wanted to make it different from the traditional anime and in the Dragon Ball Super the Trunks of the future has its saga, but I really do not like his clothes and in that new version Trunks almost achieved the level of God or Super Saiyan Blue, but for my drawing I imagined it in that transformation but using the clothes of the old Dragon Ball Z that to me with those clothes looked better.
I changed some things and I did it as if I was just in a bloody battle and with clothes somewhat torn by the fight, I also put a golden earring to give a touch of bad boy and with the blue transformation to my taste it looks amazing.

Gif of Drawing Process

A few months ago when I was just starting in Steemit I drew Trunks transformed into Saiyan phase one, but for this new Trunks I did it using the semirealism technique that I use in my recent drawings, here below I leave the two drawings for you to see and Tell me which technique is better or which one you like the most, if the traditional one or the one that I currently use of semirealism?.

This was my publication and I am very grateful that you will come to see my drawing and much more grateful would be if you give me your vote and comment.

But a Trunks with Blue hair and Blue jacket... still prefers the Super Saiyan Golden hair.
to me, if I love it like I did.
I'm becoming your fan Mam!
You are an amazing artist!
he is Goku, my favorite from Dragon Ball Z!
no, honey is Trunks son of Vegeta ;)
Oh i see! :p now i got it :p vegeta is also rockstar ;)
hahahaha clear like his son
He is bae ;)
Super Saiyan is my all time favorite character in this anime, and it's really mesmerizing to see him in all blue 😜
We are used to see traditional one but it's really awesome to see his new look 😍
No doubt you are a great artist but the golden earring representing bad boy is pro level 😂
I'm gonna show this to my friend and will tellyou his reviews as well he's also completely into it ☺️
Thanks for sharing your beautiful thought and view with us, looking forward to your more awesome work 💝
Thanks for watching my work @aliraxa, happy that you show my drawing to your friends;)
Maybe one day it will come true and Trunks will come out in Dragon Ball Super transformed into blue and with bad boy style clothes.
😂😂😂 hope for best 😉
Hi @yanes94 cool drawing i really like it i will come back to check future posts
Vale @mcgrafite grateful if you come back, here I wait for you ;)
wow I loved the Trunks ssj blu <3 I'm too brutal and the colors with the aura azul that surrounds it pufff <3 no doubt you have a lot of talent, I see that you like it a lot dragon ball <3 I'm full fan and now with the tournament of power you have me as a little boy waiting anxiously for the chapter 131 of dragon ball super. I think you would love my last drawing of half goku ssj blu and half black goku :3
Wow well this is a really great piece of work i have started following you looking for more from you.
I also draw please feel free to check my post and paintings.
Thanks @bhoomikaprht I'm glad you liked it and more knowing that you also draw.
My mind is a bit bad, if you want one day you leave me one of your most recent works in a comment and with pleasure I see it.
Sure i am currently working on something will let you know.
Ok, I hope so ;)
muy bueno tu dibujo, me gusta mas el tradicional y estoy de acuerdo contigo en el tema de la ropa
Gracias @chuchu-cordova a mi también me gusta el tradicional pero así como lo hice visualmente queda fino. ;)
Buen dibujo, me encanto!
Gracias @isaiasg18
Best !!! my favorite comics.
Like mine. ;)
Super cool <3
Gracias amiga ;)