The image is made of own imagination and thoughts
Digital art made by @xpilar

In order to use the pictures in other context
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And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me 
Digital art made by @xpilar

In order to use the pictures in other context
you must have permission from me
And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me 
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me
Pasa an expedition in space by the Moertus spacecraft, has been found on a planet that is likely to be inhabited by humans. On this planet there is a huge amount of water buried in the bottom of the planet. From the visible surface of this planet, it consists of a vast expanse of sand and pillared mounds.
This water mapping was carried out several years ago by a satellite sent there. Today was sent a spacecraft manned by 2 people to see the location of the planet and explore all the surfaces of this planet Moertus. The first landing was in an arid location but under the arid soil there was a huge amount of water. While the second landing was carried out in a desert in the southern part of the planet Moertus.
After this mapping, a few more people will be sent next month to stay on this planet Moertus for a year. This is the first attempt to see the possibility of the planet being occupied. The government is very happy with the success of this landing, because this greatly opens up the possibility of being made the planet as a new residence.
This place After the occupation,
Can be used as a tourist attraction
Nice serial description... 😁
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great story @anroja
Thank you very much @xpilar
Posted using Partiko Android
Hello Mr. @xpilar i don't know from which religion you belongs from, if you believe in jesus hope your christmas was very significant and enjoyable. Feeling very exited to see my best friend in your digital creation. Don't be surprise sir, Sky is not best friend but i like it so much, water is not my best friend but it always safe my life. Being a sculpture artist i have always play with stone. Stone is my life and stone is my career. Stone is my first love and stone is my last love. Stone is my emotion and stone is my passion, i can talk with stone, because stone is my thinking, i can make it alive with my spirit, i can make it legend. When i use to reshape any stone into a sculpture, i feel very sorrow because i'm cutting some part of it with strong metal. It's never hurt me but i always hurt it to giving it into a real shape.
I always feel that every stone has life, and it's true, otherwise it was quite impossible to make great great sculpture across the world, when a sculpture artist think about his art, when he make 3D design of his art, firstly he have to select a stone which can talk with artist. We examine the piece of stone very sincerely and then decide that sculpture we are going to make is the stone is appropriate for this art, it is really so difficult to find exact shape of stone for our thinked art. So sometimes we doing the opposite thing we think our art based on shape of stone. I feel the better with the next one. Because i believe that every stone has meaningful shape, we just have to redesign it. We just have to add some expression with those shape, then every stone are looking like a part of life.
I just dislike those people who use the word stone for a negative sense, Sometimes some people said like this " You have heart like stone" What are they know about the stone, In our real life the people who are so hard and difficult in physical attributes most of the time those people have soft heart, stone is also the same, every stone are very hard physically but they have very soft heart, so human being are able to make Statue of Liberty.
Sometimes it's make very angry when people use to walking through the road, if they saw any stone on the way, they just kicked the stone. But they can easily take it with their hand and they can keep it in the secure place. But they don't doing like this, they just love to kick the stone. But my loving stone just tolerate it silently.
Stone are the source of someone's livelihood so never make unfair with stone.
Thank you Everyone.
Hi @uttambarman
I like how you talk about stones.
I believe that everything we have on this earth has some form of life
And the world and what we see is beautiful in its kind
Thank you for your good feedback
Many years ago, in the magical island of stone of a very strange country, there lived many animals and people who come every morning to the coasts because a strange phenomenon occurred, all the clouds of the sky joined and formed a horizontal straight line that little by little it came down and disappeared into the sea.

It was as impressive as all the inhabitants were meeting on the coast, without fail.
One day they were waiting for the phenomenon but among the clouds appeared the figure of a man, who instantly breathed and threw a magical powder.
All the inhabitants of the island, humans and animals were becoming stone, All desperate wanted to jump into the water but could not, his body was hardening...
When all became stone, the man between the clouds vanished and became the horizontal straight line.
The man in the clouds never felt alone because day and night is accompanied by his stone statues.
great story @jdbs
El fin de los Glaciares.
The end of the Glaciers.
thanks for your description @jadnven
It was a normal day that promised to be of lust, in a cruise we went happily enjoying excellent cocktails and beautiful women, but when the night arrived an unforeseen event happened, the boat suffered a mishap before the strong storm that had formed suddenly, the euphoria turned into desperation, because the ship was sinking little by little. Despair prevented the rescue units from working properly, and many lost their lives.
I am one of the survivors of that unfortunate accident, shipwrecked in a city of stone in the middle of the sea, the storm has passed but has ended our festin, instead has left me in an inhospitable land where only water and solitude surrounds me.
Era un dia normal que prometía ser de lujuria, en un crucero ibamos alegremente disfrutando de excelentes cocteles y bellas mujeres, pero al llegar la noche un hecho imprevisto ocurrió, la embarcación sufrió un percance ante la fuerte tormenta que se había formado repentinamente, la euforia se transformó en desesperación, pues el barco se hundía poco a poco. El desespero evitó que la unidades de rescate trabajaran correctamente y muchos perdieron la vida.
Yo soy uno de los sobrevivientes de aquel lamentable accidente, naufragando en una ciudad de piedra en medio del mar, la tempestad ha pasado pero ha acabado con nuestro féstin, en cambio me ha dejado en una tierra inhóspita donde solo me rodea agua y soledad.
thanks for your description @adeljose
This is a very beautiful rocky reef
Originally he was under the water
But because of the greenhouse effect
Polar icebergs melted
Sea level rises by 100 meters
Leading to many reefs under the sea
Only a few columnar rocks can be exposed to the surface.
Symbolizes the existence of the past
thank you @cloudblade
Very beautiful image @xpilar
Rushing over the sea, playing
In the distance, an exciting breeze.
And the sea reflects in itself
Heavenly blue height.
Over the rocks giving hope
The emerald dawn rises.
And going far to the horizon,
He gives me the best regards.
thanks for your description / poem @serkagan
wow what imagination, what attract me more is the shadow of the rocks! what precision !! you do not forget the details Bravo @xpilar, I focus my eyes on the horizon with this white light that shines, I'll take my little plane and go see what lies behind this light :)
thank you so much @redouanemez