The image is made of own imagination and thoughts
The pictures I make in a 3D program from e-on software - Vue 5 Infinite
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A nice 3D touch with a new theme.
good job @xpilar.
let me try to describe your 3D image.
At a glance it's like a beach with a hill on the other side.
But I see there are stairs like in rain-fed rice fields here. can be interpreted that each person has a level of each good level of intelligence, opportunity and level of success.
The more it climbs higher and forms a mountain that spewing smoke or vulcano ashes I try to say this is a level of trouble where as the problem continues to be dammed or not resolved, then comes new and new problems. so with the many problems that accumulate it creates a mountainous problem. A certain time or a long time the problem can no longer be resisted so that it will come out either with an outburst of emotion or bad action. just as the mountain that issued the vulcano ash.
I hope @xpilar is pleased with my description
Regards @mfaisalyusuf
Thank you for your thoughts and I like your description @mfaisalyusuf
You are welcome @xpilar, I am happy to be with you, you always give us the best and can always think better.
You are welcome @xpilar, I am happy to be with you, you always give us the best and can always think better.
You are welcome @xpilar, I am happy to be with you, you always give us the best and can always think better.
The fire red horizon and burning sun that should bring warmth and life now reach its point of heat and become an invisible enemy, the green and full of life planet after billions of years now abandoned. The peaks of mountains that used to be covered by snow on their peaks and trees on their foot now spitting fire and lava. The color of planet is red and yellow, the color of wealth and gold but what you can do with that if there is no life. The future fate of that planet is spectacular kingdom of fire and then glow. As always in our galaxy, everything has its beginning and its end.
Thank you for your thoughts and I like your description @stef1
Good imagination @xpilar!
Below my story related to your image :
We arrive there at night after crossing a long road. We are on the desert, the sun goes down, the children play in the sand. We will have to find a hotel room to spend the night. We do not know where yet. How sweet this latency is. I appreciate the landscape, the falling night.
The sky is beautiful ... We have just parked the car. We are tired. But, there is a landscape picture to make.
I assure you, sometimes we do not really want to make a photo, we just want to enjoy the moment. But here it would be too bad not to share this beautiful moment, the sunset on this place. I take my courage with both hands, heal my framing because the sky is huge and here is the photo :
Thank you for your thoughts and description @redouanemez
Hi @xpilar..

I think this is like a desert, and any wind to make the sand fly. And sunset with a beautiful golden sparkle. And on the right looks like a sea and sunny weather conditions made the sky so beautiful to the eye.
Thank you for your thoughts and description @ipo.sasky
Because of the angle it makes with the earth, the sun must, at sunrise and sunset, travel longer in the atmosphere before reaching the earth. In other words, it travels a greater distance into the atmosphere. A long journey means that the shorter wavelengths (on the blue side) of the spectrum are more and more diffused, thus letting the wavelengths of red, orange or yellow reach us or reflect on the clouds. An almost pure atmosphere gives us an orange sunset. The different colors depend on the different particles in the atmosphere and clouds that bounce sunlight at different angles. The orange and red colors of sunsets are intensified by pollution, as well as by the ashes and smoke released by fires or volcanic eruptions.
Thank you for your thoughts and description @gagago
Happy to participate in your post, thank you too @xpilar
already I vote and resteem this posting

editing incredible images using 3D software, in this picture shows a very bright and bright light that marked something new will begin soon.
we as juniors in the world of stemenian always hope to the whale to always lead us to get that bright light in the world stemenia.
we are very grateful to @xpilar and @sultan_aceh who are tired of showing us to the bright cehaya in this stemenian world like the one shown by the works of @xpilar and @sultan_aceh
Thank you for your thoughts and description @m25091984
Hi @xpilar, please allow me to use your photo..

To me, this photo is somewhat like a view of the sunset in the dessert. For me, this signifies as something like an end to a suffering or chaos.
I relate this one to the current bearish trend on the cryptocurrency market. I really wish that this picture that you made is a sign that the bear trend is now over!
Thanks for sharing this @xpilar. I hope you follow my photography blog @asbonphotos. Thanks!
Thank you for your thoughts and description @asbonphotos
My pleasure.
Here is my imagination;
In the lonely wild desert a person is waiting to die because of thirst. He tried his level best in search of water but could not find anywhere. Firing sun is throwing fires instead of radiations. But that mountain is basically a a point where he can meet his life again, as there is a valley. So, mountain is basically a life point for a human who is near to die.
As he passes suddenly, nature does mercy upon him and make the sky full of clouds. Clouds saves his life ;)
Consistency and Will power can do wonders ;)
Thank you for your thoughts and description @salmanbukhari54
You are very good at finding an imagination in every Image you make @xpilar, I am very helpful in developing my imagination from this Picture, even the way I have used it often where I teach for my students, with some pictures I give them, the more clever imagine an image in making a fiction of their work.
This picture tells of a barren desert on a land, but this barren desert has a very active volcano, this land has no inhabitants because it is too dangerous for the residents who live on the mainland.
I can imagine the volcano in this desert is very active, the faint-looking smoke from the top of the mountain seemed to proclaim its awesomeness when this volcano erupts later, it is not easy to see the volcano erupt and I suggest do not seek or approach it, no pepohan can you make pelindng, unstoppable hot larvae flow through the stinging desert sand.
That's all @xpilar hope you love it, and have a nice day
much love,
Thank you for your thoughts and description @ericha