Watch Me Draw | Wonder Woman Sketch

in #art8 years ago (edited)

I guess Wonder Woman is the muse I was looking for!

I haven't drawn much of anything in months. And the things I have drawn, ended up looking like trash. But, I decided to give it a go again today and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

This drawing was sketched using the iPad Pro + Pencil on Procreate. It's actually my first sketch on the iPad Pro using the Pencil. I must say, I'm really loving it. It is the most accurate stylus I have used so far for a tablet. Highly recommend it.

You can watch the recording of the sketch down below~ enjoy :)

Do any of you guys also sketch on the iPad Pro? If so, let me know how you've been liking it.

If you enjoyed this post, don't forget to follow for more!

~ Jay


Very talented! Wish I could draw like this :)

That's really cool!
I didn't know you could record speedpaints on the iPad, omg

I've been thinking about trying to get the iPad Pro, but then I wouldn't be able to use Clip Studio Paint... :P
But dang, I really wanna try out the Pencil stylus, lsjlfjsljflsjfl

Yup! Procreate has a built in recorder. So everything you draw gets recorded unless you turn the setting off.

I've only had it for a few days, but so far I'm loving the apple pencil! Its as accurate and sensitive as any wacom tablet i've every used. What most people are doing though is just using the iPad to create their sketches since its easy to use and portable. Then, they export their drawing to their program of choice and complete it there.

I'm glad I spent the money on it. Just yesterday I took a walk to the park, and finished the lineart for this wonder woman sketch in the (much needed) sunlight. Just the portability of it alone was worth it ^^