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RE: Art Speaks, Across Distance and Time

in #art5 years ago

You never cease to amaze me @agmoore! Art speaks volumes and the brutality and suffering that so many endured made me sick, but I am glad those involved were able to tell of their horrific lives. I don't know why but the one that was so powerful for me was the hollow log coffins. And here is the kicker...when I saw your collage of bringing the world together it gave me chills, inside and out. How profound! Your history lessons and your collages combined have come full circle and speaks volumes as well. Another standing ovation! Applause!


Thank you @whatisnew, for visiting my blog and appreciating my work. As I get older, art becomes more meaningful to me. For much of my life it was words, words, words. I think because I felt inept in art and words worked for me. But age is liberating, and my liberation finds expression in art, among other things.

I don't mean these to be lessons. Most of what I write I didn't know a few weeks ago. Sharing what I learn. I hope the excitement of my discoveries comes through and makes the blog more interesting.

You are always so generous in your appraisal of my efforts. That's the best part of blogging...the nice people I meet.

Have a wonderful's Thursday!! Insect pub. I'll be there

Your friend,

Oh, you definitely make the "lessons for me" very exciting. And I know exactly how you feel about wanting to share your excitement of what you have learned. I get that way about the insects I find and sharing them with friends here makes it so much more rewarding. I am looking forward to another one of your exciting learning adventures AG!

Have fun at the Insect Pub! LOL!