TAKE A BREAK! - What to do when your mind blocks and you lack ideas.
TAKE A BREAK! -What to do when your mind blocks and you lack ideas.

Hey there Steemians,
I really didn’t know what to talk about today. I have this huge block in my mind. It happens ever so often that you might have a lack of ideas. How do you personally deal with that? Lack of muse and lack of ideas is a huge problem for me to create my art. How do we get out of this art block? One of the things I do is usually just let it pass away. Sometimes there is nothing you can do about that problem. Sometimes no matter how hard you try you just can’t fix it! Lack of muse and lack of ideas doesen’t mean you have to quit what you are doing! I understand it as a sign you need to take a little break of what you are doing. Our mind gets filled with so many problems, ideas, thoughts and activities during our everyday life. The overflow of information is too big for our brains to handle and little by little what we are doing is getting worse. We can’t draw the way we were able to do five days ago, we can’t write the way we did two days ago and so on. We can’t even see things as clearly as we did before. The mind is trying to balance this huge quantiti of the things we are doing in expense for the quality. You fell like you don’t do the things that good as u use to.
Don’t worry, don’t stress too much about it! Everything will be ok! The only thing you probably need to do is take a quick rest. Go out for a while, meet friends, watch a movie, clean the house.. Just distract yourself from the thing you do, distract yourself from the problem. I know it’s easier said than done but it has effect. Usually, when I don’t know what to do or how to take a new painting to the next level, I just leave it for a couple of hours. I go out, have a coffee with friends, watch tv or even cook. After a while when I come back and see my painting again my brain hav rested, it works better, and I see where my mistakes were and how to fix it. The ideas come flowing through my mind! And things get better. This whole post is an exaple of that! I didn’t know what to post, I didn’t have an idea what to write. I’ve been thinking and thinking what to speak with you about. Then I got out, I had a coffee with a friend I took a break for a while. On my way home as I was walking the idea came! I said to myself “why don’t you speak about this problem that you are having right now?” Inspiration can be found everywhere as long as you are ready to receive it! Sometimes a talk with friend can give u nice ideas, sometimes a song you hear can inspire you to make a new painting, sometimes a tv show can give u inspiration to write. Sometimes even a single word can trigger what u needed to be able to create. Don’t stay at home staring at that painting or writing for hours! For me that doesn’t work 90% of the time. After all a clear mind works better! A relaxed mind is capable of so much more! Take the rest you need and deserve and then come back and create, for when the mind is clear the ideas come out of nowhere!
*This watercolor illustration is called “Rest”. I hope you like it! Also if you like my art and what I wrote feel free to add me at @vvassilev. Plenty more will be coming out soon!*
I do agree with all you mentioned on your post because I can relate and usually what I do when I run out of ideas is take a break and go outside, look at people and look and my surroundings, and come up with new Ideas while developing the old ones. This post will definitely help a lot of people. @steem-untalented
Yes exactly! Even when you are out just looking people, buildings, trees - you get inspired to create or recreate something that made an impression to you.