Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #230 'Remnant From The Past'

in #art7 years ago

'Remnant From The Past'

Does anyone use phone booths anymore? As a matter of fact, how many still use landlines? This booth is still standing there. I wonder if it has any use. I remember using them long, long time ago. They had a charm. When I lived in an apartment without a phone line, I remember going out in the night just to make a phone call. Later on going out again if nobody answered the first call. Sounds like a drag from today's perspective but back then it was just another normal thing to do, a nice excuse for a walk. The other day, I turned on the TV and there was an old Bond movie. James was looking for a phone booth because he needed to call M. Imagine a screenplay like this today... :D

I very much like the rundown wall, testifying of the past times. Check out the wires. The colour scheme is quite pleasing. Yellow, warm vibe, strongly supported by the magenta accent. The transparent booth's shadow does its magic, as well. A romantic remnant from the past when the word 'gadget' didn't exist.

Today, we have all this technology and, it seems that we are more in a phone call that out of it. Not sure smartphones did much for the human interactions. What is a paradox, eh? Something made to connect people alienates us. When mobile phones first came into existence, it was so weird to see someone walking and talking. People would turn and wonder if the person was off the rocker. :D

Then again, like ancient Greeks knew well - it is all about the measure. The technology of today can bury you or help you out. It all depends on your control. Do you control your smartphone, or it controls you?


©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

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Every era has it's own importance and things which is used to symbolize it. These phone booths simply remind us the era of 1990s.

This kind of photo is well-worth preserving in time. We're on the verge of losing the payphone to newer and more convenient technologies but I think this kind will linger for emergencies.

Interesting photo. The shadow is like a separate object.

A wonderful picture of you! Well done
Red Line Haha
Thanks for sharing

wow, thats absolutely awesome, i haven't seent that kind of phone booth nowadays. I think it is used some decades ago.

These phones have already moved to the "rarity" section. In the past, they really enjoyed popularity. I do not think that today there are people who use these phones. Most likely they do not even work. Now these are the monuments of the past :)
I remembered how, as a child, we were playing with these old phones (payphones). You could call from them, but the call was made due to whom you call. (that is, you call a person and he pays an incoming call). Each such phone had its own number. My friends and I called from one payphone to another. I called a friend he picked up a payphone on the other end of the street and confirmed that the call was at his expense. (in simple words, they called from one payphone to another for free). As a result, the police stood next to these phones. We were considered juvenile offenders: D
Modern smartphones brought convenience and benefit. But they also made people dependent. Now you can track your location. Thanks to the smartphone you can learn about almost everything. That is, smart phones took our freedom. Many people developed dependence. This is called a psychological illness, when a person can not spend time without looking in his phone. I read that in some country (I do not remember exactly) people with dependency on a smartphone are sent on paid leave. (to wither and to undergo treatment).
Thank you

Mobile or mobile has become syndrome for almost all human. Try it in one day you do not have a mobile phone.

What will you feel? Mobile already-has penetrated in the human soul.

Without human mobile can not do anything, like to communicate with distant relatives, friends, and business. Mobile is a tool that can unite all people in the world through voice and text conversations (SMS) through the network.

Benefits of mobile phones we know a lot other than the phone and SMS. Mobile currently used media for internet access and processed as a medium for doing business. Although mobile phones have many benefits, but not a few mobile phones also have negative implications. Negative impacts are felt for health and social.

When hanging out with friends still this phone can not be prevented from hand grip. When chatting our hands busy to reply BBM from another friend or busy with greeting SMS. Rada for what to meet if still can chatting through mobile phone. The impact that arises only limited to a meeting alone without any lengthy talk and it will reduce one's social life.

That phone booth looks like it's been through world war II. Speaking of phone booths, now I am reminded of the matrix and how they used to use them :D. Smartphones have ruined us in some areas and helped us in others. My best friend used to call me back in the days when he used to poop and now he is too busy chatting on his smartphone and no longer gives me the poop calls :D

hehe, this one is from the 90s buddy )) german telecom had it installed everywhere here

I know, I was kidding :D

Wow ..
Apparently there is still a phone like that. His chamber was just like New war. very cool shooting.


I've only ever lived with mobile phones. So it's not a feeling of nostalgia that sweeps me at the sight of this (Superb photo by the way! What a great find!). Nonetheless, it is a longing of a kind, for something the photo captures which is absent today.

The ancient wall with an anachronistic phone booth built on it couldn't contrast more with the principle of 'upgrading' we have today. Today we demolish the old world so we can build the new from scratch and replace it with the 'future.'

We used to build on the past, adding a new room, a new story to the building. We built up the world layer upon layer, rather than tear it down to begin from scratch. We had a different attitude towards the world and a different understanding of time.

I think we've lost a lot more than we might have gained by this revolution.

Great post, In my town most people still have landlines and the payphones on the street still get alot of use. They have installed WiFi into them so they can still get revenue. I guess the dirty old system is trying its hardest to keep up with the changing times. Wont be long before that system crumbles to make way for a new era.
Have a great day