Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #191 'Sadness Of Ash'
'Sadness Of Ash'
Sad, eh? Yes, it is...
People tend to reach for a cigarette for many reasons. None of them is reasonably justified but such are we. Our impulses still rule over us and the feeling of 'need' or 'want' is what wins over our rational thoughts. This is why people smoke. Believe it or not, that impulse is 'groomed' in people. Before it was done with the help of commercials and beautiful ads of cowboys and horses running in the open plains, today is more of chemicals additives they add to your tobacco as to make you more addicted. If you need to smoke, home-grown pesticide and additives free tobacco is the way to play that game. Bear in mind that it is prohibited to grow your own in most parts of the world... I wonder why...
Let's take a look a the photo at hand. The outside world is blurred and partially hidden but the ashtray is focused and very real. The dark but hardly noticeable pastel colours spread over large areas. They create a heavy, almost unbearable feeling of desperation which is undeniable. The clear view is denied by horizontal lines and this subsequently creates frustration. Notice the disbalance in the composition. The ashtray is positioned too much to the right and the dark and light areas are out of balance with each other. This is what creates the 'unwanted off feeling'. If I wanted a perfect composition, I'd compose this differently. I'd raise the frame, diminish the dark at the bottom and position the ashtray little more to the left. Can you see the difference if you paint this in your mind? So, this is a perfect example of when deliberately unperfect composition makes perfect sense.
The overall atmosphere is dark, moody, sombre, sad, heavy. You name it. So is the need to smoke. What saddens me the most is to see teenagers smoke. Young future moms and dads destroying their bodies, genes and health with an awful habit. Alcohol usually goes along with that flow and the receipt for trouble is right at hand.
I remember a guy who told a young girl, sitting at a table beside us: "So I see that yo're really sorry for breathing the clean air..." She didn't say anything but I'm sure that her mind, underneath the 'who cares' pose, took the message. ;) My line is: "You know, when you are the most certain that you're smoking a cigarette, the cigarette, actually, smokes you." :D
Enjoy fresh air and never let some bastard sitting in a boardroom of a huge tobacco company laugh at you because you make him richer day by day while destroying your own health!
©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.
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I absolutely agree! Thanks for describing the picture. It was way too simple to appreciate until you explained why the picture works and the story behind it.
Yes I also agree.
Yep, I believe that art must be explained. A "not understood artist" is a dogma of the past. All that talk about "art talks for itself" is bull, imho. Someone always needs to explain it, be it a critic, historian, artist or a casual bystander. This far we don't read minds. ;)
How about we look at it this way. Sometimes explaining Art deprives one the benefit of thinking out a more self soothing compliment. I am deprived of feeling 'my own way' about the picture because you have explained 'your own way' of looking at the picture. But again, if nothing is said of a picture by anyone, we do not really understand the effect it leaves in our individual minds. We see in parts and so we must all speak our view? Thanks for the beautiful explanation by the way. And the way you illustrated the relationship with the art of smoking is .... Thanks again!
It was $333.33 when I upvoted.
*art by me @nmf-ii
This dude rules the art/photography upvote every post I swear..
That is a heck of an anti smoking ad. I like the poetic descriptions you have along with your photos. You live in Croatia right? I am curious if you have lived in an English speaking country before because your English is on point.
I lived in a few countries. Never in England. But I've frequented London on several occasions. I like the Isle :)
I end up reading his post more than twice just to get a handle of his Expression. I like the relationship his words keep. They go hand in hand with none leaving anyone behind. Thanks.
leads to sad thoughts
I think that all people have dependence. Someone is addicted to thrill and engaged in extreme sports. Someone is dependent on computer games ... there are people who are addicted to other people. But smoking and alcohol can be called the most ancient dependencies.
They are imposed on us by the society in which we live, are imposed in advertising. In films, successful people often consume alcohol or smoke a cigarette. Adolescents are more likely to advertise, but an adult is no exception.
A photo with meaning and I see it as you described. The external world is in the background, it is as if in a fog. Attention is focused on the ashtray, it is a symbol of human dependence. People concentrate on their addictions and do not notice the world around them. Unfortunately, that's the truth.
But we should not be like people who behave this way. We ourselves are responsible for what we do. So if you want to change the world, start with yourself - show a positive example to others.
Thank you and good night :)
True that, my man. True that!
You have spoken right @frank1in ... I do believe that if we must pick a dependency, it is only wise to pick one that doesn't take us away before we are due to leave.
Wow. Lot's of comments and hardly any mention of the brilliant photograph. So why change the flow?
It's a terrific photo, we both know that. I love it that you come to it from an advertising standpoint. I have studied some of the ways photographs are manipulated (not photoshopped, but set) to achieve certain feelings when marketing a product. You have given a college course level instruction right there.
And I do refuse to allow some boardroom asshat profits off of my body. Instead I prefer that a Dominican WarLord who uses near servant children to roll my cigars make money off of my vice. :)
I'm partially in disagreement with you and, although you may not believe it, I'm not an inveterate smoker.
First I give you all the right in terms of advertising and how entrepreneurs enjoy the misfortune of our lungs through their products. Today the cowboys are left behind and the girls in bikinis show you how "cool" and strangely "refreshing" is smoking, but the reality behind cameras is another.
However, there is something that we cannot deny: without demand there is no offer and everyone chooses how to die (not literal, you understand).
I cannot do like the rest of Steemians who come to the comments just to praise your photograph although they may not understand how much wonder it hides, but I don't consider it appropriate to stick to your position without reservation. Smoking, for some people, represents an escape, a moment alone, a time to think. Are bad? No. Are they idiots? Maybe, but not always. Alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, among other "noble drugs" destroy our organism maybe slower but with the same efficiency. How do we do with the other industries?
For me photography surpasses sadness, maybe that's why I like it so much. The blur of the window is like cigarette smoke that has not yet been smoked. A passageway to reality. The ability to open between colors. The desire to remain calm inside but enjoy the disruptive landscape outside.
Balance? No ... Indeed the photograph is tilted to the right, but: that doesn't force me to see it from another perspective if I turn with it?
I apologize for so much dissertation, I really enjoyed this post and I let myself go. As I always tell you, I thank you for sharing @velimir!
Not at all :) I love your comment. Thank you!
And you're right, as to what smoking represents to people. The question is if they are deceived! ;)
Adsactly brother! You're good at this writing thing, eh?
If anyone reading this is struggling with cigarette addiction, the book "the easy way to stop smoking" by Allen Carr can be a life changer.
This guy was a genius. After years of trying to quit, I was almost ready to give up and accept my faith as a permanent smoker, until I found this book. One week later I extinguished my last cigarette crying of excitement.
What he promised was true: it was easier and more exciting to quit than I expected, I never had a bad moment and now life is sooo much better and colorful without those dreadful things.
A beautiful post, very atmospheric photography, and your metaphor is really nice. Magnificently. Thank you!
Not all smokers will die of heart disease, lung cancer, or stroke, but smoking habits can greatly disrupt your health and decrease your quality of life. Smoking hazards that you can feel daily are coughing, shortness of breath, more tired, more susceptible to infection, or severe sleep disorders with difficulty breathing at night then feel full in the morning. Maybe you are used to hearing the dangers of smoking on the body, but you still do not stop smoking because you feel your health is still okay now. Need a monitor, smoking is just like saving toxins in the body that little by little can accumulate if done continuously. That way, the risk of any disease will be higher in old age. Not only you, the closest people will feel the effect because it also inhaling tobacco smoke toxic. Therefore, immediately stop this habit.
hehehe :) "smokes you" it's a beautiful metaphor :)
you are right when you write. but I will comment on the photo.
I really like. the framing and the settling of the objects are wonderful.
I like rhythm feelings. I think it can be considered minimal. congratulations
hehe..it is a different meaning then :D