MAGICAL DREAMS IV - Exhibition in Viechtach - INVITATION
MAGICAL DREAMS IV - Exhibition in Viechtach - INVITATION
As also posted by my friend and colleague @gric,
we are exhibiting together with a great group of artists in Viechtach, Germany.
Peter Gric's blog:
Einladung zur Ausstellung "Magical Dreams IV" in Viechtach / Bayern
The vernissage will take place on Friday, March 9th at 7 pm in the Old Town Hall Viechtach. Afterwards, the exhibition runs until May 12th. Admission is free.
Stadtplatz 1, 94234 Viechtach, Germany
I am showing the following works:
With "Magical Dreams IV", the Bator family has once again brought together a distinguished group of acclaimed international artists to the prestigious Bator Art Gallery (Poland) for some of the finest works in the field of "magical realism" or "fantastic art" on a Europe-wide exhibition tour to present in the Old Town Hall Viechtach:

PETER GRIC - Attachment II
Alex Alemany, Spanien
Bruno Altmayer, Frankreich
Angerer der Ältere, Deutschland
Carrie Ann Baade, USA
Anne Bachelier, Frankreich
Kathrina S. Baumgartner, Deutschland
Karol Bąk, Polen
Claus Brusen, Dänemark
Gianni Gianasso, Italien
Igor Grechanyk, Ukraine
Peter Gric, Österreich
Mariola Jasko, Polen
Jarsław Jaśnikowski, Polen
Marcin Kołpanowicz, Polen
Tomasz A. Kopera, Polen
Mariusz Krawczyk, Polen
Jacek Lipowczan, Deutschland
Micha Lobi, Russland
Michael Maschka, Deutschland
Johann Meier, Deutschland
Borys Michalik, Polen
Jacek Opała, Polen
José Parra, Mexiko
Graszka Paulska, Polen
Kazimierz Pilarz, Polen
Otto Rapp, Österreich
Fabrizio Riccardi, Italien
Jolanda Richter, Österreich
Tim Roosen, Belgien
Andrzej Sajewski, Polen
Reinhard Schmid, Deutschland
Grzegorz Stec, Polen
Jósef Stolorz, Polen
Adam Widełka, Polen
Kruysztof Wiśniewski, Polen
Siegfried Zademack, Deutschland
Mariusz Zdybał, Polen
Laudatorin: Prof. Gabriela Matuszek-Stec, Polen
Musik: Akustik-Trio "Lichtfänger"
Old Town Hall, Viechtach
Posted on my website:
Posted on Blogger:
Invitation PDF:

So pretty * ___ * I love your works * ___ * The strange green globules things are so beautiful and the definition of the elements in your painting is INCREDIBLEEEEE <3333333 love how the baby's pointing at the goat thing and that the baby's hand is oddly unsettling <3 <3 <3
upvotes and resteems
Thank you, and thanks for resteeming it!
The baby is me!
Me gustaría saber si mis acuarelas estarían incluidas en ese realismo, mágico-onírico-fantástico?
Estas son mis acuarelas:
great - you do good work! Following you, and I upvoted and resteemed your latest post!
Perfectly painted @thermoplastic, admire it a lot but to be honest, first painting frights me a bit ...
haha - that is from my tradition of "Scaring the Neighbors" - by far not my scariest painting. Interestingly enough, my "scariest" is also the most liked on any network. One guy even had it tatooed on his leg!
Hahaha, how brave he is :) Maybe scary is not best description, it brings some nervous feeling in me while looking into the skeleton head @thermoplastic..
I was looking for the post here, found it:
Yes, totally it gives me sadness, maybe because I feel it like what the world became of..killing of the minds..
I just checked my stats on that painting: 288 hits this month on my website, but overall on Fine Art America: Viewed 35,113 Times - that is where most prints are sold from:
call me crazy but this one brings sadness in me, not fright...
There is one show I would clear my calendar for if I could even afford a passport. (100 dollars now,yeesh).
yeah, Governments .... they need that money badly to pay for .... well, you can fill in the blanks.
You can get there without a passport, but still a long way from Maine: AXIS Art Walk // The Wheel of re'Creation in Seattle. It is also a very interesting show with a similar theme.
I got 3 pieces in there also
I live in LA now, do you ever show around here? There are a lot of great shows and artist opportunities around., That group of artists is just amazing though.
nothing came up so far in LA - in 2015 a proposed show was cancelled because the gallery closed. We initially showed in San Francisco, and the show was supposed to move to LA.
But one of my drawings from that show eventually made it to Seattle after that.
I am now rather reluctant to ship my art out of the EU: too much hassle going across borders. I have some works that are taken care of by friends in the US and Canada, so from time to time these pieces are shown.
Do not blame you, sorry about that. Good that you can show here if an opportunity shows up. A lot of great galleries here, not sure which kind you prefer to show in.