Painting music. Ambient. Synaestesia.
I think it was a year ago, when my friends who are musicians offered me to joint their project. We have been friends since childhood but, unfortunately, most of my life we live in different cities. It is very sad that your real soulmates live so far away from you. My friends live in Moscow, I live in Kazan, is about 12 hours of travel by train. It is very strange that you can rarely find so much understanding in the city where you live in comparison with those people with whom you are at a distance.

My friends write music. They have a number of musical projects and they often involve different musicians with different exotic instruments into their work. One of the projects is called Thanatos Imminens. That is the project we decided to create a cover for.

Last spring we had a chat with my friend where we were discussing emotions by which we both were absorbed. The whole world was full of light, love, bright colors for her and for me too. Moreover, it is very unusual for both of us, because our favorite time of year is autumn, when nature is dying and the whole world is going to decline. But it was a wonderful spring, and she was thinking about the album full of sun, joy and homecoming. Indeed, the theme of Coming Home is haunting me and her all the time; everyone is generally coming home, but we had never known, where our home is.
And so the seasons succeeded each other, in the fall-winter she and her husband released a new album from the other dark project and all the joy and love have gone, along with the summer. At least, we thought it was so. And then the music started to create itself. It happened as I have my pictures making themselves and my stories writing themselves. She could not control this process, and music creating itself began to change. That bright light left it, it changed to a thoughtful lone ray of sunshine peeped through the bare tree branches.
Later this winter there also appeared the name of the album - Synaestesia.
You know what it is? This is when you can hear the music through the eyes, touch the petals of a flower with your breath, feel the sound of music by your fingers.
We have reviewed many ideas during the creation of this cover. When the music was based only on the light there was a bright sun among colored clouds in my head, but the more I listened to the music, the darker the clouds became. And finally I realized that they did not have enough movement. And when I managed to make myself sure that the clouds were moving and everyone could feel their move by fingers touching the surface of the list (the picture has volume), the very concept has changed.
So, get this, watch pictures, listen to music.
We remembered Hieronymus Bosch several times. We think he could be proud of us.