Third page of my comic!

The three pages are in a row so last one is the one I just finished. I will have to do some test printing to see how dark these come out and go back and fix any typos etc. I may go back and tweak some of the story and art because I view this as sort of a "beta test".
I want to be able to do these on a reasonable timeline since I am doing all the artwork myself but its a good process to go through and I am learning a lot. Now only 19 more pages plus a cover to go! lol Fourth page has not been laid out yet but I have an idea for it. I have been bouncing around a bit while laying out pages to capture key points I wanted to or when I was inspired.
All artwork was done in Corel Painter with a wacom Cintiq companion 2. Hope you like it and if not upvote it anyway :)

If I thought that your last work was the best that I have seen till now........... then that train of thought stopped with this post.
The 3 pages are terrific but the second page.......... and the bottom half that is even better. Reminds of Batman comics
You must love Batman comics too like I do.
Obviously :-)
Well, firstly, amazing illustrations, I mean just stellar.
But, secondly, the way it is laid out with the text is really an enjoyable to read. I'm loving this.
Thanks a bunch! I often really get bogged down in details etc so I wanted to loosen things up a bit to hopefully speed up my process and yet not make me hate it lol
Really glad you like the layout as well. I wish I could take sole credit for that but @atopy mostly had that idea. I liked that it would be "more" than just a comic if you include the story like that and it also allows em to draw less panels. I am really surprised how much I am liking it myself. Thanks for commenting!
Thats pretty cool! You've been working on this one for a while? Is this a book you're going to publish? Love to hear more about it.
Its always been in back of my mind to work on something and steemit sorta gave me the boost I needed to put it into gear so I am grateful for that. I do plan on self publishing mostly just as a personal goal and maybe sell a few copies at least lol I do know selling your own book aint easy but its more a passion project than simply about profit. Plus I am learning a lot and plan to make others after.
Thats brilliant. Personally I would have a hard time coz my writing is a bit meh. I prefer to illustrate peoples stories.
Are you doing the Story on the go as you develop further or Do you have it planned out already?
I have a rough outline but then working as I go to fill in some of details. It is a bit of a learning experience for me to try and speed up the process. It also makes it fun for me in a way to not fully know because it keeps me a bit excited and in "anticipation" myself.
I learn a lot showing it on steemit and it gives me some valuable feedback so I can always change things etc before it goes to print.
First class stuff my friend. As always! Very much looking forward to the finished product.
Thanks I am looking forward to it as well. It will be awhile but its going to be cool to finally have printed copy in my hands!
The ambience and mood of these pages is spot on. Looks great!
Really glad you said that since the ambiance in mood is probably what i am working on the most. I let go of some of the detail and polish but really wanted to amp up the mood.
Thanks for checking it out and as a fan of your work its appreciated :)
Super clean Illustrations. Look forward to a complete story.
that happends when you role a 20 for looting in DnD XD
OMFG ITS SO GOOD seriously this is like legendary looking
Appreciate that! keeps me motivated :)
It looks really good. But are you sure about the text font? It's probably just me, but with the font you're using I have problems with the reading flow.
I am keeping things like this in mind before it ever goes to print so appreciate you voicing your concern. Thats one of the reasons I post on here so I can get feedback like this!