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RE: [The Willow Weeping]

in #art7 years ago

Also, if I may, I’d like to share what I see here. Maybe it jives with what you feel, or not? The experience of art is so subjective.

I see mother willow. Her branches provide beauty, shelter, playfulness, safety, cover and warmth to her babies. Her heart is where they nest, but presently she is sad because they are flying about. I don’t know if they are fledgling and learning to fly on their own as they should, or if they are just absent...but either way she loves them and is a bit lost and sad without them being where she feels they belong. I’m the nest. In her heart.

Her breasts are bare reflecting the nourishment she provides is still available to them if they wish (I know...birds and mammals, but just play along. Symbolism 😉) and her nakedness reflects that her
Heart is bared to and for them. She holds back nothing.

That’s just what I see in this moment.

It’s stunning and whenever I see your art I have a strong desire to possess it for myself.