Water's Fine progblog #2
Last progblog I was starting to work on patterning the merminnows with help from my frenemy Google Image Search (for minnow and danio, I didn't even know what a danio was until I started searching, but they are tiny and have interesting patterns). After about a million billion trillion years, the flats got done:

And then about that again, light and shadow 1:

Shadow1 was finished and light1 started during stream o'clock , and I started on shadow2 later on.
Then I started editing the process video for this ostensibly because it's going to be pretty long, but mostly because I was procrastinating retopo :S

This post also appears on my blog.
I'm saving up for a new focus cat (looking to get a mum and kitten package from Cat Haven) and new focus cat supplies, so upvotes and resteems are more appreciated than usual :) (but only if you feel like it!)
Thanks for looking! ^_^
And come join us in the #teamaustralia Discord channel :D

This has turned out really nice Ry. You've done a great job on this one.
Thanks ^_^ 2 more light/shadow layers to go (each so 4 total) and then a couple of radiosity/colour/thingi overlays (I really should know art jargon maybe :S) and bit more depth to the background then it will be done :D
Very cool! I love the colors, I've always been into a lot of different colors. When I was a kid I think three quarters of my wardrobe had rainbows on it :)
Thanks :D Rainbows are awesome XD
It's coming along great! Man, shadows really make a huge difference. It's amazing how colors can trick the eye into seeing things like depth. Maybe add a bit of water effect for the next iteration?
Thanks XD
With the kind of light I'm doing atm seems they're high enough to catch light but maybe not quite high enough to catch caustics. I also don't want to do caustics because they're hard to make look good XD Will see how I go. There will be a depth gradient in the background obviously, not sure when I'll get around to it, sometime before I finish ;D
Was this all done on your computer ? wow looks like a painting if it was. I do like this and will keep checking in to see the rest of it as you update us. Very creative.
Yep, all on computer :) Thanks, glad you like it :D
So beautiful! :)
Thank you :)