🎨 "Whore of Babylon" - a surrealistic approach to the Apocalypse
Contains mild nudity, but since there seemed to be a consensus in the past, that a bare breast in art is no big deal, I'll do without the safety tag. Should that bother you however, please click here real quick!
Wondering if it is a coincidence that Frank Zappa's "Catholic Girls" is playing as I'm starting to write this post about a chapter of the "Book of Revelation". Well, a picture actually, about one of the figures, "Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth."
It was a project for an exhibition where the artists were supposed to paint something from the "Apocalypse of John". For those who know me, it won't come as a big surprise, that I was looking for a way to get some high heels into the painting and thus my theme was clear pretty quick. Plus I liked the idea of painting that monster with all the heads and horns she was sitting on. At first I wanted to do it in old masters egg tempera/oil mixed media..

I had already put a lot of work in the underpainting, but I just wasn't happy with it. Working on that first version sparked a lot of new thoughts and new angles of approach. So, two weeks into the project, I completely changed my mind and decided to restart, doing it in my special hinterglass technique in graphite pencil, watercolor and oil.
The first step is always the pencil drawing. Its reversed, as the glass will be turned around, once the painting is finished and it is the seen from the other side

After that, a first layer of watercolor was added for the overall mood

Finally the painting is finished with a number of thin oil glazes. As you can see, I completely changed my first design. When I grew up in cold war Europe, the nuclear destruction of the planet was my vision of the apocalypse and so I made the "animal" in the shape of the mushroom cloud.
I still tried to add all the elements described in the book, but I also added my own thoughts. Babylon's hair is braided into two horns, illustrating her connection with the devil. Just like her inside is fire, as one can see in her eyes and mouth.
In Tarot the card "XV - the Devil" is related to the Hebrew letter Ayin and I used it as the symbol for the devil behind the figure. If you look closely though, you will also see a cross painted over it, showing the triumph of the "lamb" over the evil forces

For the frame I used a part of a vintage frame I found once and combined it with a part that I built
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All photos/scans by me of my own artwork done in my special technique as introduced in What is Hinterglas?
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Its hard for me to respond to this creation of yours with words, because when I look at it (her) my experience isn’t in words. It’s just pure awe, admiration and inspiration.
She is radiant and powerful. She is connected and filled with the source. “She” really isn’t even there, but has melded with the flow of energy that is in all that exists.
Part of me wants to look thru all the other little articles and symbolic objects making up the pedestal, tell you what I think they are supposed to mean, and for you to tell me “you’re right.” But not this time. Nothing there matters for me. Everything important here for me is in her body language, her hair and in the energy that exudes from her face and being.
Incredible my friend.
That is the best way to experience a piece of art.. to actually feel it!
Its ok, to explore as well, look at the details and have thoughts and feelings about them, but when a painting deeply touches the viewer, that is the biggest compliment for the painter! :-)
This is an astounding project, and such an innovative take on these old symbols. Eerie, powerful, and remarkably relevant even today. Yikes!
Thanks a lot for your meaningful comment. Are you familiar with the theme?
Yes I am.
OMG, it is such detailed post. I learn a lot about the way you create.

I definitely liked witnessing the transformation of a painting - it is such rear you can really find such things.
First, I was attracted to colors - the pink and purple mixes are just so gorgeous. At the same time, more I look into it more I found interesting things. As if it is "speaking to me". Beautiful art and beautiful reflection of your understanding of "Apocalypse of John".
Arts definitely a way to make people think. Thank you for making me think today!
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Thank you very much for your kind words and the explanations of how you feel about my work. Hope your thoughts brought you joy, even with this challenging subject :-)
Yep, the subject is challenging but an artwork is beautiful and it has so many layers so yes, it was a joy to think and to explore it. Now I am on the way to explore some of your other Art but I take my time - when it comes to Art you need time to appreciate and get a real taste of it. Futhermore to allow whatever emotions come. I guess this is what Art is made for - it is a mirror reflecting and bringing something to you. That is why I love it so much.

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Great! the finished piece has a Corben-esque feel to it that I really like!
Wow, that's a big compliment, thank you!
It was meant to be :)
So many energy in this one, I feel like it's going to burst form the glass, like a bomb!
Of course as the great artist you are, you can see it. And the figure is sitting on an exploded bomb after all ;-)
great painting - but I also love the frame! Did you paint it to fit the frame, or did it just so happen you had the frame to fit the painting? You are so lucky to find such treasures. I look, but without any luck. In Oregon, along the scenic rout next to the Columbia River, I once went from one antique fair to another, and scored several great frames, but they are in Canada (not worth the hassle shipping). Maybe here I am too cheap to pay the outrageous prices they want in antique stores in Vienna, and at the flea-markets, I found nothing better than "Ramsch".
I had the frame first. Easier to cut the glass than the frame to fit. Good ones are really hard to find and I usually change them a little or add something..
Fantastische Arbeit - die Details sind wieder irre , feinste Malkunst - TOP :-)
Danke Dir recht herzlich, wie immer! Dass die Arbeit einem Kollegen gefällt ist immer etwas besonderes :-)
Aufrichtig und gerne , youre welcome :-)
Absolutely fantastic.
Cordial thanks :-)
OMG, it is such detailed post. I learn a lot about the way you create.

I definitely liked witnessing the transformation of a painting - it is such rear you can really find such things.
First, I was attracted to colors - the pink and purple mixes are just so gorgeous. At the same time, more I look into it more I found interesting things. As if it is "speaking to me". Beautiful art and beautiful reflection of your understanding of "Apocalypse of John".
Arts definitely a way to make people think. Thank you for making me think today!
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