Unicorn ~ by Red Dust Art
The Unicorn Is Scotland's National Animal

I need to work on light hearted drawings besides writing difficult articles and paintings. I will be trying to finish a couple doodles a week besides working on projects that stretch me. I just wanna have a little fun once in a while. Here is my first doodle in a long time.
I am also volunteering helping set up a kids area for a local festival here in Tulsa Oklahoma called Scotfest. Most of my doodles will be Celtic in Nature because I am getting to know part of my heritage. My Dad's mother, was from the Waddel Clan. The Scottish are a friendly people and love to share their culture. Especially beer, whiskey, and sports. The Scottish festival sponsors the Highland Games where wild haired men and their beautiful women, wearing plaid skirts compete throwing pitchforks, logs, and other oddly shaped heavy objects, strange but true... This festival along with many others of it's kind help clans or tribes depending on the festivals culture, stay in contact with each other. The festivals help maintain a cultures history and teach the young ones where their ancestors came from.
It's interesting that the Scottish people picked a mystical animal like the Unicorn as their national animal. But it may make sense when England's national animal is the lion and the unicorn and the lion are enemies. Scotland throughout many historical invasions was able to fight off invaders and remain free. However, eventually the proud people fell to England and to this day many still resent being ruled by the English.
What The Mythical Unicorn Represents.
Unicorn qualities included:
- Innocence
- Purity
- Boldness
- Pride
- Healing Powers
- Joy
- Intelligence
- Virility
- Nurturing Powers
Scotland isn't the only culture to believe in unicorns or at least give reverence to the positive qualities of humanity. The unicorn myth is found in old myths across the globe from Greece, Persia/Iran, Egypt, India and Africa. What is interesting the qualities the symbol of the unicorn represents is the same throughout the world.
Like our American legend Bigfoot, a big hairy human like creature. People say they have seen the Unicorn but can never show empirical evidence. I don't believe in Unicorns but maybe that's because I am not a virgin. I don't believe in Bigfoot, I have never seen one. But I am leaving the door open just in case. Who knows, maybe these creatures live in alternative universes and during certain times a door opens up between our universes and we can see each other. My personal opinion the unicorn is a teaching symbol that promotes the positive characteristic of the human psyche. The unicorn may not real but the virtues it represents are.

Lovely art my friend. I still wonder do unicorns exist or not in this world.
Wicked pattern!!
We picked it becasue we know the Sassenach canne steal it when oor backs are turnt. Now ya canne take a unicorn back tae London can yae? :) Your art work would not be out of place in Scotland.
Oh I love your accent....The Unicorn would tear the lion up, it's time to let it loose upon the world...!
Very cool and intricate knotwork on the Unicorn.
I believe the Scots were a very superstitious lot, especially the highlanders where they were closer to the natural environment, and some of the women (especially) had the gift or the sight. So it's not a leap to assume they believed in mystical & magical creatures (not just the Unicorn).
The festival sounds like a wonderful event to take part in. :)
All the Scottish people I know are argumentative knuckleheads ....hahaha
When speaking of the sight, one does not speak of it... ;-)
lolololol oops. I hope I don't now have to find a talisman to ward off any potential curses. :D
The best shield for curses is a pure heart ;-)
Drats, foiled already! lolol
Very nice drawing. Reading the qualities of a unicorn helps me to put a connect to those folks who truly enjoy them a they share many of the same qualities. Thanks.
Thank you @enjoywithtroy, you are very kind. <3
In my childhood I have seen a unicorn in my english alphabet book under the letter "U". And I can remember that I am asking from my father to see it alive.And my daddy said me that they live in the zoos.So I wanted to go to zoo to see it.But when I got a chance to go there I found that they do not them there.Later only I learnt that it is a mythical animal.But yet my heart resist sometimes to accept it as it is one of the beautiful animals I have seen even in paintings.I remembered all my childhood memories after seeing your blog.Thank you so much for helping me to recall my beautiful memories
Thank you @nishaopt, U is always for Unicorn!
I love the drawing and I love the post and I love that the unicorn is our chosen animal!!
You are right, we still resent the English but Sshh. Don't let them know ;0)
I won't tell them anything, my cousins the Beers are English, we visit them ever-so-often, flying over to England. My Mother's, Mother's--father was English with eyes as blue as a summer sky ....I had a boss from England, he is a lawyer on top of being English, and he would say sorry all the time but didn't mean it. I would step on my bosses foot and he would say "Sorry"
So I would step on this foot for the fun of it....and laugh when he said sorry. I wonder if he ever figured out that I was teasing him...I was his paralegal for over 5 years too...lololol
Hehe, it's quite the British thing to apologise in situations like that. I would probably say sorry if a lass stood on my foot!
unicorn is just a myth .. I agree with you .. that unicorn is a symbol for a positive character that makes us able to appreciate and love that character.
I love Scottish people they are really friendly and very kind.
It is a wonderful drawing of a creative person, I liked the idea ,,, What if you add some touches and make them in the form of Mandala ?
I will be working on Celtic designs that look like mandala's with this series.
It will be more than wonderful painting if your hand draw it, I will wait for it to give my opinion impartially
This is hand drawn 😊
That art there got me confused but it is so amazing and it's really nice......keep it up
Knot work makes everyone feel that way @ahmmartinz