"American God's " Fanart (WIP) Mr. Wednesday
Odin's Ravens, "Hugin and Munin"
Snorri’s main source for this passage seems to be an evocative stanza in the Eddic poem Grímnismál, in which Odin says:
22 x 19 inches, 190lb watercolor paper, watercolor and gouache.

I am a day behind with this painting because I transferred my old photograph albums to my new computer. I kinda got lost in the past, all the memories living in Chicago. I will be posting an article a week regarding Chicago, my Oregon Gardens, and the beautiful scenery of Oregon. I have so many lovely photographs!
Today I worked on Odin's ravens. I thought they were crows, that tells you how much I know about the father of all gods and Norse Mythology. I read a little bit about Odin everyday so I can put a little of the knowledge I glean into the feeling of the painting.
Odin in ancient drawings looks like Gandalf from Tolkien's books the "Hobbit and Lord Of the Rings." Some of the names in the old text remind me Tolkien's work as well.
I woke up at 5:30am ready to go and now I need a nap. I will see you all on the other side of my nap!

The results on the ravens seem very good so far ! His hands look pretty creepy but I know you hate painting hands and you'll do it at the end only :D
I work on them tonight after my nap :p lolol
Good to know, these hands are creeping me out :D
very good work. And great the expression of the person!!!
I will adjust the mouth a little before I finish and add even more shadow to the left side of the face. In the photo there is a hint of a smile and I want to catch it! Thank you @elfrances185!
Looks like the second season has ended, so now I can only prolong my excitement by watching your amazing works! :d
Yeah, it's ended, I love, love, love the the color and shadow used in the movie, it is very artfully done. I can't wait for next season! I'm really enjoying reading about Odin as well. I will include all the interesting tidbits I find with my posts.
Seems like you are a big fan of "American Gods"
I like the series but I really love mythology and the greatest adventure finding out who I really am....
Great Effort you have put into this i have seen your progess on this truly marvellous
Thank you @starving.
So nice to see your art very nice Resteemed.
@steemphotography, thank you for the resteemed and supporting my little project with your time.
amazing work of art truly the best @reddust
Thank you @cityslicker.
This looks so Original great art you are amazing.
Thank you @cutiepie.
Awesome Paintings, You are awesome @reddust.
Thank you @salujamharjan, you are awesome too!
I love the series, i love art. Combo amazing :)
@zoef, thank you, I love art as well, it's been my best friend science I learned how to hold a crayon.