4 year old paints shocking artwork

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Let me just start off by saying I'm not a writer nor a photographer by any stretch of the imagination. This was not a planned picture taking and/or blogging event. I happened to be my best friends house watching NASCAR and BBQ'ing this past Sunday. So needless to say I had had a few beers when the pictures were taken. And by the way this is my first ever post so go easy on me as I try to learn the how to do this.

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The Painting

Anyway this painting was done by my best friends 4 year old son at preschool this past week. The kids given 4 different colors of paint and told to each decorate their white art box top.

So C.C. that's my friends son, choose yellow, red, purple and green and was given a paint brush and he went to town painting. C.C. wasn't really trying to paint anything in particular, he was simply smearing paint on a white box top for his art box as most kids would be doing.

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Verification that I took the photo's

Sunday Evening

Later in the evening my buddy calls me inside to come and look at his son's decorative painting he did at preschool on Thursday 07/14/16. He then asked me what I saw in the picture. I was shocked when I actually got to looking at the painting real close. What he painted made my jaw drop as soon as I saw it. Kind of gave me chills.

NOTE: Keep in mind he didn't have any white paint available as the box top was already white.

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Demon or Devil face

To me the red resembles a Devil or Demon face. Notice the white spot where the eyes would be. There's also white for the teeth. This one stood out to me the most.

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Face of God

This one really looks like what I would imagine God would look like. Notice the white where the eyes would be, and nose in the middle along with eyebrows over the eyes.

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The yellow looks like Angels behind the demon. You kind of have to use your imagination on this one but my buddy says it kind of look like angels to him.

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Dog face or Demon Face?

Take your pick on this one. The one on the right side in purple looks like a demon dog face. The one on the left looks like a face of something, but I can't really figure out what.

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This is C.C.

C.C. is only 4 years old and is a smart little cookie who is about to start Catholic school next year, he's not familiar with devil's and demon's just yet. But it sure does make you wonder what's going through their little minds at that age.


Wow, this is actually kind of creepy! I'm eager to see his next paintings :)

You and I both.