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RE: Triple Stone wall piece comission

in #art7 years ago

I am sure whoever is receiving the surprise will be very happy! I have been curious about how you come up with such unique designs, and even though your sketches reveal a little bit of your thinking, I would love to know how you come up with these new concepts and the techniques you came up with to work with the material :)


I'm not really too sure to be honest! I've always been quite creative and a visual learner. The last year or 2 of my jewellery design is definitely a reflection of my style, or so friends have told me. The most recent pieces i've been doing are normally inspired by the stone i'm working with. the shape, colour, and depending on what it needs to become, pendant, earrings etc all have an influence on where the design goes.

@plushzilla on the question of unique designs, thats something i have always done i think. Its always felt a bit limiting producing the same or very similar designs over and over just because they sell. day to day me would love it if i could make "sellable" items everytime but creative me always overrides, its boring otherwise!