Untitled, ? & [ ⁓ ]fun

0.7mm 'Liquid Gel Ink' on paper, 'experimental' testing before depicting [motif association's with Tachisme/Lyrical Abstraction -European School only-, viewed 'subject' created from 'semi-surrealist' 'free associations', no realism/naturalism pruned-diminutive/minimalism avoided/simple surrealism rejected] with acrylic/oil/ink on canvas.
Issues of (against)-geometric space & Z-depth of the paper medium -reasoned partly effected by blanched unicolour uniform 2D canvas frame (hypothetically) distinguished/'resolved' using a coated foundation-, idiotic layering of curtain like onyx substance at foremost right corner whose contrast invites 'being applied' universally on page -here tiered-sequences of singular 'micro-enclosures' 'would be' levelled, 'potentially' visually cohesive i.e, 'empty space' inversed -generating difficulties for 'encapsulated' shape distinguishment etcetera etcetera ad infinitum aporias as 'in life' ('imbalance of antonyms' sigh...); & 'my' addition of connectives attempting to abridge such linear flattening reduced then 'affective character'/'aimed' superimposed disconnections.
That a central convergence 'exists' is damnably frustrating, nevertheless only a preliminary endeavour. In retrospect similarities appear (imaginary...) to the organized depth of a conventional 'world'-map, or obliquely a cosmos 'in deep-space' right-diagonally projected.
'world-life tree decaying'
'to shadow'
'ritual song'
[ ⁓ ]fun :
'perception circa-21st'
'a friendly-face'
'morning smile'